Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

Everyone's eyes are on me, all the guards and Gideon looking at me in complete horror. I focus on Bill as I fidget with the pocket mirror in my hands.

"You wanted to know why I was locked away in that tower. Well, this is why. This was the big, horrible, dirty secret that my family didn't want anyone else to know. Whenever the sun goes down, this is what happens to me. It's why I freaked out whenever the sun when down and demanded shelter. Because I didn't want you to see me this.....because this is the real me."

"Wow.....that explains a lot..." He is the only one who doesn't look at me in disgust. When I see him all I see is pure acceptance of me and what I am, acceptance of a side of me that no one has ever accepted before.

"That is disgusting!" Gideon yells. He grabs the crown that was sitting on the pedastal and puts it on his own head. "None of that even matters. This marriage is binding and that makes me king! Guards! Arrest them!"

Bill grabs my wrist pulling me behind him as more guards spill into the room. He uses his arm to keep me behind him as he tries to keep an eye on all the guards, trying to keep them all at bay.

"Bill, now might be a bad time but....I don't know how to use any of my demon powers...."

"What? How do you not know how to use them?"

"Because my parents never taught me before I was locked away and none of my books had anything on demons. The only books they let me bring were about fairytales and happy endings....I-I'm sorry...."

"It's fine, just stay behind me you're going to be alright. I promise."

The chapen window burst open, the dragon roaring with Will sitting on her back. The dragon roars before she eats gideon, tossing him up before swallowing him. She spits out his crown, it bouncing before rolling to a stop at our feet. At the sight of the dragon all the guards run out of the chapel. Will gives Bill a big thumbs up.

I feel my whole body go rigid from fear, my breathing not coming out correctly as I look at the dragon. I have feared that damned thing for 13 years and now it's here? W-Why is it here? Did it escape to try and eat me for escaping from the tower.

"Pinetree." Bill grips my shoulders making me look at him. "Calm down. It's okay."

"The dragon...."

"Don't worry. She is how I got here so fast, she isn't going to hurt you. Just take a deep breath in and a deep breath out for me, okay?" I slowly do as he says as I feel myself starting to calm down. "See? It's why do you end up like this when the sun goes down?"

"I was cursed. My sister wasn't, I just was. I was locked away because the only one who would be crazy enough to go to a dragon guarded tower would be my true love. And I wanted to tell you this morning. But then you said those horrid things about me."

"No none of that was about you. I....I wanted to talk to you last night but I overheard some of the stuff you said and thought you were calling me the monster. But it's a mistake that I will never make again I promise." He gently cups my cheek in his hand. "I love you, Pinetree. More than I thought possible."

I put a hand on the back of his neck pulling him closer as our lips connect and he softly kisses me. Once we slowly break apart I get lifted into the air, golden flames covering over every part of my body. The flames slowly vanish as I am put back on my feet on the ground. I open the pocket mirror but am confused to see that I still have my demon eye. "What? I don't get it. The kiss was supposed to fix everything. It was supposed to make me perfect."

"Pinetree, you are perfect." Bill puts his hand over mine as he closes the pocket mirror. "And you don't need some stupid pocket mirror to tell you that." I smile as I put the mirror in my pocket.

"I waited all my life,
lived it by the book.
Now I know that's not my story.

You take me as I am.
Love me as I look,
standing here in all my glory.

I am sweetness.
I am bratty.
I'm a prince
I am nerdy.

I'm a mess of
in a hat

I am sassy.
I am sappy.
When I'm with you
I am happy.
This is my story."

He picks me up twirling me around making me laugh before he sets me back on my feet again.

"You laugh at all my jokes.
Even though they're crude.
You don't mind that I'm not classy.

We make a perfect pair.
Radiant and rude.
So in love and much too gassy.

We are demons
We are scary
We are monsters
We are hairy

We have bold and
brand-new stories
to be told.

We will write them.
We will tell them.
You will hear them.
You will smell them.
This is our story."

Will climbs off of the dragon's back, kicking the crown away. "If you guys want, I am ordained in Transylvania. I can marry you if you would like."

Bill looks at me. "What do you say, Pinetree?"

I smile as I take his hand. "Let's do this."

Will clears his throat slightl. "I'll make this quick. Bill, do you take Dipper as your lawful husband, to cherish in health and sickness, for better or for worse, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Dipper, do you take Bill as your lawful husband, to cherish in health and sickness, for better or for worse, until death do you part."

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you two husbands. You may kiss your spouse." Bill sweeps me in his arms kissing me again. All the other fairytale creatures cheer as they dance around the whole room.

"What makes us special...
Makes us strong!

We are witches.
We are fairies.
We are weirdoes.

We're a giant
Whitman's Sampler
here to try.

We are puppets
We are rabbits
We are hobbits
with bad habits.

We're a screwy
but delighted
crazy stew.

We are diff'rent
and united.
You are us and
we are you

This is our story.
This is our story.
This is our story."

I wrap my arms around Bill's neck, pulling him down into another kiss.

The End

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