Part 6

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The silence went on for way too and it was killing me so I sighed before taking the bag off my back knowing it was getting to late to make a move, I finally looked at Kazutora only to realise he was staring at me the whole time. My face went red and my eyes widen 'say something stupid' I jabbed myself in my head and just went for it "sooo I like how the yellow has faded out" he looked at me weirdly "what are y-" I pointed at hes hair "if I remember you had bright yellow" I laughed "you looked like a weird banana and it would be easy for the zombies to see you" I kept laughing knowing the zombies can't get me. After a while he joined in "ha yeah I guess so, lucky huh".

We kept chatting for a while to try and catch up, I found out that someone in hes juvie turned into a zombie so the guards let them all go but it seems Kazutora was the only one to make it out the building, I told him how I slowly recovered a bit but not entirely, I was still sick but not as bad. I ha I umm somehow left out the bit about mum dying, it would have broken him and brang back bad memories for me. It was about 11 at night, I had a watch to check by the way and we finally decided to sleep and knowing zombies can't get us we both slept. It was about 3am when I was awoken to a sound, it startled me so I grabbed my flashlight and looked around only to see that Kazutora was gone but he's stuff was still here. "Kazutora-kun" I said trying not to draw attention to myself as I snuck around the roof.

I searched everywhere but could not find anyone or Kazutora. I was freaking out so I ran back to my little base and started packing stuff up when I heard people talking on a roof across from me, I stayed low so they could not see me but to my surprise I was grabbed from behind and my mouth was covered. Let's just say I was scared, terrified even so I started trying to break free even some tears started to break free from my eyes but a familiar voice came out of my holder "shhh, be quite" he said and I knew it was Kazutora, the tears slowly stopped knowing I was ok, I fell silent as a indication I was ok so he took he's hand off my mouth. "You have to stay quite, I heard them earlier and went to check them out" he whispered in my ear so they can't hear us "it seems they have been following you cause they were complaining about how they lost sight of you" he spoke again in a whisper before I slowly poke my head out to see who was following me.

I notice 2 figures standing on the next roof over, one really tall and what seemed to have a long earring while the other was small with something on hes face. "What th-" I was about to say before a flashlight was lit and the shorter one point it at the taller one "Hanma, we lost her again....when will we ever catch this girl and remember don't make a sound or else she might hear us" he spoke in a cold tone while the other smiled "calm down Kisaki, we will get her sooner or later and who cares she's probably asleep somewhere nearby" he clapped hes hands while the other clearly was not impressed. My face started to pale at the names they said, they panned a flashlight over to where we were and I quickly stepped back well fell back into Kazutora to make sure they didn't see me, little did I know I was shaking. Kazutora caught me with not effort, spinning me around and hugging me tight to try and calm me down. After a while I calmed down and the 2 other boys left but I was not out the woods yet, it was clear Kazutora wanted an explanation but I was not ready. 

We sat in silence at 4 in the morning eating a granola bar, he sighed "Michy-chan....I know it's hard but you need to explain how you know them" he spoke, clear worry and sadness in he's voice but I stayed quite, not even looking at him. He sighed again before coming close to be and gently grabbing my face in hes hands and glaring at me "Takemichi Keisuke, I demand you to tell me how you know them. Right. Know" he spoke, not sad, not worried but angry. A single tear left my eye as I look at him 'speak, speak stupid, he's worried about you......he only does this when he wants to help' I told myself before blurting out "bullies....they were bullies" tears finally left my eyes and I looked somewhere else, I could tell he was angry but not at me " and why?" He asked whipping the tears away with hes thumbs.

I stayed silent before speaking "they umm....they bullied me cause I wasn't as healthy or smart as them....they would pull my hair whenever it was up or whenever they found out Baji did it cause they thought it was weird and they would call me names" I stopped before taking a breath "I never told Baji or mum cause I wanted to be strong hurt and I umm, I wanted to end it" and with them words something happened I never thought, I heard crying but it was not me so I look for the source and it was Kazutora "don't....DONT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN" he yelled catching me off guard, my eyes widen "I STAYED, I CARRIED ON CAUSE I KNEW I WOULD SEE YOU OUT OFF THAT BUILDING SOON........I stayed calm for you so don't leave me" I teared and I felt bad knowing I just hurt someone cause off my own problems so I slowly remove hes hands from my face and take him into my arms.

"Don't worry.....I'm not going anywhere cause I have a job to do and I have some people I want to see and beat up again" I spoke while he calmed down and feel asleep in my arms, I smiled and played with hes hair "don't worry.....I won't leave you until the times right cause I feel something bad is gonna happen" I kissed hes head and waited for him to wake. It was know 7 in the morning this little idiot woke up, I was sitting on the edge of the building playing with my little knife when I heard a sound and without thinking swung my knife around but he stopped it before squatting down "haha woah there, better be careful next time or else I might not be able to stop it" he laughed witched caused me to laugh "well better keep your guard up cause I'm someone you can't predict" I pulled my arm away before putting the knife back in my boot. "Well then, I can't wait until I'm the only one to predict you" he smirked before grabbing my hair and and putting my hair up in a bun.

We collected our stuff and walked to the different edges off the building "seems we are surrounded, so we have to move by roof" I spoke before heading to the edge and jump across the gap before looking back "huh, what have you never traveled by roof before?" I asked but he scoffed and jumped over "of course I have, what dumb question is that" he walked off but I could tell he's just stayed in one area while I explored so I roll my eyes and follow, we talk, we fight, we eat and rest before finding a little shop "hey" he said before grabbing my wrist yanking me back "let's change your clothes, if those guys are still following you then we need to change" he spoke before dragging me inside totally forgetting their could be zombies. Lucky there wasn't any and their was still clothes so we searched through them to help find clean ones.

"Here try this on" he said handing me stuff and pushing me into a changing room, I sigh and begin to change and look in the mirror "wow I like" I said before coming out to see hes reaction and there he was, eyes widen, face with pink on it "well what do you think?" It took him a while but he finally replied "it looks, haha it looks like you" he walked over and put my hair back up in a bun before we left the shop.

We carried on walking until we hear screaming but it wasn't just any screaming, it sounded like 2 little girls

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We carried on walking until we hear screaming but it wasn't just any screaming, it sounded like 2 little girls. Me and Kazutora looked at each other before darting towards the sound and too our shock there they were. 2 little girls hiding in a tree as zombies try and reach them. "Let's save them" was all I had to say before we started fighting.

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