1 :: Ringing Bells

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"He arrives forth, ringing the bellFrom the lacunae of darkness"

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"He arrives forth, ringing the bell
From the lacunae of darkness"

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There is an unbreakable bond which binds man with nature and the earth. The beauties of the earth fascinate man. Every object of nature is a source of beauty and happiness. Everyday we are weaving a wreath of flowers. This flowery band binds us to the beauties of this earth. That's what romantic poet, John Keats described earthly bondage as.

However, science defines that binding force as gravity which pulls every object on the surface of earth near its core.

"You must immediately turn your internet on, damn!" Yeonjun Choi awoke with a start from his dreamy peace, grabbing the ringing phone. Dazed, he tried to read the name on the flashy screen without his prescribed spectacles. With a power of -7, he was almost blind without them and even nearer objects seemed to have blurred in his part hypnagogic state.

"Why should I?" He squinted at his digital clock. It was merely any time over half past 4:00 am.

"I have something you need to see. I can't discuss it over the phone."

"I'll have a look of it later when the time is closer to the term appropriate. Tug yourself back in the bed, Taehyun. Let's discuss about it at my place in the morning."

"But, Hyung, listen! It's about a murd-"

"Good before dawn. Sleep."


Blocking the contact number temporarily, Yeonjun tried to close his eyes and fall back asleep. It was useless. The incomplete word, which the child had tried to convey, was emblazoned in his mind. Reluctantly, he pushed his duvet off his body and peered over the other side of the bed.

Assuring himself that Soobin was still asleep, he walked out of their bedroom and into his personal study area.

Yeonjun Choi wandered barefoot through his solitary confinement, pretty much a closet, and nursed his ritualistic insomnia with a large cup of hot chocolate. 

The mildly cold breeze of the late October added a pleasant feeling to the light retreating shower. The rain drizzled through the emerald incised leaves as Yeonjun's eyes watched the moon through clouds.


He heard it correct, didn't he? He questioned himself. What kind of murder could interest the Mr. Kang's little son in the middle of the night to wake him up?

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