Chapter 11

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 Two days had passed since the first attack and all had been quiet. The army had slowly started working on repairs to Xolas, settling troops into open houses, employing the residents of the town in helping clean up and making sure they continued to tend to crops and livestock so Xolas could still be a functioning city.

Anika was still in a Coma, her body healing painfully slowly, keeping Garret constantly on edge. He could barely focus enough to continue training himself and his soldiers. Luckily he hadn't lost anyone else in his Battalion, but the ones that were gone still haunted him. They shouldn't have died, he should have done a better job at protecting them, he should have done more. He could have done more. He needed to train harder, but he could see and feel his soldiers' exhaustion and stress. They had lost their sword brothers and sisters, their closest friends, people that were like family and they knew just as much as he did that it was all his fault. Just like his sister's current state was his fault.Garret stared down at the mug he held in his hand, stared at his reflection and with a yell threw the cup as hard as he could, watching it shatter on the ground.

Cursing to himself Garret stood up and picked up the shards of glass before someone stepped in them, not caring as they cut into his hand. He would heal quickly anyways. His shoulder was already healed, all his other wounds from the battle were healed. But what did it matter? His ability was useless. He couldnt use it to help his sister or his soldiers. Only himself.

What a pathetic waste.

"General Hawthorne, news from General Argado." A messenger said softly, handing Garret a bound scroll.

Garret snatched the letter and waved the man off, sitting down heavily to read it.

Blah blah blah, disappointed, blah blah blah rest of Cealta secured, blah blah blah, rest of army arriving soon. Begin advance towards Revalias border, backup will arrive within the day. Attack as soon as possible.

Garret leapt to his feet and glanced at the still form of his sister. "I love you Anika, hang in there, help is coming. They have a Healer with them and he will be able to help you. Just hang in there." He whispered, brushing the hair out of her face before marching towards the battle planning tent, grabbing a soldier on his way to gather the rest of the Generals, Lieutenants and Commanders.

"Garret, what's wrong, why did you gather us all so quickly?" General Kaiser asked as soon as everyone needed to be assembled.

"General Argado wants us to march to the border and secure it. He is less than a day away from us and wants it done now." Garret said, sliding the letter to the other Generals to read.

"So soon? We have barely gotten our troops settled here, and we are going to need everyone if we are taking the border. We can't just leave the city with no one here!" Aria said in shock.

"I agree with Aria, but this is a direct order, we can't exactly disobey a direct order. We will just have to leave the city unoccupied till the Tail Legion and the rest of the soldiers that Argado is bringing arrive." General Reyes said, rubbing his hands over his face.

"What about the injured that are still in the medics tent? Do we just leave them here defenseless?" Alric butt in, the question making Garret stiffen.

"All of the medics are trained in combat if something were to happen, but we got rid of the biggest threat and I doubt the townsfolk will start killing helpless injured soldiers. They have been very peaceful during all of this." General Kaiser said softly.

"I can have the Wing Two Legion ready to march within half of the hour." General Asper said, glancing to her Lieutenant, a Fire Manipulator for confirmation.

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