Giant Gold-Fish!?//Chapter 18

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Faythe had woken up from her little nap on Zoro's shoulder, and is now sitting on Dorry's shoulder. She learned that Luffy had taken care of Mr. 3 and Golden Week.

Brogy and Dorry seem to have settled there little argument, and it seems that information from Luffy states that when a giant cries it looks like a waterfall, so rainbows appear behind them.

"Faythe! Usopp says you won your fight!" Luffy shouted with his casual grin.

"You bet I did! He was annoying the hell out of me!" She grinned back, hoping off Dorry's shoulder like it was nothing. She walked towards Usopp and Luffy as they ate cracker like things.

"You little ones really helped us back there. If there's anything we can do to thank you..." Brogy started off.

"GEYAGYAGYAGYAGYA! I had completely forgotten about the bounties placed on our heads!" Dorry tilted his head back and let out a hearty laugh.

"But even so... It's originally my fault, that those agents came to this island..." Vivi spoke up, looking down sadly.

Faythe slowly got up, and walked towards where Nami was pinching the Princess' cheek.

"Don't say that!" Nami scolded sternly.

Faythe did a little twirl and slapped her other cheek, lightly.

"Did you put the bounty on their heads?" Faythe said softly, putting her hand on her shoulder.

"N-No.." Vivi stuttered, rubbing the stinging burn on her cheeks.

"Why the long face, Vivi?" Luffy stated out, laying down, holding his head up my his hand, "Wanna eat some senbei?"

Usopp and the duck, Carue were both on either side of Luffy snacking on the cracker snacks.

"Where the heck did you get those from?" Nami asked curiously.

"I want one!" Faythe twirled back to the group of boys and grabbed some out of the bag.

"See, nobody here blames you for anything." Nami smiled, pointing her thumbs over at the group fighting for the crackers.

"Alright! Time for a senbei party!"

"Yeah, let's get this party started! Take it all off, Nami!" Usopp shouted out laughing.

Nami poked his eyes with a peace sign, earning a loud painful screech from Usopp.

"AHAHHAHAHHA! You eyeballs are on fire, Usopp!" Luffy shouted out, falling back.

"That was so stupid, Usopp!" Faythe's cackle rang out in the air.

"Idiots..." Nami said tiredly, looking at the trio.

"One more time! One more time!" Both Luffy and Faythe chanted together to see that glorious moment again.

"We're in serious trouble if we have to wait a full year for the log to record." Zoro reminded the crew, sitting down on a log.

"Exactly! This is no laughing matter." Nami agreed.

"Can't you misters do something about that?" Luffy stood on a boulder and pointed at the giants.

"Don't speak nonsense. Even we can't do a thing about Logs." Dorry waved off.

"I dont mind sticking around here for a while. Dorry and Brogy seem like nice people!" Faythe laughed out, giving Dorry and Brogy bigger grins.

"I like this one!" Brogy barked out a laugh and pointed at Faythe.

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