Chapter 37

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The hotel was small, and unassuming from the outside but the last word in elegant opulence and service on the inside. Within minutes of her presenting the card, her luggage was collected and she was settled in a large and beautiful room complete with every possible luxury. The bathroom was a dream and as soon as she had unpacked Bella laid out clean clothes for her meeting with her aunt and went for a bath in an effort to relax her sadly frayed nerves.

She felt so unhappy. In all her life, Bella had never felt quite so unhappy. She had always been alone but she had never felt lonelier than she did at that moment, cut off from everything familiar and at her third change of address in the space of a week. The following week term started and she would be back in class and facing hospital placements. But for the first time ever Bella wasn't looking forward to getting back to her studies. The events of the past worrying weeks had taken their toll and she was exhausted.

Edward had broken off his engagement so that he could ask her to marry him. A sudden involuntary surge of tears stung Bella's gritty eyes. Only now was her brain calmed enough to consider that truth. He was trying so hard to do the right thing even though he had started out doing the wrong thing by not telling her that he was engaged. Did she give him points for that? Bella heaved a heavy sigh. She had been falling in love with him, weaving dreams, seeing a future that might include him, and then Marina had blown that fantasy out of the water. Marina had spelled out the reality that Edward had not only lied to Bella, but was also a regular playboy. That crack Marina had made in which she admitted having expected Bella to be a blonde bombshell in a pole dancer's outfit had lingered longest with Bella. Evidently, Edward had betrayed his fiancée more than once. He was a liar and a cheat just like her father, who had also turned out to be a great deal less interested in raising his own child than he had first pretended to be.

* * *

Della Donovan was seated in a corner of the busy coffee shop when Bella arrived. She was immaculate in a smart suit, her blonde hair in a chignon; her critical gaze scanned her niece in her trademark jeans. And for the first time ever, Bella felt like picking up on that faintly scornful appraisal and asking when she had ever had the money to dress as smartly as the rest of the family. She suppressed the urge, recognizing that now that she had moved out of her aunt's home, where she had always had to watch every word to keep the peace, such humility no longer came naturally to her.

'Bella...' Della murmured with a rather forced smile. 'How have you been?'

And to Bella's astonishment, her aunt engaged her in polite small talk.

'You said this was urgent,' Bella finally reminded the older woman, wondering what the heck was holding her aunt back from simply saying whatever it was she wanted to say.

'I'm afraid I have to ask you a rather personal question first.' Her aunt pursed her lips. 'Is Edwards Zikos the father of your child?'

'That's private—' Bella began.

'Oh, for goodness' sake, I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important!' Della snapped, for the first time sounding like her usual self.

'Yes...he is,' Bella confirmed grudgingly.

The older woman paled. 'I was hoping I was wrong because I was very rude to him and even ruder when he asked for you.'

Bella was unsurprised. 'I'm sure he'll get over it.'

'A man that rich and influential doesn't have to get over anything!' Della Donovan argued in a fierce undertone. 'Edwards Zikos owns the company your uncle works for. He channels work for that company through the legal firm I work for. You're far from stupid, Bella. The father of your baby has a huge amount of power over your family and if you don't keep him sweet, he could punish all of us.'

It was a bittersweet moment for Bella, hearing herself described as part of the family for the very first time, but she was thoroughly disconcerted by the genuine apprehension she could see in Della's anxious face. 'You're seriously worried about that risk?'

'Of course, I am. Zikos has a name for being hard, ruthless and unforgiving and I'm asking you to smooth things over with him for your family's sake.'

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