❁ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ❁

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WORDS: 1605


YOU FELT YOUR KNEES hit a cold surface, making goosebumps go up your heated and bloody skin

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YOU FELT YOUR KNEES hit a cold surface, making goosebumps go up your heated and bloody skin.

Your body was drained of all energy, almost failing to keep your eyelids torn open, even when the sack from your head was removed and discarded.

You heard rain from outside, a bit of wherever you were at, lighting up from the lightning that was produced. For a second, you thought back to what your mom always told you when thunderstorms showed up.

You counted in your head, stopping at 5 when thunder had sounded, making you whisper "5 miles" under your breath. You felt yourself calm a little, the nostalgia of your childhood making you comfortable.

You opened your eyes, looking around the building and eyeing the poorly structured pillars that kept the abandoned building up.

You presumed you were in an abandoned warehouse, immediately becoming familiar with your surroundings as you had done loads of smoking here with your friends in high school.

You felt calm wash over you again, but that was interrupted by a yell from one of the floors above you.

Numerous holes were littered in the ceiling above you, allowing you to see a figure in the crevice of the hole, shouting down at the several people that surrounded you.

"Cars just pulled in on the left, five cars to be exact!" The figure yelled down. You didn't recognize the voice.

You ironically made a connection in your head.

'Huh, five miles, five cars. What a number.'

You moved your tied hands from behind you, adjusting the hold the cuffs had on you as the metal was uncomfortable against your skin.

You looked all around you, eyeing Mahito and Suguru as they stood off to the side, eyeing the front of the building. Your father stood a little ways off, meaning against an abandoned rusty car that had numerous candles and cigars around it.

Leaves rustled against the floor as the wind from the outside picked up, blowing through the shaky building and making a chill go down your spine.

"Take her behind that car, Choso." Suguru called, eyeing an individual who stood off to your left. You looked over, seeing a male with two space buns nod at his boss's orders.

He wore a suit, a white buttoned-up shirt and black slacks that covered up his body. The tie around his neck was loose, probably out of comfort.

The Choso person came over grabbing you and hoisting you up onto your wobbly feet, the pain in your leg from the shot wound still made you dizzy.

You no longer had your heels as they had been thrown off by the moment you had woken up the first time.

The leaves felt weird against your naked feet, scrunching as you walked across the cold floor, the Zen'in clan and Suguru's crew watching as you sat down behind a car.

𝐊𝐘𝐎̄𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀 ✔ | maki zen'in x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now