Between Truths and Temptations

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The kitchen buzzed with the clinking of dishes and the hum of morning chatter. Amelia sat at the breakfast table, her fingers drumming on her coffee mug. Across from her, Lucas was animatedly recounting a story from the previous night.

"And then, I swear, the waiter slipped on the floor and almost took the entire table with him," Lucas said, laughing. "It was like something out of a comedy film."

Amelia chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sounds like you had quite the adventure. I hope you didn’t make too much of a scene yourself."

Lucas grinned. “I might have been a bit too enthusiastic with my wine, but it was all in good fun.”

Harrison walked into the kitchen, his gaze drifting between the two of them with a mix of curiosity and wariness. “Good morning, everyone.”

“Morning,” Amelia said, her tone cheerful. “Lucas was just telling me about his latest escapades.”

Harrison raised an eyebrow. “Adventures, huh? I hope you’re not getting into trouble without us.”

Lucas leaned back in his chair, his smile widening. “Only the kind of trouble that makes for great stories. Speaking of which, Amelia and I were discussing some leads we think might be connected to the case.”

Harrison’s interest piqued. “Leads, you say? Care to fill me in?”

Amelia took a sip of her coffee, her eyes meeting Harrison’s. “Well, we’re thinking of checking out some of the contacts Cross might have. Lucas suggested a few places that seem suspicious.”


After breakfast, Amelia and Harrison made their way to the police station. Harrison focused on the day’s tasks, and Amelia accompanied him, though they didn’t discuss the leads she and Lucas had brainstormed.

At the station, Harrison went into the interrogation room to question Tanner, the man who had attacked Amelia. The conversation was tense.

“So, Tanner,” Harrison began, his voice low and authoritative. “You claimed to have been hired by someone linked to Cross. What else can you tell us?”

Tanner shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I told you everything I know. I was supposed to get paid at a meet-up spot, but it never happened.”

Harrison’s expression hardened. “You’re holding back. What else did you overhear? Any names or places?”

Tanner glanced nervously at the door. “I heard something about a warehouse—location of a meeting. That’s all I know.”

Amelia, listening from the sidelines, felt a spark of hope. “A warehouse could be a significant lead. We should check it out.”

Later that day, as Harrison sifted through evidence back at the station, he discovered some troubling documents.

Hidden among the files were papers with Lucas’s name on them—details about meetings and timestamps that didn’t match what Lucas had told them. It was evident that Lucas had been less than transparent.

Frustrated, Harrison decided to head home .


Harrison was sitting in the living room, buried in his case files, when he heard the front door slam open. The sound of clattering heels and a chorus of giggles echoed through the hallway. He glanced up just in time to see Amelia, still in her outfit from the team dinner, stumbling into the room.

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