Part 10 {last part}

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No one pov:

Everyone waited, people at the shrine waited for Takemichi while Takemichi waited for Baji but that time never came. After hours off waiting Takemichi sighed "they ain't coming...guess I have to be the bigger person" she said before standing ready to get off the building and head back when she was suddenly grabbed and thrown back hitting the roof hard. She let out a gasp as the wind was taken out off her before slowly looking up at who grabbed her. Her eyes widen seeing 2 men, one walking over and one crouch down seeming to be the one who grabbed her.

" are one hard girl to catch and we are fed up, why didn't you just stay out huh, we could have protected you but yet your selfish and selfish people need to be punished" Kisaki said before handing Hanma hes bag, Takemichi tried kicking or punching Kisaki away when the man sat on her. "No need to fight, I'm here to save you, like I always have done" he smiled before smacking Takemichi's hands away and quickly grabbing her neck and squeezed tight. Her eyes widen and she kicks her legs more while grabbing Kisaki's hands to try and remove them. That never happened, she was never able to remove hes hands and she was slowly trying to gasp for air. Hanma walked over and out a hand on hes shoulder.

"Kisaki, we need her alive remember, if you want this plan to work" was all he said before Kisaki let go and got up but not before he ripped Takemichi's mums necklace from her neck. She gasps for air while trying to grab the necklace, Kisaki looks at her before squatting down and putting a hand on her head, he smiles "don't worry, I'm only borrowing it know rest, your time will come" and just like that she fell asleep "Hanma...take good care off her, she's all we have know" he spoke while Hanma gently placed her head on hes lap and noded. With that Kisaki got down and went back to the shrine, necklace in hand with an evil smile.

Everyone was panicking, angry or worried cause Takemichi has not come back yet, that's when Kisaki turned up "woah, what's going on here?" He asked grabbing everyone's attention, Kazutora was the first to speak "where is she?" He asked, everyone was confused before he ran over and grabbed Kisaki by the front of hes dirty top "YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING HER FOR A WHILE, SHES GONE AND YOU TURN UP, WHERE IS SHE?" He yelled, know everyone is worried, Kisaki was getting angry so he pushed Kazutora away "don't, I came here cause I found this on the ground, seems she ended it cause your all asses" he spoke as he threw the necklace at then, it landing on the floor with a light clank before he left with a smirk.

Years later

It has been years and the people who survived have got together and killed all the zombies while trying to rebuild their cities and little towns. Through this time the boys have finally come to terms that Takemichi is dead, she ended it that day. Well Baji and Kazutora hasn't, they have a feeling Kisaki was lying and she's still alive cause Baji knows Takemichi would die with that necklace and she won't leave without it while Kazutora knows Hanma was not with Kisaki witch might mean he had Takemichi with him.

It was a warm sunny day and the boys had to go help rebuild some buildings hear the edge of the city, it was a normal day to them when they suddenly hear a familiar voice, they all spun around searching for the voice. "It was, it was her wasn't it?" Baji asked as the others nodded, eventually they find it and the person who it belongs too. Standing there smiling and messing around was none other then Takemichi, clearly alive but it was who she was with. It was Hanma and Kisaki. Baji slowly walked over trying to grab the girls attention "Take-chan let's go, we need to find you some cute glasses" Hanma said while giggling "hey, she's cute anyway without them asshole" the boys argued before Takemichi grabbed Kisaki's arm "babe don't be like that, be nice" she spoke while everyone looked shocked.

This broke Kazutora but he knew something was off, Takemichi didn't have the shine in her eyes like she did before, they were about to walk away when Baji yells "TAKEMICHI" with that the girl stops and looks back and her eyes widen like something just came back to her.

"B-Brother" was all she said before charging at them crying. Their Takemichi was back and was alive, nothing was gonna take her away again.

In the end Takemichi forgave Baji for what he said, she got married and had kids with Kazutora making the whole gang uncles to twins. One boy and one girl just like her and Baji. While Hanma and Kisaki looked from the side lines knowing they missed out one someone special cause of here horrible attitudes.

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