Part 5

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"So do tell, how was juvie treating you?" I asked as I let him go, him letting go to and not looking to pleased "well it was alright, after going back so many times I got used to it but....I missed your visits" he looked sad "I...I missed them too but there was a reason why they stopped" I spoke while playing with my hair "explain" was all he said.

Flash back ———————

It was a rainy night me and mum was watching a film while Baji was at hes friends, it was a mother and daughter bonding time but it was cut short by a phone call. Mum paused the movie and picked it up "yes this is she....what, no not my Baji" the call went on for a while before she hanged up and looked angry so I turned to her slowly getting off the couch "Mummy....what's wro-" I was cut off by a coughing fit catching my mums attention and her running over to catch my falling body. "Takemichi dear what have I said" she said as she gently placed me back on the couch and covered me with a blanket "something came up with your brother, I need to go get him" she spoke in a soft voice before turning the movie back on and heading for the door, I slowly fell asleep while watching the movie just before she left.

Hours went past and I heard the click off the door so I rubbed my eyes as I sat up and watched the door open only to see my mum dragging Baji in by hes ear while yelling at him. "Mummy....why are you yelling at brother" I say as I get up from the couch, both mother and Baji look at me as tears fall down my eyes "please don't yell at brother, please" I beg as I slowly walk over to them trying not to cough or sneeze, Baji basically ran up to me and hugged me before whispering "shhhhh.....everything is alright Takemichi just sleep" and with that I feel asleep in he's arms feeling safe and warm.

This went on for a few days, at night he would come in and hug me like he was sorry for something but it didn't feel right, mum would always yell at him after he got home cause he went somewhere he wasn't meant too so I declared the next day I would follow him even if it killed me. So the next morning came and like normal I would say bye to Baji before sneaking out myself while my mum was not looking. I was wearing a cute little skirt overalls with a top while my hair was back in 2 pigtails.

{like this, just ignore bakugou}

I followed my brother close but had to catch up when I had to couch but eventually we managed to get there, it was a tall-ish building but it was big

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I followed my brother close but had to catch up when I had to couch but eventually we managed to get there, it was a tall-ish building but it was big. I waited outside for what seemed like hours before my brother finally came out and took off running what I assumed was to hes friends so I took this opportunity and walked into the building.

I walked over to the front desk but I was not tall enough for the man to see me so I had to tip toe so I could just about see over it "um....e-excuse me" I say catching the man's attention, he looked over then down to make eye contact with me "hmm oh hello sweetie, what are you doing here" he spoke as he got up and came round so I could see him better, I was nervous since I've basically never been out the house so I fiddled with my fingers and my skirt "um...I uh, I just umm I wanted to see someone" tears pricked my eyes cause I was afraid to be told off but when I looked up all the man did was smile "well then can I have a name?" He spoke softly, it made me smile "umm I don't know the persons name brother Baji visits them a lot" and that's all I had to say for the man to look at me surprised "wait, your siblings with that little firecracker" and I slowly noded in response while he laughed "don't worry dear, he visits so often I know who your talking about, go to ro-" he stopped and looked at me while I looked nervous.

So he took my hand in he's and walked me down a long hallway and too a room before opening the door "wait in here Angel they will be here soon" he said before closing the door behind me, I look around the room to see a table and 2 chairs while on the other side was another door. I sigh before coughing a bit but I manage to make sure it didn't turn into a fit "mmm......I've got this" I motivated myself before sitting in one of the chairs and looking down at my hands. After a while I heard the door open but was afraid to look up before I hear a boys voice.

"Baji, what's up, you have already been h-" he stopped as I looked up at him clearly showing I wasn't Baji, the boy went to leave but I quickly stood up and ran over grabbing a little bit off hes sleeve and he stopped. "Please wait....I just want talk to you abo- Mikey" I was cut off by the boy and I looked confused while he turned around to face me "what...what are you talking about?" I asked only for the emotion on the boys face to turn off "Mikey sent you here didn't he, he told you to come and torment me" he spoke while getting closer so I backed up "what no....I don't even know who that I-" I ducked as a punch came my way so I crawled under the table while crying.

"ADMIT IT, HE TOLD YOU TO COME" he yelled as he grabbed the table and threw it across the room, my eyes widened and I look at him but it was to no use the boy jumped on me pinning me to the floor by my neck while he yelled "ILL KILL YOU AND MI- BROTHER" I cut him off while crying and screaming, kicking around while holding the boys arms to try and get him off, this only made him more mad "YOUR BROTHER WONT SAVE Y- BAJI" I screamed witch surprised the boy and he let me go but didn't get off me. He watched me cry with a shocked and confused face before getting off me and I quickly ran to a corner crying.

"Wait wait wait, how do you know Baji?" He questioned me, I didn't look at him "I...I'm he's twin sister" I said between crys and the boy went silent before I heard him walking over to me then it was quite. I slowly looked over but to my surprise he was right next to me, my eyes widen and I could tell a coughing fit was coming and before I knew it I was coughing witch turning into a coughing fit, I was going pale from lack of air and before I blacked out I heard this boy yell for help. What seemed like forever I finally woke up but I was in the arms of this boy while he was asleep. I sat up only to see Doctors looking at us "oh thank god your ok" they said as they walked close and kneeled infront of me for picking me up and walking back to the others "seems your ok but we have to do a check up" they said before leaving the room with me.

We done a check up and everything was fine until a doctor came running in saying that Kazutora they said he name was, was awake and throwing stuff around. They all ran to the room we were just in and I followed, I peaked my head in only to see the room destroyed and everyone trying to calm him down so I walked in and headed towards him "Kazutora.....are you ok?" I asked "TAKEMICHI GET AWAY FROM HIM, HES DANGEROUS" the doctors yelled witch made me flinch and that didn't go unnoticed by Kazutora so he full on ran at me me but to the doctors surprise he hugged me.

"Takemichi, thank god your ok.....I woke up and you wasn't here" this surprised me but I slowly raised my hand and patted the boys back "don't worry Kazutora-kun, I'm ok" and smiled before the doctors cutted in "Takemichi, it's time to let go, he's dangerous" I looked at them "no....he's not dangerous just, misunderstood" I said while he clung to me more. After a while and a lot off arguments the doctors finally left leaving me and him alone.

We had fun and this went on for a while, as we grew up I would slowly sneak games or treats or just random stuff into our meetings and by then I knew what my brother and he did but I didn't hold it against them and soon I feel for him but the meetings stopped

End ————————

"Well" I laughed a little "I talked to my mum and the day the zombies broke out...we were gonna come bail you out and make you stay with us" I looked away while he's eyes were widen and shocked

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