Versus Traeger - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

Mark, Ryan and I continued to walk aimlessly through the dark rooms, occasionally jumping at the slightest sound. 

"Smoke. It's still in the air." Mark observes when we walk into another room.

"Yeah, he was just here." Ryan says, all three of us scanning the room. We all jumped and turned when we could feel and hear someone's feet hit the ground behind us.

"Still is." Traegers voice says. Using his god like strength he threw Mark and I across the room, both of us crashing into some shelves and then the ground. As I sat up holding my shoulder in pain, to see Traeger holding Ryan above his head, saying things to him, "Why don't you use it to rule!" He screams.

"Why don't you go to a doctor? You know veins are supposed to me on the inside right?" Ryan asks. "You look like the back of my grandmothers knees." As tense as the situation was I stifled a laugh at that while I pushed wood of off Mark.

"Ha. Humor. It doesn't mask your fear." Traeger says before yelling out in pain, letting go off Ryan at the same time, because of Harris who had came from behind, blasting him with the new cannon weapons. 

"How you like me know!" Harris yells, while me and Mark painfully stood up. Spyder was next to join the party with the weapons, then Mark, then myself, not before I picked Ryans cannon of the ground he had dropped, shoving it into his arms. Ryan joined in as well, just before we heard Traeger say,


"Science!" Harris cheers. Traeger was able to send almost a sonic blast type wave through all of, knocking the five of us over. When we looked up, there was a hole in the wall and he was gone once again.


We ran through the rooms trying to find Traeger, until we came across a door that was blown off, leading to a huge room, with a giant crystal shaped weapon in the middle, that Traeger was standing in front of.

"I think he went this way." Ryan says as we approached the busted door.

"Really I knew would have guessed." I said sarcastically, but very quietly.

"What's he doing in here?" Harris wonders out loud.

"Something bad?" Spyder suggests as we turn the corner.

"You think?" I said again.

"Shh!" Mark says harshly, probably annoyed at my sarcasm. "That must be what he's here for."

"Then we don't let him leave with it." Ryans responds while we amped up our weapons surrounding him from behind. "It's over! You know our weapons can hurt you and your surrounded! Just surrender."

"You hurt me," Traeger begins, "I respect that. I will never underestimate you again. As you have underestimated me." Red ooze began to form around his body, simpler to how Grey turns into her monster form, so we all knew what was coming. As he grew in size and height we turned and ran back towards the door.

"Move get to the robot!" Ryan yells as we ran. We were coming up to the ladder when we felt the ground shake and Spyder ran up from behind us screaming,

"Hugs everybody!" He put his arms over all of us, using the bounce belt to protect us from the falling ruble. "Ooh this is nice! A little alone time, Da-"

"Don't, say what I know your about to say!" I cut him off. He snapped one hand as the rubble stopped falling.

"Guys, he must have just ripped out that weapon and damaged the whole system." Harris says as we stood up. "It's overloading, if it explodes it will kill everybody in this facility."

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