Chapter 13

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His eyes glowed potent gold. 'I can't keep my hands off you. Is it a problem?'

Bella's lashes screened her eyes. She wasn't used to being touched and he did it with such ease and spontaneity. Her mother had been physically demonstrative, when she had been sober, and their brief time at the commune in Wales had been almost happy. But, after her mother's death, her uncle's family had been much more reserved and Bella had received little physical affection from them. 'No, not a problem,' she said in a low voice, thinking she had better watch herself with him because somehow he was getting under her skin in a way she had not foreseen.

'Thee mou, it is as well because I'm not sure I could stop.' Edward slid off his jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair, a lean brown hand tugging roughly at the knot on his silk tie and casting it aside.

I'm only with him to have sex to lose my virginity and gain a little experience, Bella reminded herself doggedly. No other feelings should enter the equation. If she kept it simple and straightforward, she wouldn't get hurt as her mother had been hurt, putting her future in a man's hands and learning her mistake too late. She had only been a little girl when she had first found out about her father's betrayal but the memory of her mother's pain had lingered.

'Hey...' Edward turned her head back to him to stare down into her haunted eyes. 'Where did you go just now? Bad memories?'

Bella reddened with chagrin. 'Something like that...'

'Another man?' Edward gritted, appalled by the rage that flooded him at the idea that she might be thinking of lost love while she was with him.

'Not that it's any of your business, but no,' Bella countered succinctly, lifting her chin. 'I don't allow men to screw with my mind.'

'Only your body?' Edward breathed, reaching for both her hands to tug her to him.

Her copper lashes lowered and she glanced up at him from beneath their spiralling cover. 'Only my body. I hope that's a deal?'

'We're talking too much,' Edward gritted, on fire from that provocative upward glance of hers, scarcely able to credit that she was warning him off wanting anything more than sex. Wasn't that his line? Hadn't that always been his line? It made him feel curiously insecure, not a sensation he enjoyed.

His mouth enveloped hers again and the piercingly sweet thrust of his tongue made her shudder, heat surging up from her pelvis, sending fingers of flame to make her pussy tingle and swell.

'I'm going to undress you very, very slowly...' Edward said, 'revealing only one tiny piece of you at a time.'

Her tummy performed a somersault, consternation filling her as she wondered if she would be up to that sophisticated challenge.

Edward'S LIPS WERE aggressive and smooth on Bella's as he lifted her and laid her down gently on the bed, breaking contact only to flip off her shoes and let them fall.

Bella breathed in deep, mastering her nervous tension, terrified of letting it show. Of course she could have told him the truth that she was a newbie in the bedroom, but she was convinced that it would seriously dent her desirability in his eyes. And being treated as if she were rather more beautiful and seductive than she was felt especially good to her at that moment. She wondered where the bathroom was, knew she would have preferred diving in there to undress before reappearing casually wrapped in a towel or something. But wouldn't that be aping a fifties bride on her wedding night? Shyness and inhibitions were not, she told herself impatiently.

'I love your hair,' he told her, stroking the tumbled strands as he sank down on the bed at the same time as he removed his cufflinks and unbuttoned his shirt. 'It's a gorgeous color.'

'I got called "Carrots" at school and hated it for years,' Bella recalled with a rueful grin.

'When you smile, meli mou, your whole face lights up,' Edward said softly, lowering his head to claim another passionate kiss that rocked her even where she lay, her body behaving like a Geiger counter detecting radiation, strange new reactions awakening.

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