Chapter 3

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(Bill pov)

I shove Will off of me as I stand up. "Come on, let's get this shirt over with already."

He stands up and follows me. "Blech, what is that smell? Was that you, Bill?"

"Will, if it was me you would be dead. It's brimstone."

We walk into the enterance of the tower, debris and charred skeletons everywhere. I kick a dead knight's helmet, it clattering loudly in the silence.

"Um....why is there bodies and burn marks everywhere?"

"Probably because they did the sterotype of having him locked away in the tower and have a dragon keeping him prisoner. Oldest fairytale cliche in the damn book."

"I don't know how comfortable I am about wandering through a tower where a dragon could be lurking around any and every corner ready to eat us or set us on fire."

I sigh before I grab his shoulders and force him to sit on a bigger piece of rubble. "Then you are to keep your ass there until I come back with the prince. Is that understood?"

"Yeah, I sit here and don't move. You've got it."

I leave him there as I wander further into the tower. It feels like these countless halls just go on forever. I find some stairs and start up them, just like the halls these feel like they go forever with no end to them.

The stairs finally end as I get to a wooden door with a hefty padlock on it. Not having the energy to deal with this shit my hand becomes engulfed in my blue flames as I blast the door off it's hinges entirely. The flames vanish as I make my way into the room.

Feeling something under my foot I look down and see it's a teddy bear. In the corner of the room I see a few other stuffed animals, ones that only a small child would keep.

Glancing up I see thousands upon thousands of tally marks etched into the walls of the room. Scattered around the room are different books. Some are kids books like Coraline or The Three Little Pigs, but there's also some mystery novels scattered in the mix.

On the bed I finally spot the prince. He's asleep, a book laid out on his chest. He surprisingly isn't dressed like royalty usually dresses though, he's just wearing a red shirt and a pair of blue jeans with holes in the jeans. On the floor by the bed is a hat with a blue pine tree on the front.

I walk over to the bed, putting a hand on his shoulder and gently shaking him. When he doesn't wake I shake him harder and he jerks awake. His brown eyes look up at me and they instantly fill up with excitement.

"Are you a knight who's come to rescue me?"

"Depends. Are you Prince Dipper?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"Good, then let's go." He sits up swinging his legs off the bed.

"What's your name?"


"Sir Bill....has a nice ring to it." He gets off the bed pulling on his hat, a faded blue jacket, and grabbing a satchel pulling it on. He grabs the book off the bed and shoves it into the satchel.

"We should really be going now, your highness."

"Please, just call me Dipper. And this is our first meeting, don't you want to savor it forever? To remember always?"


To my annoyance he actually stars singing.

"This is how a dream comes true
This is how I pictured you
Climbing in to rescue me
This was always meant to be"

"Fucking hell, I'm like a damn crackpot magnet."

"This is how the scene must go
You standing" He grabs my arm pulling me over to the center of the room. "there, the light just so
Then you smile and gaze at me
Take my hand on bended knee
Bended knee, bended knee"

He kicks the back of my knee, making me cry out in pain as I fall down on one knee and he forces me to hold his hand.


And though we've only met
Somehow I always knew
When dreams come true"

"Bill!" I look towards the door hearing Will's pancked yells.

"We have to go right now." I stand up grabbing his wrist and pull him out of the room down the stairs.

"Brave Sir-Knight, slow down a bit
Shut-in boys are delicate
I've longed for this my whole life long
Now, you're doing it all wrong

Down a rope, a steed awaits
That's what every story states
Riding over rough terrain
Pass the dragon you have slain" I stop as we get to the bottom of the stairs and he runs right into my back.
"You have slain, you have slain"

"It's on my to-do list."

"What?!" Looking back at him I see a look of pure fear on his face. I don't know why but there is a part of me that hates seeing him afraid like this.

I pull him through the halls, nearly getting knocked down as Will jumps on my back. "Help me help!"

"Get off!" I roughly push him off before slamming him against the wall. "I told you to stay put!"

"I did! B-But the dragon came and wanted to eat me and...I think she is kinda into me. She's really clingy."

The dragon storms into the hallway, a metal collar around her neck with a chain attatched. She blows fire at us and I barely manage to pull Dipper and Will behind a nearby pillar to be shielded from the flames. Dipper clasps his hands tightly together.

"Are you there, God?
It's me, Dipper."

"Less praying, more running." I grab his hand pulling him down another hallway with Will running alongside me.

"In the end, remember
All your dreams come true
Say your affirmations
And love will come to you
If you can conceive it
Believe it, achieve it"

We finally get to the wooden bridge, Will running ahead first then me and Dipper following. We're almost across when the ropes snap, half the bridge falling. I grab onto one of the wooden boards of the bridge and grab Dipper's hand with my other one to keep him from falling. I pull him up more so he can grab the boards of the bridge himself.

He climbs onto solid ground and I follow him. Once back on solid ground I lay on my back completely exhausted.

"This is how I pictured it
More or less I must admit
A thumping in my heart
A life about to start
I knew this day would come
And you would find your way
At last my dream comes true
I knew, I knew, I knew it would be today!"

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