Part 8

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They panicked as they could not see me nor did I say a word, the girls started crying and Kazutora well he froze not knowing what to do but reality smacked him in the face since he went into protective mode. He swung around and grabbed the two girls before pulling them into a hug to try and calm them down, after a while it worked and they feel asleep. "Don't worry....I'll wait for you" Kazutora spoke to himself and that's what he did. He waited until night but nothing, he waited until morning and still nothing. He looked at the girls before signing "come on....we have to move, Takemichi ain't coming back" he spoke.

The girls were about to cry but by know they knew it was best so they packed up and was about to move when they heard something "uh, girls hide" he whispered so the girls darted behind some rubble while he grabbed a knife and slowly walked over to where the noise was coming from, next thing I know a knife was being swung at me "IM A FRIEND" I yell before the knife could touch me, he froze before I smiled "I'm back" he dropped the knife like it was on fire and hugged me, soon I felt the girls hug too. They let go and Kazutora checked my face and my body to make sure I was real and not bitten "uh hahaha I'm real Kazutora thanks for waiting" I said before he looked at me again and sighed.

"Take-chan, how did you manage to survive? We thought you were dead" Mana said while Luna nodded, I let off a little awkward laugh before explaining what happened "well after I fell I was knocked out for what seemed like ages but when I woke up it was dark, I was trapped under rubble so I had to try and move it without it falling on me more so eventually I got out but was not fit to fight so I had to make sure not to be seen by zombies and well here we are" I smile only to reserve a little plaster on my face "you had a cut on your cheek, sorry I don't have anymore" Luna said I just thanked her and rested for a bit before taking my stuff back from Kazutora and heading out.

We made sure to stick together and be more cautious well when I stay stick together I mean the girls never left my side and Kazutora made sure to keep an eye on me 'Jesus that one encounter made them act like this, god I love these people' I thought before a small hand tapped me, I look down to see Luna, she had a massive smile on her face "what is it Luna?" I asked "it's here, the shrine where my brother is" she spoke while darting off with Mana not far behind, my eyes widen and I dart after them "KAZUTORA THE GIRLS" I yell to get hes attention, I could tell I got it cause I heard him run after me. We ran after the girls killing any zombies who dare touch them. We eventually catche them "l-Luna...Jesus I'm tired" I said but catches my breath while Kazutora was laying on the floor, I made them both look at me "why did you run off, don't you remember it's dangerous out here, you could have died" but they never stopped smiling before they pointed at a barricade "that's it, that's the bottom off the shrine stairs, our brother is up there" they said and I froze while Kazutora quickly sat up shocked "we made it, haha we made it" cuddling the girls before walking over to the barricade.

"Well this is not a great barricade, how did they survive. Anyone can get through this" I looked at Kazutora who shrugged "well can't be carful they are a gang, girls stay with Kazutora while I sneak in, there could be a trap" I said and they all nodded, I was just about to go in when I was yanked back, my eyes widen "just one moment Takemichi" "hmm what is it kaz-" I could not finish my sentence cause our lips connected, I went bright red but kissed back, we finally pulled away "uh ha sorry I've been wanting to do that since we were kids" he screeched the back of hes neck, I smile "same here, well then guess you are the only one to predict me" I said before disappearing behind the barricade. After I saw it was safe I went back. 

"Hey it's sa- uhhhh what's going on?" I asked seeing Kazutora sitting on the floor being scolded by the girls, they look my way "oh take-chan, well we are just telling Kazutora to treat you right or else" they smiled and ran over "oh hahaha good job, anyway it's safe go ahead and wait inside" I said and they done as they were told, I looked back at Kazutora "well then, seems you had fun" he stood up and walked over "who knew little girls are so mean" he laughed and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers before we walk in. "Know, my worst enemie, stairs" I said setting everyone off "ha shhhhh we need to be quite, we don't want to send them into attack mode" they agreed but we agreed when we were half way so we had fun the first half.

Eventually we got there but I saw my boy lace was loose so I told them to go ahead and they did.

No one pov:

Kazutora and the girls went ahead and saw they didn't have another barricade or anything else to protect them, so he sighed "Jesus these boys are stupid" he spoke but was startled by screaming "BROTHER YOUR HEAR" the girls yelled while crying, they ran over to a gray-ish purple heard man, he's eyes were wide and looked before crying himself and hugging them. This caught the attention off everyone else so they came out their tents and saw the scene but also saw Kazutora and went into attack mode, hes eyes widen and flung hes hands up "wait wait wait, I come in peace I swear" he spoke while Mikey walked over "what do you want Kazutora, you ain't welcome here" he spat clearly not over what happened "well I wanted to make sure Luna and mama got to their brother safe al- Tora" he was cut off and looked but was shocked, there stood Baji.

"Wait they let you out" and he nodded "well then your job here is done leave" Mikey said sending hes kick towards Kazutora, everyone's eyes widen when they sea a blur off black hair and someone stopping Mikey's kick, everyone thought it was Baji but he was standing where he was.

Takemichi pov:

I was done with my boot and followed the rest only to see someone yelling at Kazutora, by this point I didn't see Baji only this little blonde dude sending a kick towards my man. Without thinking I drop my stuff and bolt towards it blocking the kick like it was nothing. I saw everyone was shocked and the blonde moved back before Kazutora put hands on my shoulder "are you ok" "uh yeah I'm fine, that kick was nothing" I smiled before I heard someone walking towards us, me thinking someone was about to attack I spin round ready to attack but my eyes widen and tears fall seeing who it was.

"Baji/Takemichi" me and my brother said together while also shocking everyone.

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