Part 7

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I started running at full speed with Kazutora next to me "TAKE CARE OFF THE ONES ON THE OUTSIDE, LEAVE THE REST TO ME" I yell even though he protested, I run up a bunch off rubble from a broken building nearby, jumping off the end of it and aiming for a zombies head. I make contact and smash it's head to the floor while a sound breaks out and I assume it was Kazutora taking one out. I pull out my knife and start killing them knowing if I use my guns then I would have to find more amo but not only that it would attract more zombies and we don't need that right know.

After a while we finally killed them all and to say I was exhausted was an understatement, not only me but Kazutora too, I put my knife away and look back up at the tree at the 2 girls before slowly walking over "hey..hey it's alright, you can come down know it's safe" I said in a calm voice but all they did was cry 'what cou-' I was thinking to myself before I got cut off by yelling "HEY, DONT BE BRATS AND GET DOWN HERE" Kazutora yelled but it only made the girls cry more so I slap him over the head, he yelps in pain before grabbing hes head "hey don't be a bully, they are only kids" I spat at him before looking around me 'maybe could it be' i thought before I wiped the blood off my face into my sleeve.

I look back up at the girls and smile before slowly putting my arms out "it's ok girls, it's safe I promise" and without another word they both jumped, my eyes widen cause I didn't think they would jump together but lucky I caught them both. They kept crying and clung to me for dear life and it broke my heart seeing them scared "kids like you should not see this....I'm sorry you did" I spoke before putting them down and patting their heads. "Kazutora let's move, your yelling probably attracted more zombies, stupid bastard" I whispered the last bit before taking the littles girls hands in mine and leading them to a 4 story building. I checked to make sure it was safe then took them to the 3rd floor and sat them down.

"Ok, wanna tell me your names?" I asked whipping the tears off their faces, one nodes before speaking "my name is Luna...this is my little sister Mana" the so called girl named Luna said, I smiled "my name is Takemichi and that over there" I said while point at Kazutora who's sitting on the broken window, who I assume is looking for zombies "is Kazutora, so wanna tell me where your parents are?" I asked but they went silent, it took a while before I got them to speak "no...our parents are dead, we were traveling with our older brother to somewhere he said was safe but we got separated" Luna said and her little sister crys, I took her into a hug before Luna continued "we made a plan incase this happened though.....we were meant to meet at a shrine" I looked at them confused "what do you me- oh your on about that shrine" he cut me off before walking over "I know where that is, is the gang or people your on about called tomon?" He asked and the girl noded.

"Wait, my brothers in that gang" I say excitedly "maybe he could be there, he could be alive" I smile "so who's your brother?" Luna asked while Kazutora tried to hold back a laugh when I said Baji, her face was shocked "wait, your hes sister no way" she said before grabbing my face "your too nice to be hes sister, I don't believe it" and with that both me and Kazutora bursts out laughing 'god I love this kid' I thought. This went for a while, Luna and Mana roasting Baji while me and Kazutora tried not to die laughing and eventually they both fell asleep so I put my blanket over them and put their heads on my lap for a more comfy pillow. "Kazutora" I said knowing the boy is still awake, I got a hum as a response "we need to hurry and get these kids back to their brother.....they don't deserve to see all this killing, they deserve to be safe" I said before a hand gently touched my shoulder "I know" he spoke before it went silent.

This went on for a few days, we would wake up, eat, move, fight some zombies while trying to keep the girls quite, find a place to stay and sleep then repeat but it never got old until one day we came to something we never thought we would see again, we stop and stare "no way, how is it so clean?" I asked before I hear giggling and the girls running but Kazutora grabbed them "hey, you can't go in unless you change" he said and the girls wined while I smile at the scene 'they really came a long way huh, from the crying girls in the tree scared off Kazutora to know where they are arguing'. I walk over with my bag and open it checking for something before looking up and gently, well I say gently but I basically ripped Kazutora away from them and nodded at the girls. They both smile again before dropping their little bags before running and jumping into the river.

"Takemichi they might catch a cold, they don't have a change off clothes" he wines before I let go and give him a smirk "we'll look who's being an overprotective parent" I teased, he stares at me with wide eyes "and don't worry they won't catch a cold, I have spare clothes for them" I smile before he sighs "Jesus, I hate you so much right know and I don't know how you do it, your like a mum" he flicked my forehead before taking hes jacket and shoes off before running and jumping into the river with the girls. I laugh just knowing we can have this time to relax before it gets tense again. "MICHY, COME JOIN US" I hear Mana yell before she waves "uh I don't know about th- why scared" Kazutora teased and I took that as a challenge so I took our stuff and hide it before taking my own jacket and shoes off. I ran and jumped in splashing everyone, we just started laughing.

It was nice but all good things must come to an end, suddenly we hear Mana scream and point so we look and see zombies, not many but they are still there. I swim over and cover her mouth before Luna and Kazutora swim over to us "shhh we need to keep quite, if they see us we are dead, we have no weapons" I whisper before slowly taking my hand off mana's mouth and slowly hand her too Kazutora. "Ok listen close, this place ain't far from the buildings over there" I point at some building nearby "make a dash for it while I make a dash for our stuff, make it too the roof and wait for me" this shocked them all and they were about to protest "don't. Do what I say. Go. To. The. Roof" I said with venom in my voice and they all nodded, I made a gesture for them to move in the opposite direction to me and they did.

It was going well, they were being quite while getting out and running while I swam back and tried to get out while trying not to be seen. I suck in a breath and crouch down while walking to our stuff before squatting down and packing it before running to the rest "please be sa-" I was interrupted by screaming and knew who it was, I dashed to the building only to see a group off them getting close to Kazutora and the girls, they were on the second floor but it had a giant hole in it so they had no where to move. "Crap, YOU FUCKERS JUST CANT STAY AWAY" I yell before grabbing a giant piece of concrete and smashing it over a zombies head, grabbing anything to kill the group and after a while I managed to kill them all before walking over to them "h-hey....oh god I'm tired" they cheered and ran over before hugging me.

"Know the roof, we can go through that hole" I pointed to the hole before we well I mean me, before I helped Kazutora get on top before slowly passing Luna to him. He suddenly went pale "Takemichi hurry up, some are coming" he said before pulling Luna up and holding hes hand out for Mana, my eyes widen before turning back and seeing some approach so I quickly picked Mana up and tried to lift her to Kazutora but she was too small and we could not reach "TAKEMICHI HURRY" he yelled so I tip toed but not yet their, suddenly I feel the second floor, floor slowly getting weaker so I had to make a call before both me and Mana crashed. I took off my bags and threw them up as well as everything else "Takemichi what are you?" "GRAB HER" I yell before throwing Mana at Kazutora, he's eyes widen but he manages to grab her and pull her up before lowing he's hand to me again "come on, you have ti- ha I'm sorry....please wait for me, I'll be back" was the last thing I said before the floor collapses under me sending me down to the first floor.

He eyes widen as well as the girls "TAKEMICHI"

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