Part 3

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I was pulled from my bed and dragged to the living room where she had the news on and my eyes widen "BREAKING NEWS, WE DO NOT WANT TO ALARM ANYONE BUT IT SEEMS WE ARE HAVING A ZOMBIE OUTBREAK, please stay indoors and don't leave your house, don't make a sound and most off all don't get bitten" the man on the screen said before it turned black. I was freaking out but I knew I wasn't the only one so I slowly look to my side at my mum and there she was sweating even though it was not hot inside "Baji, Baji..." was all she said before looking at me.

"Takemichi, Baji is not here, he's gonna get hurt" she just kept repeating over and over and over again and eventually I had enough so I made her a tea but I put sleeping pills in it so she can calm down. She took it and fell right to sleep and I looked outside, I saw a few people well they ain't people. This went on for weeks, mum would wake up and worry about Baji, we would then get in a fight cause I knew how strong he was and he was not a child no more, I would feed her before she tries to run out and find him so I have to drug her again. "This is tiring mum.....why do you care so much about him...what about me, I'm your child too and I'm scared" I said while stroking my mums hair while she sleeps.

Eventually I started packing a bag cause we needed more food and all I did was turn my back for a second but that's all that's needed for this woman to run. My mum bolts for the door and flings it open "BAJI BABY IM COMING" she yells what catches my attention and turn to look at her running, my eyes widen and I run after her but I was too late by the time I get too her she looks at me and shows her arm and my eyes widen seeing she's been bit "m....mum" was all I could say as tears fell from my eyes but all she did was smile "Takemichi I'm so sorry......I know I'm worried for your brother but I should be more worried for you" I ran over and gently punch her chest.

"YOUR SELFISH...YOUR SO SELFISH, WHAT ABOUT ME, mum I'm scared......all I had was you and know your leaving me alone..." she took every punch I gave her before patting my head "I know and I'm sorry....I never really let you do anything as a kid cause you were such a sick kid and when I did allow you to do stuff I never done it with you and I'm sorry" she spoke before taking off her necklace and placing it around my neck "take it to remember me ok" I stared at her shocked before we heard sounds and it scared us both, she shoved me back towards the house and I started running thinking mum was behind me when I heard a scream, I stopped and looked back. That was not a good choice.

There with 4 zombies on them was my mum being ripped apart infront of me, my tears feel down "MUM NO" I yell and was about to run to her "NO....DONT, FIND BAJI" she yelled at me and I stopped, tears filled my eyes as I turned around a bolted back home while being followed by zombies. I shut my door and slide down it crying, after a few hours I fell asleep and that was my mistake. I'm the morning I woke up to zombies arms coming through the window so I quickly get up and run to my room, I grab my bag and stuff some shorts and a top in the bag before I grab the cat plushie and put it in there "uh where are my, FUCK" I yell before I realise my shoes are at the front door.

Just then I hear I front door smash open "crap, not enough time" I grab the bag and open my window and jump from the second window and land in the pool, I climb out and run. I don't stop until I know I'm about to drop. 

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