Chapter 61

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'I phoned Josefina and asked her to put dinner back an hour because I knew I was running late,' he told her, pausing directly in front of her to gaze down at her with shrewd dark golden eyes. 'How have you been?'

'Good, really good. Edward...I sent you a text from the hospital but I don't think you got it,' Bella said uncomfortably. 'I owe you an apology for some of the stuff I threw at you.'

'You were very distressed.'

'It wasn't the right time or place to spring all that on you,' Bella muttered guiltily. 'I was in a bad frame of mind.'

'Understandably,' Edward cut in, stroking a long soothing forefinger along the taut line of her compressed lips. 'You're very tense. What's wrong?'

Bella backed away a few steps to clear her head. That close to Edward, her very skin prickling with awareness and the familiar scent of his cologne teasing her nostrils, she found it impossible to concentrate. 'If you'd got that text you'd have known that there's nothing wrong,' she told him with a wary half-smile. 'You were right and I was mistaken. I was being too pessimistic. The second scan picked up our baby's heartbeat the following morning.'

Edward froze, his ebony brows pleating in bewilderment. 'You're saying...?'

'That I'm still pregnant and everything looks fine. Feeling a bit sicker, mind you,' she burbled, suddenly shy beneath the burning intensity of his appraisal.

'You haven't lost the baby? Truly?' Edward pressed, striding forward, dark eyes alight like flames.

'Truly,' she whispered shakily as his arms closed tightly around her and she leaned up against him for support. 'Sometimes I'm a terrible negative thinker, Edward. I only realized you didn't know about the baby when my father came to see me today. I thought possibly you hadn't mentioned the baby on the phone because you had changed your mind about certain things.'

'Well, I have changed my position on some stuff,' Edward stated in a driven undertone and then he startled her by swinging her up into his arms and spinning her around in a breathless rush. His charismatic grin lit up his lean dark features. 'That's the most wonderful news, meli mou! I didn't quite grasp how much I wanted our baby until I believed he was lost.'

'You're making me dizzy...put me down,' Bella urged, perspiration beading her short upper lip. With a groan of apology, he settled her down at the foot of the bed where she lowered her head for a minute to overcome nausea and dizziness the sudden spinning motion had induced.

'Are you all right?' Edward demanded, crouching at her feet and pushing up her face to see it. 'You are pale. I was an idiot. I just didn't think about what I was doing.'

Bella's nebulous fears about how Edward would react to her news had vanished. Edward was being so normal. There was no distance in him at all and he had been genuinely overjoyed to learn that she was still pregnant. That was not the reaction of a male who was considering the possibility of reclaiming his freedom with a divorce. Relief quivered through her slim, taut frame.

'I'm fine, Edward. I just get a little dizzy if I do anything too quickly. I've also been sick a couple of times,' she explained prosaically. 'It's like my body's finally woken up and realized it's pregnant.'

'It'll settle down,' Edward forecast cheerfully. 'How did things go with your father today?'

'What made you go and see him?' Bella asked instead.

'Well, I knew you wanted to meet him and I thought it would give you something else to think about,' he paraphrased a shade awkwardly. 'Bella—I've never felt so helpless in my life as when I believed you were losing our baby...'

'Me wasn't something we could control.' Bella's fingertips stroked soothingly down his cheekbone to his strong jawline. 'All my worst instincts went into overdrive.'

Edward sprang lithely upright. 'No, I saw your point once I thought over what you'd said to me. I did make it all about the baby rather than about us. You could even say I used the baby as an excuse. Considering that I wanted you the very first moment I laid eyes on you and never stopped wanting you, I wasn't being honest with either of us.'

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