Unsettling Turns

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The room was still shrouded in darkness when Amelia awoke, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she fought to shake off the remnants of a vivid nightmare. It clung to her mind like a heavy fog, each image a disjointed fragment from the day before—the blood, the chaos, and the tension between her and Harrison that seemed to grow with each passing moment.

Sitting up in bed, Amelia rubbed her temples, trying to clear her thoughts. The murder, the unnerving connection to her thesis, and Harrison’s increasing secrecy were gnawing at her, refusing to let her rest. But there was no time to dwell on it; the day had already begun, and so had the investigation.

Downstairs, Harrison was already seated at the breakfast table, his eyes glued to his phone, his face a mask of stoic concentration. Grace moved around the kitchen with her usual energy, her cheerfulness a stark contrast to the heavy silence hanging between Amelia and Harrison.

“Morning,” Amelia mumbled as she slid into a chair across from him.

“Morning,” Harrison replied, his voice polite but distant. He barely looked up, his focus seemingly elsewhere.

Grace placed a plate of toast and eggs in front of Amelia and joined them at the table. “So, what’s the plan for today?” she asked, her tone bright and hopeful.

“Heading back to the boutique,” Harrison said without looking up. “We’ve got a new lead to follow.”

Amelia’s interest piqued. “Can I come with you? I might be able to help, especially since this ties into my thesis…”

But before she could finish, Harrison shook his head. “No. It’s too dangerous.”

Amelia frowned, her frustration bubbling to the surface. “Too dangerous? Harrison, I’m not some helpless bystander. I can handle myself.”

“I know you can,” Harrison finally met her gaze, his expression softening slightly. “But this isn’t just research anymore, Amelia. We’re dealing with something much bigger. I can’t focus on the investigation if I’m constantly worrying about you getting caught in the crossfire.”

His words weighed heavily on the room, and Amelia couldn’t shake the feeling that he was pushing her away—protecting her, yes, but also shutting her out.

Sensing the tension, Grace quickly intervened. “Well, Amelia, if you’re staying here, we could have a girls’ day. Maybe a movie marathon?”

Amelia forced a smile. “Yeah, maybe.” But she knew she wouldn’t be able to relax until she knew more about what Harrison was up to.

After breakfast, Harrison gathered his things in silence, avoiding Amelia’s eyes as he slipped several files into his briefcase. Important ones, if his guarded demeanor was any indication.

“What’s in those?” Amelia asked casually, trying to mask her curiosity.

“Just some notes,” Harrison replied too quickly. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

Amelia wasn’t fooled. She could sense he was hiding something, and it only fueled her determination to find out what it was.

As Harrison was about to leave, Amelia caught his arm, her voice tinged with concern. “Be careful, alright? And if you find anything—anything at all—you’ll tell me?”

Harrison paused, his gaze softening as he looked at her, but there was something unreadable in his eyes. “I’ll tell you what you need to know. Just… trust me, okay?”

Amelia reluctantly let go, her unease growing as she watched him leave. The door closed with a finality that made her stomach twist. She couldn’t just sit by and wait; she needed to uncover the truth herself.

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