Chapter 29

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Bella tilted up her ass and locked her slim legs around him in acceptance. 'I'm not made of eggshell,' she whispered teasingly.

With a groan of relief, Edward surrendered to the raw need riding him, easing out of her tight channel to slam back in again with a glorious sense of satisfaction.

Bella couldn't catch her breath as he moved with animalistic power, powering into her with a hard-driven sensuality that filled her with splintering excitement. Her whole body was reaching for and craving the ultimate crest and when it reached it she soared high as heaven. The intense pleasure radiated through her in an astonishing crescendo of sensation that left her trembling with little aftershocks of delight for several minutes afterwards.

On another level, she was conscious of Edward leaving the bed, doubtless to dispose of the contraception he had employed. She waited for him to return and then heard the shower running, slowly and unhappily realising that there would be no cosy togetherness in the aftermath of intimacy. That surprised her, for Edward was very prone to affectionate touching, not stand-offish in any way. Was he afraid of giving her the wrong message? Apprehensive that a little cuddle might make her that he felt more for her than he actually did?

Bella shifted uneasily in the bed, her brain now clear of the overwhelming pleasure that had left her mindless. She was painfully aware that she was developing feelings for Edward Zikos, far beyond the boundaries of those she had first envisaged. Considering how insanely attractive Edward was, she supposed her reaction to him was fairly normal and naturally there was something even more attractive about his insatiable desire for her ordinary self, never mind the fact that he was the father of her baby. Obviously, she didn't want to get hurt by falling for someone who didn't feel the same way. But then, nobody wanted to get their heart broken and this was not only a time for her to consider her future as a mother but also a time in which they could get to know each other better and explore their feelings.

By the time Edward came back to bed, Bella was sound asleep. Around dawn she shifted up against Edward and the sheer novelty value of being in bed with another person was probably what awakened him. In the darkness, he lay still, listening to Bella's even breathing. He frowned and very gently removed the arm he had inexplicably draped around Bella before quietly easing out of the bed to pull on jeans and a shirt. He padded through to the vast expanse of the main reception room and checked his phone for messages.

There was a text from his father: Anatole would be in London on Saturday and wanted to know if Edward would still be around. Edward almost groaned out loud. He would be on the other side of the world by then but he now needed to move Bella to another location because the London apartment was used by both his father and his brother. Leaving Bella in residence would entail explanations that Edward was not yet ready to make.

He raked impatient fingers through his tousled black hair. What was he playing at? What the hell had he been playing at when he took Bella back to bed again? That was no answer to the mess they were both in and had probably only complicated everything more. He was maddened by his sudden unprecedented loss of restraint and discipline the night before and exasperated by what he saw as his own irrational behaviour.

Sex had always been purely physical exercise for Edward. Anything even one step beyond simple fuck was dangerous in his view because it could open him up to the risk of destructive attachments and desires. He had not had to worry about that before because he had never connected in any more lasting way with a woman he had been intimate with.

He swore under his breath, grasping that it was a little late in the day to acknowledge that he was getting in too deep with Bella Donovan. Hadn't they enough of a connection in the child she had conceived? Getting involved in an affair with Bella would be foolish because when it finished relations would inevitably sour between them and potentially damage his future relationship with his child. Why hadn't he thought about that reality? Why hadn't he thought about what he would be encouraging if he had sex with her again? Most probably raising expectations he was highly unlikely to fulfil?

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