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My heart skips a beat. "Henry," I gasp, almost dropping the phone. "I can't talk for long," he whispers. "Where.. where are you?" My breathing rasps, and my voice almost cracks, as a stomachache forms. "I... can't tell you that." He mumbles, and tears form in my eyes. "Can I meet you somewhere?" I ask, and silence fills the call. "Henry, talk to me. I need answers." I croak, cringing at myself inside. "I'm sorry, I can't. You just need to know that I'm safe," he sounds hurt. "What happened?" I ask, tears falling down my face. I then hear a beep. He hung up. I throw the phone on the floor, pulling my hands up to my head as I pace in my room. I make a weird welp noise as I fall to the floor. Why would he call just to leave me again? I almost scream, but decide against it for my grandmother's sleep schedule. I know if she comes to comfort me, she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

I almost punched the wall, too, but held back from that. "FUCK," I mouth inbetween sobs. What was his reasoning behind that? Why would he call me just to... Hang up? In this moment, I hate him. I know once I wake up in the morning, if I even fall asleep, I'll probably not feel the same way. But right now, I've never been so mad at someone in my life.

I must've fallen asleep on the floor somewhere in there, because I woke up leaning against my bed, my bottom on the floor. It's twenty minutes until the bus comes, and I almost debate skipping school. But if I ever want to get out of town it's not going to be on skipping class. I groan in weakness as I hold onto the side-table. A horrible cramp inflicts on my stomach, and I don't even think there's a medicine out there that'll fix all what's wrong with me right now. The first thing I do is limp over to the bathroom and wash my face, and brush my teeth. I change out of my clothes and get into a flannel t-shirt with a pair of black jeans.

Eventually I find my way at the bus-stop, Dustin already being there. "You're late," he says as the bus pulls up. "I'm here." Is all I have to say, and sit in the back of the bus as I hold onto my backpack to lay my head down. Dustin doesn't sit with me, instead he sits with some Dungeons and dragons member at the front of the bus. It was probably a good idea to not sit with me.

I look out the window as the bus drives through Hawkins, staring into the fog. I see butterflies and bees, mist and tiny rain droplets. But no tall figures with blonde hair.

Wherever he called me from, whether it be a phonebooth or just a public one in general, it had to be near me, or atleast in Hawkins, because the quality was almost perfect, I could hear him breathing, even. But if he was near you he'd talk to you, or atleast give you more than 'im sorry I can't.'
I clench my fists as I try to fulfill my head with other thoughts. I should probably give Will a call tonight. Or El, she was the reason I called in the first place. I wonder if Lucas and Mike are going to tell the others about the party. Probably not, because that means Mike would have to tell Steve I got drunk, and Lucas would have to tell Max I got drunk, and both Steve and Max don't like that idea. And honestly I didn't either, before the moment and a little in the moment, but I've always been told to be open to new ideas, so there's that. My defense.

I eventually lean my head against the cold window instead of my backpack, more comfty. As we pull into the school I don't see anybody standing outside, probably because of the cold rain.  March's like these remind everyone that we're not that far from Canada.

I was the last off the bus, and Dustin was no where to be seen, I guess he already went inside. I almost sit alone, but I didn't want to give my friends the wrong impression, that I wasn't doing any better. Because I was. Atleast from last Friday I was.

Three days ago I was wearing sweats and a hoodie to school. Today, my fashion is a little better. My hair is brushed, too. I'm trying to atleast make it look like I'm doing better on the outside, even if I'm confused more then ever on the inside.

Hey everyone!!! I know the posting schedule is so messed up right now but I'm working on wrapping things up for Heather and Henry's story to end soon! Bare with me <3

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