Sacrifice and Trials//Chapter 84

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"We were tricked!! Didn't that old lady say, 'You can still go...' but once we did, it became 'illegal trespassing'!?" Nami explained in worry, "This is a fraud!! They can't do this!!"

"That's true." Usopp let out a sigh as he crossed his arms, "——However, even if she'd said, 'You may not pass,' we probably would've used force to get through." He shrugged.

Faythe leaned over his shoulder with a beaming smile, "I won't hesitate to kick an old lady's ass if necessary!" She grinned ear to ear.

Nami turned on the two crew mates with a dark face, "Shut up."

"—Anyways, now things have become really complicated." Pagaya muttered softly with sweat dripping down his face nervously, "If you're Class-2 criminals, we can't help you..."

Nami snapped at the two Skypiens who stood at least a full yard away, "Why do you have to stand so far away to talk!?"

Luffy watched the interaction with a carefree grin adorning his face, "—Oh well, it doesn't matter." He snickered, "We're already used to being chased by the authorities!" His smile then faded away and turned into a frown as he came to a realization looking at Nami, "Also, why did you come back?"

"Huh?" Nami raised a brow.

"We were just about to go to 'The Place That No One Should Enter.' For a big adventure... Wait... I meant to go there to find you..." He trailed off nervously as he noticed his slip up.

Nami gritted her teeth and raised a hand up like a praying mantis attacking pose, "You... Are a really bad liar!" She then proceeded to attack Luffy's forehead every time she scolded him with something new, "BIG ADVENTURE!?"

A strike.

"I told you! There are some really scary guys on that island!!"

Another strike.

"You're just saying that because you didn't seem them yourself!!"

Third strike.

"Even though I don't know if they're really Gods, their super and illogically immense power is real!!"

Fourth strike.

"An island like that... I will never go there a second time!!!"

And with the final hit to his already steaming bruise, Luffy reeled back with a seething suck of air, "Fine! We'll go by ourselves. You stay here!"

Nami scrunched her nose at his decision, "N—O!! Purserers are coming!! We're leaving this country."

Luffy stared at her, baffled at the suggestion, "LEAVE—-!?? DONT TALK CRAP!! Which is more important, or your life?!!"

Nami bared her teeth with a dead stare, "My life!! Followed by money."

Sanji twirled over with a lovey covey gaze, "Ah. Then followed by me??"

"Shut up."Nami shoved the blonde cook off to the side.

Luffy turned his head towards Faythe and grabbed her by the shoulders, "QUICK! ADVENTURE OR YOUR VERY LIFE!"

Faythe leaned back dramatically and threw her arm to the side, "I can smell adventure on the arisen! My life comes second to the beautiful taste of future adventures—!!" Faythe pointed outward towards the cloud sea.

Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper all looked at her with sparkling eyes, "Take us with you!!"

Faythe let out a laugh, "Of course—!!"  Nami ended the whole shenanigan by whacking the poor red head in the back.

Usopp full on moved on like it never happened, "—Oh by the way..." He held up a finger as he turned to Pagaya and Conis, "We kept trying to get to Sky Island, but we never thought about how to get back!" The realization and panic set in as Usopp tried to get a answer, "Is there a safe way back!? Can we really go back to the Blue Sea!?"

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