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Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Long time, no read. I was only planning to be on a two week break but procrastination hit me like a truck. Still, I'm grateful that people continue to read my story and continue to wait for updates. This is the start of a new arc and I've got some goodies stored for you all. Thanks for your patience. Enjoy. 


Ahsoka groaned. Of all the things she could be doing now, she was instead in a flea market waiting on Ventress to finish chatting with the merchants. They haggled the prize on the bantha fur, which in Ahsoka's opinion was a complete scam. The merchant complained about how long it took him to get his merchandise. He then began complaining about how hot the sun was and how it was ruining the fur. Ventress and the man went back and forth, discussing prices. Who'd be willing to give a spaceship's worth of credits for some old, moth eaten pieces of leather. Still, the two of them went on and on and on. 'Ventress, let's go. What are you even doing?' called out the padawan.

Ventress answered her with a glare but continued haggling with the merchant.

Eventually, Ventress paid the merchant but didn't take any of the fur. 'Forgetting something', said the padawan, pointing at the items on the table. Ventress just stared at her, dumbfounded, before returning to the Sith Lord.

'Tell me, apprentice. What did you find?' asked Darth Occlus.

'There's an auction coming up in two days. Entry fee is way over our budget and I doubt we'd be able to rack up 3 million creds in two days. The event will be hosted by the Black Sun so we won't be able to get in through the usual means either'. 

'And my things? Will they be at the auction?' he asked.

Ventress nodded. 'Some of them, he's never heard of before. But the ship being auctioned is exactly as you described. If the ship is there, its very likely that the other will be as well'.

'Good. Well done, Assaj', said the Sith Lord as he pat her on the back.

'How the hell did you get all that?' asked Ahsoka, looking back the the trade merchant who was busy swatting the flies off of his wares.

Ventress looked at her in shock. 'How the hell did you miss it? Are you deaf or something?'

Ahsoka was ready to fight her then and there. She placed her hand on her weapon but before she could pull her lightsaber out, Darth Occlus spoke. 'That's enough, you two. we're here to retrieve my things, not play nanny to two little squabbling children'.

'That's your problem. You promised to help me get Anakin back but the only thing we've done so far is to buy fur and look for the mob. I'm done'. Ahsoka glared at the two of them one more time before storming off into the crowd. If they're not going to help her, then so be it.

Assaj watched the annoying brat leave. 'Shouldn't we stop him or something'.

'No. Leave her be. Let her do what she has to do. She'll come back to us eventually'. Darth Occlus walks away, calling the apprentice to follow her.

'Why do you even bother on keeping her? All she does is complain', she asked.

'Sounds like someone I know', replied her master, as he gave her a mischievous grin. Assaj answered her back with a glare. 'What can I say? I have a soft heart. I can't just leave a stray padawan on her own, can I?', continued Darth Occlus.

Assaj looked at him, her eyes thinning with suspicion. 'Liar. I doubt you'd help anyone out of the goodness of your heart. I doubt you've got a heart in the first place'. In the months of them being locked together, Assaj learned a few things about her new master. Behind the joyful smiles and mischievous tricks lies a cold-blooded villain who'll do anything to achieve his goals. Darth Occlus has a way of hiding the darkness within him and it's what makes him far more dangerous than any other Sith Assaj had had ever met.

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