Chapter 2

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The ships were fully loaded and ready to set sail by dawn the following day. Soldiers and sailors bustled about, making final preparations before they went underway, their voices echoing across the deck.

Garret gave one last wistful glance to the peaceful island and the waving villagers, wishing he could just take a nice and long break and sit on that beach until he was burned to a crisp, but he had a job to do. Garret gave one last wave to the villagers before the sails snapped open, and the ship was pushed away from the island and back out to sea.

Garret glanced around the ship, feeling alert and ready for battle. He had had a better sleep last night than on the whole trip, which was definitely showing. The stars had been so bright, and the island so quiet and peaceful, making it the perfect environment for him to get a good night's rest, but not before a little bit of star gazing. From his spot on the beach, Garret could see all the constellations he had studied as a kid. The Hunter, The Unicorn, The Mermaid, and the biggest of them all, the Dragon, just to name a few.

But now they were sailing away from the island's peace and were back on course to the bustling hub continent, Clinmore. They were still a couple of hours out, but Garret was already preparing himself and his soldiers for the battle to come. His eyes scanned various pieces of parchment as he chewed the inside of his cheek, trying to focus on the words and his Lieutenant, who sat across from him, but his nausea stopped him from doing anything productive.

"Can you take over for a few minutes, Alric? I need to go up and get some fresh air." Garret winced as he slowly stood up, making his way to his cabin door.

"Why are you making me stay below deck?" Alric grunted, turning around in his seat to watch Garret, annoyance evident on his face.

"You have a better sea stomach than me, and you are fine with the tight quarters. And also because I'm the General, and I said so. That's a Lieutenant's job." Garret replied as he ducked his head to fit under the doorframe. He had already run into it at least fifty times. He did not want to make it fifty-one.

Garret slowly made his way to the bow, careful not to get in the way of the sailors or his soldiers readying the cannons and cleaning their weapons to prepare for the battle. Everyone was busy; not a single person was lounging around.

Perfect, I didn't even need to remind them. And this is why my crew is the best of the best. Garret thought, giving himself a satisfied smirk as he made his way to the bow, scanning the crystal blue waters for marine life or enemy ships. The sea was on their side today; Clinmore was getting closer and closer by the second. Just an hour ago, it had been a blurry blob, and now Garret could start to make out the coastline. He still couldn't see any enemy ships, but they would be within sight soon. Some of the Dragon Eye Battalion might have already seen it for all he knew. They were all split up throughout all the ships, but Garret had their second-best member on his ship, perched up high on the mast in the crow's nest. Or, in her case, Ravens Nest.

"See anything up there, Raven?" Garret yelled to the dark-haired soldier.

"Not yet, General, but we are about an hour and a bit away from hitting Emerald bay!"

Garret nodded and gave her a thumbs up before turning back to the water and pulling out his pocket watch. He glanced at the time and then the position of the sun, doing some mental calculations to see how much they could get done in the day.

"General Garret Sir!"

Ugh, not this guy again. Garret internally groaned, instantly recognizing the squeaky voice of the newest member of his Legion.

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