Part 4

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After hours off running I finally drop, lucky I was passing through a house. I dropped on the ripped up old carpet with heavy breathing and bleeding feet. "Why....why don't you give them back to me" I said, my hands going into fists and hitting the ground while crying "BRING THEM BACK TO ME RIGHT KNOW" I keep hitting the ground till my knuckles bleed and I can't feel the pain no more, I was in my own little world until a sound snapped me out of it. I dart my eyes around only, not moving my body so I don't make a sound, finally my eyes land on someone walking in the kitchen but it wasn't just someone it was a zombie.

'Shit, my screaming must have brought it here' I think as I slowly move to stand up, I was doing so well until a piece off blood dripped from my hand and splattered on the floor, I froze as the zombie slowly looked at me before screaming and running at me. My eyes widen and I run 'Shit..this skirt is not helping, never should have dressed like this' I stop to take a breath only to hear the zombie not far behind so I panic and try to start running again but my legs hurt 'crap this hu- wait why am I running, come on Takemichi use what Baji taught you' I scolded myself as I look around trying to find something well anything that could help me.

"Found y-" I could not even finish my sentence when I was suddenly grabbed and shoved to the floor by one of those fuckers, I try not to scream, cry anything but I fight back while also trying to keep their mouth away from me. I look up to see the metal pole I was gonna grab and try to reach for it but it slips away again "COME ON" I scream as I shove the zombie far enough for me to move enough to grab it and shove it in their mouth. I stand up and kick the zombie away before running over and ramming the pole right through its brain. It's body hit the floor sending blood everywhere, blood spattered all over my face and clothes as I breath heavy before letting the pole go "omg....I just, I finally killed one" I step away before making a run for it again before others show up.

After a while I stop and walk into a building to have a rest and make a game plan, it took me a while to get here. Dodging, fighting or even running from those things took all the energy out of me. I walk up to the second floor after making sure the house is safe and realise they left everything behind, maybe to run for it I guess so I walk in and take some of the mothers clothes. "I guess this will do" I throw on a top with one of the dads shirts and some trousers before rummaging for some shoes and I manage to find some boots and I put them on before finding a hair band. Tears filled my eyes as my brother came to mind, as a kid I would always put hes hair up in a weird ponytail before he goes and trains at the bojo, he would come back and say people made fun of him for it so he would beat them up before he would smile at me to make me feel better cause I wasn't allowed outside cause I was a sick child, I would smile back then it just stuck, he would always putting hes hair up ready for a fight " you bro" I say before putting my hair up just like him but leaving a small fringe out so I didn't look weird.

{something like this just with ripped jeans and hair up/black hair}

I look through the rest off their things only to find some bandages, pain killers and some cleaning stuff like rubbing alcohol

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I look through the rest off their things only to find some bandages, pain killers and some cleaning stuff like rubbing alcohol. I stuff it all in my bag and was about to leave the room when a picture frame caught my eye so I walked over and picked it up, my eyes widen to see it was a family off 3. A mother with 2 kids, a son and daughter. "Dam....must be hard" I said as I slowly put it down, I wondered how the kids room is seeming since it was only a 2 bedroom house and they were boy and girl so I walked in and froze, my bag hitting the floor at what I saw. There tied to the radiator was a young boy, no not a boy, it was a young looking zombie while not far away was the corpse off what seemed to be the little girl.

"She stayed behind....she didn't want to leave him" I spoke in a soft voice knowing I would do the same if that was my brother. I looked at the little girl, she was holding a little red dog while the little zombie boy clutched onto a little blue dog. I feel silent before grabbing a pair of scissors and walking to the little boy, I grabbed some cloth from the bed and shoved it in hes mouth before saying "you can rest know" before plunging them into hes head and catching hes body. I layed him down before going into the garden and digging a massive hole and putting the 2 children inside with their little plushies and covering them up before heading back inside and closing the bedroom door. "Mum must have abandoned them for her own selfish"

I slept in the parents room for the night before waking up the next day ready to survive. I take one of their throw over blankets and put it in my bag with whatever food and drink I can find, the bag wasn't that heavy seeming I'm kinda strong, I kinda have to be since I fight with Baji. I make a game plan to check every spot I think my brother will go and start doing it but weeks later I still can't find him. I grab some extra stuff in the proses though like more clothes, food and even weapons. I became good at the whole surviving thing and I wasn't scared so that night I bunkered down.

Back to present day

"Uhhh yeah, why would I not be?" The boy asked confused as he sat down next to me "stupid don't listen to me, it's been ages" I jump on the poor boy before continuing "I missed you so much Kazutora-kun" he hugged me back and laughed "don't worry, I missed you too"

How did these 2 totally different people meet, keep reading to find out.

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