Part 9

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I slowly move forward while a waterfall leaves my eyes but not only me, Baji was crying as well. I slowly reach my hand up and touch hes face "omg, ha your real haha your actually real" I said before being pulled into a tight hug while others whispered. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice "uh omg Takemichi your here, your alive" I let go off my brother and see Chifuyu running over, I smile and whip my tears before jump on him making us fall while Kazutora, Baji and the girls laugh.

"Ok first what's going on here?" I hear another speak, I got off and help Chifuyu stand before looking at the man who spoke, standing there was a giant, he had blonde hair in a barde and a dragon tattoo on the side of hes head. I was about to speak when "oh I never told you guys huh this is Takemichi" my brother spoke while I waved "hi" I smiled, someone walked over before grabbing my hand and kissing it "names Mitsuya and I'm the older brother of those Angels, come know Baji, you never said you hanged out with such a cute girl before" he spoke while I didn't look amused.

I was then grabbed and pulled into a tight protective hug, I look up only to see my brother and I laugh cause he was giving a death look to he's friends. "Woah calm down Baji, I'm sure there is enough to share" the small blonde said while the others laughed except Kazutora and Chifuyu who knew who I was, on the other hand hes hug got tighter before "YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY TWIN SISTER OR ELSE" he yelled catching everyone off guard while the girls, Kazutora and Chifuyu looked amused. "Wait Baji, you have a twin sister and didn't tell me, I'm hurt" the short one said "haha and sadly I'm taken" well that was the end off me.

Without warning my brother grabs my shoulder and shakes me "YOUR WHAT, WHO ARE THEY, ARE THEY DEAD, WHATS THIER NAME" he kept yelling but finally Kazutora and Chifuyu pulled him off me as Draken steadied me so I can stand properly. "Clam down, you actually know him" I stretched "it's Kazutora" I smiled and it went silent, I looked confused before my brother burst out with anger and started chasing Kazutora with something sharp while yelling he's gonna kill him. I just laughed before I was hugged by Luna and Mana. "Uh haha hey girls, I guess it's time for bed come on" I said as I take their hands and walk them to a random tent with Mitsuya following behind.

I tuck them in like normal and kiss their heads "hey...I just wanna say thanks" I looked up at him "no need to say thank you, I saw them and for some reason wanted to help" I stood up before looking at a know bowing Mitsuya "I really mean were there when I wasn't, I was a coward and ran...not staying to find and save them" I rolled my eyes and bonked him on the head, he yelped in pain before looking at me "what was that f- don't, it's fine.....everyone is like that, my own brother did the same...he never came for me" I nearly cried knowing he wasn't looking for me, Mitsuya must have noticed cause he hugged me to help.

After a while off talking we went outside to Kazutora and Chifuyu telling the others boy how they met me. We sat and eat dinner, getting to know each other and before long it was like we were all friends, we were all talking about making this place better and it more secure when something clearly caught my brothers eye, he stood up and walked over to me while catching everyone's attention "huh, Baji what's wrong?" "Why are you wearing that?" He asked while slowly picking mums necklace off my chest to look at it, my eyes widen before I stand and take it back.

"Takemichi answer me right" "mum gave it too me ok, is that what you wanted to hear" I spoke trying not to cry "wait mum gave it too you, where is she, Takemichi don't tell me you left her alone out there" I didn't say anything as I held the necklace and tried not to cry as the memory's of that day came back, I was lost in thought without realising Baji got closer "Takemichi, please tell me you didn't leave her alone, tell me you didn't" yet again I stayed quite, I could see everyone was on edge and probably waiting for an answer but knowing my brother he was getting impatient. Before I knew it he grabbed my shoulders in a tight grip "TAKEMICHI, YOU LEFT HER DIDNT YOU" he yelled in my face as tears fell down, everyone was shocked and tried to calm him down.

I tried to get hes hands off me but couldn't, he grabbed my hands in a tighter grip while everyone panicked "SHUT UP ALL OFF YOU, TAKEMICHI YOU SELFISH BITCH, YOU LEFT OUR MUM" "NO BAJI, SHES DEAD" I yell as the tears finally all fall, my brother let go off me while everyone else froze. "No....your lying" he spoke, clearly broke but I didn't speak  giving him the answer he clearly didn't want " left her to die...THIS IS YOUR FAULT" my eyes widen "my fault....I KEPT HER ALIVE FOR THE FIRST WEEK, WHERE WERE YOU BAJI HUH YOU PROMISED TO KEEP US SAFE" clearly that took him back but not enough.

"OH SO WHAT THIS IS MY FAULT, ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU WERE WEAK TAKEMICHI, MAYBE WE WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF WITHOUT A SICKLY CHILD" this broke me, my eyes widen and I go pale but he wasn't done "ITS YOUR FAULT I NEVER GOT A NORMAL CHILDHOOD, IF YOU WERE NOT HERE MAYBE PEOLE WOULD HAVE NOT BULLIED ME, MAYBE I WOULD NOT HAVE HADE TO FIGHT SO MUCH" my breathing started going and I was frozen 'he wanted me own brother' I went even more pale "Baji please...I-I tried" I spoke but that only made him more mad, he suddenly raised hes hand and went to smack me and without thinking I closed my eyes shut.

I waited for it, for the pain but it never happened so I slowly opened my eyes only to find Kazutora holding bajis hand to stop him from hitting me and Chifuyu standing next to him. "That's enough Baji, if your mum has taught us anything it's to never hit girls let alone your own sister" Chifuyu said "can't you tell you have scared here enough, you basically just said you wanted her dead cause you failed to protect her and your own mum" Kazutora continued. Baji looked horrified at himself before taking hes hand away from Kazutora before looking at me.

"T-Takemichi...I'm so sorry, I don't kn- find Baji" I cut him off "Find Baji was her last words, I looked away for one second and it was over" they all stopped and looked at me "ever since this whole thing started all she's ever cared about was finding you.....she didn't care what happened to me or her...all she wanted was her healthy, good fighter off a boy to come home" "Takemichi I- DONT, ALL SHE EVER WANTED WAS YOU, I WARNED YOU THAT DAY IT DIDNT FEEL RIGHT BUT YOU LEFT ANYWAY, MUM WOULD STILL BE ALIVE IF YOU ONLY LISTENED TO ME" I took a breath "but it was only when she was being eaten she said sorry to me, sorry for not loving me as much as you....I was the child she never wanted cause even in the end she never wish me luck to survive....she told me to find you I guess your right maybe it would be better if I wasn't here"

I walked off or should I say ran off back down the stairs back towards the barricade while they all yelled for me to come back.

No one pov:

Takemichi kept running and disappeared behind the barricade, Kazutora was angry so he turned around "BAJI WHAT THE FUCK, THAT GIRL HAS RISKED HER LIFE TRYING TO FIND YOU, SHE BASICALLY SAID SHE WATCHED YOUR MUM DIE, SHE TOLD ME SHE WENT TO EVERYWHERE SHE THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE AND LET ME TELL YOU THOSE PLACES WERE COVERED IN ZOMBIES" Kazutora was then pulled away by Chifuyu while Baji looked around and everyone was clearly not happy with him.

"What have I done.....she was the only family I had left....." he spoke while tearing.

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