The Unexpected Houseguest

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Amelia Collins stared at the email on her laptop. 
It felt like it had just sprouted wings and started chanting. 

“Bureaucratic doom,” she muttered.

It was from her father, Dr. Richard Collins. 
Inspector Harrison—yes, the same Harrison who once locked her in an oversized vase—was moving in. 

“No, no, no,” Amelia muttered, louder this time. 
“This is not happening.”

Her roommate, Grace, wandered over. 
“What’s going on? Is the world ending?”

Amelia pointed to the screen. 
“Harrison is coming to stay with us. For weeks. This is the worst thing that could happen.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. 
“The guy who tied you to a tree for ‘defense training’?”

“That’s him,” Amelia said. 
“And don’t forget the time he convinced me that a chameleon could grant wishes. I wasted an entire afternoon trying to get candy from it.”

Grace chuckled. 
“Sounds like he was a real gem.”

“He was a nightmare,” Amelia corrected. 
“He and Dad’s friend, Mr. Carter, have a long-standing pact to drive me insane.”

Just then, the front door burst open. 
Dr. Richard Collins walked in, carrying a box labeled “Harrison’s Things.” 
He looked ecstatic.

“Guess who’s moving in today?” he beamed.

Amelia’s heart sank. 
“Please tell me this is a joke.”

“Not a chance,” Dr. Collins replied cheerfully. 
“Harrison is on his way. I’m so glad you’re excited to see him!”

“Excited?” Amelia’s voice cracked. 
“I’m thrilled. Ecstatic. Bouncing off the walls.”

Dr. Collins smiled, oblivious. 
“He’ll be helping you with your thesis research.”

Amelia’s eyes widened. 
“The guy who set my science project on fire?”

“That was a long time ago,” her dad said, waving her off. 
“He’s changed. You’ll see.”

The next few hours were a blur. 
Amelia and Grace rushed to prepare the house for Harrison’s arrival. 
“I think we need a strategy,” Grace said, holding up a dust cloth like a flag. 
“We need to arm ourselves.”

“Arm ourselves?” Amelia echoed, eyeing the cleaning supplies like secret weapons.

Grace nodded. 
“Metaphorically. Let’s make his stay difficult.”

“How?” Amelia asked, intrigued.

“We could hide his stuff,” Grace suggested. 
“Or rig the shower to only dispense cold water. Or put a ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign on his room.”

Amelia grinned. 
“I like it. Let’s save the cold shower for week two. I’m starting with psychological warfare.”

When Harrison finally arrived, he walked in calmly, as if he were returning from a vacation. 
“Ah, home sweet home,” he said.

Amelia and Grace exchanged glances. 
The battle lines were drawn.

“Welcome, Harrison,” Amelia said, forcing a smile. 
“We’ve missed you.”

Harrison’s eyes twinkled. 
“I’m sure you have, Amelia. It’s been too long.”

Dr. Collins, oblivious, clapped his hands together. 
“Let’s have dinner. Biryani, with extra spice for everyone.”

Dinner turned into a battle of wits. 
Amelia and Harrison exchanged sharp jabs, each trying to one-up the other.

Despite herself, Amelia couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, the summer wouldn’t be as terrible as she had feared.


Morning Mischief


The next morning, Amelia was up before dawn. 
She had a mission. 

She tiptoed through the kitchen, feeling a surge of satisfaction. 
Today’s arsenal included swapping Harrison’s favorite mug with a bright pink one labeled "World’s Worst Detective." 
She also snuck conditioner into his shampoo bottle.

Grace entered the kitchen, groggy but curious. 
“What’s the plan today?” she asked.

“I’m starting small,” Amelia grinned. 
“But trust me, it’s part of a larger strategy.”

Grace chuckled. 
“Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out.”

Amelia hid Harrison’s mug behind a stack of plates. 
She swapped the shampoo with conditioner, keeping an eye on the clock. 
Harrison had a critical meeting. She was determined to make him late.

Dr. Collins was already at the breakfast table, reading his paper. 
Harrison joined them, looking calm despite Amelia’s pranks.

“Morning, Amelia,” Harrison said, pouring coffee. 
“Ready for another day of sparring?”

Amelia’s heart skipped a beat. 
He seemed unfazed.

“Good morning,” she said, her voice sweet. 
“Found your mug, I see.”

Harrison looked at the bright pink mug and smiled. 
“Oh, a gift from you? How thoughtful.”

Amelia forced a smile. 
“Just a little something to brighten your day.”

Harrison brewed his coffee, unaffected. 
When he went for his shower, Amelia hid his favorite tie, hoping to make him scramble.

Minutes later, Harrison emerged, a hint of frustration in his eyes. 
“Amelia, I can’t find my tie. Have you seen it?”

“Not at all,” Amelia replied innocently. 
“But I’m sure it’ll turn up.”

Harrison glanced at the clock, realizing he was late. 
“Great. Just what I needed.”

He dressed hurriedly in a less-than-ideal tie and rushed out. 
Amelia felt a surge of triumph. 
Grace nudged her playfully.

“Nice work,” Grace said. 
“But be ready for retaliation.”

Amelia laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. 
“Let him try. I’m ready.”

Just as she was about to start her day, Harrison barged back in. 
His calm demeanor was gone, replaced with determination.

“Amelia,” he said, eyes gleaming, “we need to talk.”

Amelia’s heart raced, but she stayed composed. 
“What’s up?”

“I’m not done with our game,” Harrison said, mischief in his eyes. 
“You made me late. Now you’ll regret it.”

Amelia’s competitive spirit flared. 
“Bring it on,” she challenged, locking eyes with him.

The tension between them was undeniable. 
As Harrison left to prepare his revenge, Amelia couldn’t shake the feeling that their rivalry was turning into something else.

With anticipation and uncertainty, Amelia braced herself. 
It was going to be another day of unexpected twists and turns.


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