Chapter 5

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A.N. made some slight changes to this chapter so this is the updated version! Sorry for the slow updates, Uni was killing me, but im on break now so I will hopefully start updating more! 

"General Hawthorne, we heard the commotion, do you need any-oh, never mind." General Reyes said as he walked into the Mayor's office, glancing at the bodies on the floor and then at Garret, who still had the mayor's blood dripping down his face and armour.

"Good thing we brought some politicians huh? This town is going to need a new mayor." Garret said with a smirk, wiping his dirty blade on the dead mayor's jacket. He saw the looks General Reyes and Aria gave him, but chose to ignore them. They did things their way, he did this his way.

"General Argado won't like this." Aria murmured nervously.

One of the few Generals that outranked Garret, next to the Grand General, was General Argado. He was cruel and strict but he had to be at least a three to four day's sail behind Garret. He would have to hurry if he wanted to be out of Emerald bay before the other General arrived.

Argado would be bringing another couple of ships worth of soldiers and supplies to help finish taking over all the cities and provide enough forces to move into the more densely populated areas. They would need a lot more manpower if they wanted to take the rest of Cealta and Revalia and that's what he and eventually the grand general would be bringing.

"Let's get on with it then." Garret said with a cocky smirk, trying to hide the worry that clenched his gut. General Reyes just rolled his eyes and walked back out into the streets, but Aria glowered at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What's your problem?" He asked, frowning at her as they stepped out of the mayor's office and into the streets. Larovethian soldiers already milled about, carrying supplies off the ships, escorting the surviving Cealtan guards and soldiers to the prison; where they would be held until Garret and the other Generals would make a decision on what to do with them. The market had almost completely emptied out, except for the few brave vendors who were now selling their goods to the new arrivals. A sense of wariness hung in the air though, but also relief.

"You are my problem Garret." She grunted, her eyes scanning the market, the soldiers, the quaking townspeople. "You're... too much. You're asking to get your ass whooped by General Argado."

"I can handle myself fine against him. He's just a man." Garret scoffed as he slid his helmet back over his head, hiding his face from prying eyes.

"A man that can stop your heart without a second thought. And did you ever think about anyone else? The trouble we can also get in? You need to think about your actions!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Garret asked as he sauntered down the street beside her, idly twirling his sword. As he passed by one of the market stands, he snatched an apple off the table and kept walking, not bothering to pay the quivering man for it. He wouldn't dare threaten Garret if he wanted to keep his head.

"Exhibit a." Aria sighed, tossing a coin to the man.

"I'm just doing my job, Commander Torres. You and I both know General Argado would be just as bad, if not worse than what I'm doing right now. I didn't get to be the General of the Dragon Head Legion by being a nice, happy go lucky guy. I've got a reputation to uphold and I will do that. Will there be a problem with this, Commander?" He asked, spitting the last word out, reminding the Commander of her place in the chain of command. She may be his friend, but he was tired of her undermining him today.

"Just be careful Garret. I don't want this biting you in the ass one day and I don't want to see General Argado splatter you or make your heart implode or something. It's good to show a little compassion. These people have nothing to do with the war, they did nothing wrong. They are just trying to live their life." Aria said, patting Garret on the shoulder, before jogging off back towards the ships, probably to help unload or boss someone else around.

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