A Nice Conversation//Chapter 100

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Waking from her blurry slumber, Faythe blinked her sapphire eyes of any drowsiness as she slowly leaned up from her spot. A sudden shot of pain ran up her spine and arms as she tried to raise a hand, "Augh-!" She hissed at the burning sensation.


The red head turned to her head to see both Wyper and Conis scrambling over to aid her.

"Your awake-!!!" Conis cried out wrapping her arms around the red head, "I'm so glad! I thought you had died when Nami and Luffy brought you back down from the battle against Enel!" Tears streaming down her face in water currents.

Faythe just laughed at that, "What are talking about, course I wouldn't die from such a measles attack!" She pat the blonde girl on the head, "I'm a member of Luffy's crew who needs to go find the lost star! No way am I dying to a wannabe God just when I learned some new clues!"

Wyper's brows raised, "The lost star?"

Faythe grinned up at the other red head, "I'm looking for the Heaven's Fallen Star!" She threw him a piece sign.

Everyone in the room silenced at her statement. Faythe just now noticed that a lot of people were inside this medical tent.

"What?" She smiled nervously.

The whole room erupted in cheers and shocked realizations, Faythe even spotted some old men and old woman tearing up which made her slide more under the blanket covering her, "Uh... Did I say something wrong-" Her question was cut off by a couple of children rushing towards her with the brightest expression.

Their gleaming eyes looking up at her own sapphire ones with childish curiosity and wonder, "Are you really the Arcus!?"

"Can you really turn into a giant bird like the stories say!?"

"Are your feathers really made of the mystical colorful rainbows!!?"

Faythe stared at the children in a daze as she thought over their questions with a smile, "I'm the self claimed Arcus you guys keep talking about. But I actually have a name that I prefer to be called..." She unconsciously combed her fingers through one of the girl's locks.

A few of the children awed, "A name?? What's your name!?"

Wyper and Conis glanced at each other with a curious look.

Faythe smiled up at the two skypieans, "My name is Faythe Marie."

One of them kept asking what does that mean.

Faythe smiled and held one of their hands, feeling how tiny it was compared to her's, "Faythe means loyalty and belief while my middle name means Star of the sea."

The children squealed at the meaning, "Doesn't that mean your the fallen star that the Arcus dropped!?"

"No stupid that doesn't make sense! Isn't she the Arcus???"

Faythe chuckled at their childish bickering, "It's not really anything to think too deep about, "But you can call me Faythe instead of Arcus. It gets tiring hearing it repeatedly after that whole traumatizing event." She chuckled lightly.

"Ah!" Wyper ducked his head down in respect as he thought he did something unconventional, "Forgive me, Lady Faythe, I had no idea you held such regard to that title!"

Faythe just laughed at his nervous demeanor, "It's alright, Wyper, no feelings were hurt." She grinned.

Wyper just watched in awe at her forgiveness, his hand slowly holding onto his covered bandaged chest. His skin feeling a little flushed and hot in the room he kneeled in.

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