Chapter 12

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'An unfortunate comparison. I can assure you that Hellenic Lady is seaworthy and safe.' Edward stepped back onto the marina and bent down to scoop her up into his arms before stepping back into the launch with her.

He had acted so fast that Bella hadn't had a moment to do more than utter a startled squeak of protest. Then he set her down again, settling her into a padded seat by his side. The speedboat was racing across the sea before she could even catch her breath. A night on a yacht, she thought ruefully. Well, that might be fun, she conceded, and fun had been in very short supply since she'd arrived in Marmaris as Jenna's pretty much unwelcome guest.

'OK?' Edward prompted as the launch reached the yacht.

'I'm fine.' Bella swallowed back her worries and allowed him to guide her up a gangway.

Edward didn't know what had come over him. He wasn't the caveman type but as soon as he had seen her anxious expression he had panicked, deeply unaccustomed to the idea that she might be changing her mind, and he had snatched her off the marina and got her into the launch as fast as he could. Bella Donovan brought out something in him that he didn't like, something very basic and elemental and essentially...unnerving. Possibly once he figured out what that mystery something was he would feel better about it.

A man in a peaked cap greeted Edward, and Bella didn't know where to look because she was embarrassed, convinced that their plans for what remained of the night had to be obvious. Edward wafted her away up another staircase and down a corridor. He spread open the heavy carved doors and invited her to precede him.

Her sea-glass eyes widened to their fullest extent, stunned appreciation etched on her lovely face as she slowly executed a circle to take in the full effect of the gorgeous bedroom. Huge windows looked out on the starry sky and the dark rippling water so far below. Edward hit a button and blinds buzzed into place to seal them into privacy. Blinking, she turned, eyes skating hastily over the opulent bed with its perfectly draped oyster silk spread. There were paintings on the walls, honest-to-goodness oil paintings, at least one of which looked sufficiently classic and imposing enough to be an Old Master.

'Would you like a drink? Something to eat?' Edward enquired, wondering why he had brought her to the master suite when he usually took his lovers to one of the guest cabins for the night. He had always been a very private man.

'No, thanks. I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of my depth with all this,' Bella confessed, hands shifting to shyly indicate the unbelievable luxury of her surroundings.

And yet she looked as if she belonged, Edward thought suddenly, her hair a river of fire across her shoulders, framing her astonishingly vivid little face, light green eyes flickering with uncertainty against a pallor that only made her freckles stand out. She truly was a beauty in a very natural way that was entirely new to a male much more accustomed to women groomed to a high standard of artificial perfection.

'It's only money.'

'Only someone with pots of it would say that,' Bella quipped, straightening her slim shoulders. 'We're from very different backgrounds, Edward.'

'There are no barriers here.' Edward stalked closer, surprisingly light and quiet on his feet for so large a male. He reached for her hand and drew her towards him. 'I wasn't exaggerating when I told you how much I wanted you, meli mou.'

'What did you call me?'

'Meli mou?' His mouth quirked as he brushed a stray red strand of hair back off her cheekbone. Her hair felt like silk against his fingers and she was much smaller than his women usually were, the top of her head barely reaching his shoulder in spite of her fantastically high heels. Her diminutive stature gave him the oddest protective feeling. 'It's Greek for "my honey".'

'I'm more tart than sweet,' Bella warned him.

'Sugar cloys,' Edward husked and he wondered if that was the very basic truth that explained his reaction to her. She was independent and outspoken and he had never met anyone quite like her before.

He stroked a finger across the pulse flickering madly at her collarbone and her breath tripped in her throat. 'You keep touching me...'

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