Bab 5: Teka-Teki Perasaan

50 4 9

" Can you explain why shark finning is dangerous for marine ecosystem? Isn't the fishermen caught the whole shark and take their fins?" 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" Can you explain why shark finning is dangerous for marine ecosystem? Isn't the fishermen caught the whole shark and take their fins?" 

"As the trade in shark (and ray) fins can be so lucrative, it is very attractive to fishermen and middlemen – and organised crime syndicates. In contrast to fins, there is less demand for shark meat (fins are worth 20 to 250 times the value of meat by weight) so instead of landing whole sharks, which take up space on board, the fins are cut off the sharks, often while they are still alive and the rest of the shark is thrown overboard. Unable to swim properly, they suffocate or die of blood loss from their huge wounds – the marine equivalent of elephant and rhino poaching. That is why we should stop the shark finning to protect the marine ecosystem. "

"So is it possible to stop shark finning, especially in Indonesia? Meanwhile, many restaurant still selling shark fin soup out there. "

"Grup A from Citra Buana High School, please explain your argument."

"Uh.. Wha-What can we... uh.."

"Louder please! Everyone can't hear you, you are a high school student. Don't be nervous like an elementary student. It's embarrassing."

"What can we done to stop shark finning are; ban the removal of fins at sea,ban transshipment at sea- transshipment is used to avoid proper catch reporting and to launder IUU caught fish, Increase observer coverage on ships and Improve the implementation of port state measures to track down IUU fishing." 

Degup jantungku masih terasa usai debate competition, sampai-sampai aku sempat berkeringat dingin. Aku lega, Sean mau membantuku berlatih speaking beberapa minggu sebelum debate competition dimulai juga memberi banyak masukan sehingga semua berjalan lancar.

"Rin, minum dulu."

Sean menyodorkan sebotol minuman jus buah dingin padaku seraya ikut duduk denganku di luar aula SMA Citra Buana.

"Meskipun kali ini kita menang, tapi di semifinal nanti bakal lebih sulit lagi topiknya. Makanya, penting buat sering riset dan banyak baca artikel. Kalau kita lolos sampai ke final, baru bakal direkomendasiin buat kompetisi nasional dan bisa jadi peluang besar supaya lo resmi dinobatkan jadi delegasi MUN." 

Aku meneguk minuman jus perlahan, seraya menggenggam botolnya dengan erat.

"Berarti, lawan kita juga bakal lebih sulit dong? Tadi aja, gue  nyaris minder karena berhadapan sama anak SMA Internasional. Gimana kalau nanti, kita gagal gara-gara gue gugup?"

Sean tersenyum dan mengusap pundakku.

"It's okay Rin, selama kita terus latihan dan tetap percaya diri pasti bisa kok ngikutin lomba dengan lancar. Gue yakin, mereka yang asalnya dari sekolah internasional itu, juga pernah ngerasain minder dan gugup. Semua itu manusiawi, Rin. Apalagi, lo baru pertama kali ikut lomba debat yang mengasah kemampuan speaking." 

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