Chapter 9

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(Bill pov)

I turn away from him and that look of absolute hurt on his face. It hurts me to see him like that but he has no reason to be hurt. He is the one who made it very fucking clear how he felt about me last night behind my back.

Trumpets sound as Gideon rides over the hill with several of his men. His horse has fake legs to make himself look taller. Fucking pathetic.

I step back as they stop in front of Dipper, Will watching from the doorway of the barn.

"I am very sorry if I startled you, young prince." Gideon says, one of his men helping him down from the horse. I see Dipper's eyes widen at Gideon's actual size.

"Oh...i-it's no problem, my lord. I was just saying goodbye to-"

Gideon burst out laughing cutting him off. "You are too kind but no need to apologize to the demon. It's not like that thing has any actual feelings."

"...I guess you're right."

"What about my land?" I interrupt them both. Gideon looks at me annoyed.

"All the fairytale creatures have been removed. Now shut up and piss off before I change my mind." He turns back to Dipper. "Now, Prince Dipper, would you do the honor of marrying me?"

"Yes, it would be my greatest honor."

"Excellent. Then tomorrow we'll-"

"No! I mean.....why wait? Let's have the wedding today. Before sundown."

"Eager one aren't you. Then so be it. We will marry in just a few hours. Now come on."

His men help him back on the horse. Dipper climbs up behind him on the horse with no problems. They start back towards Dulac, Dipper looking at me giving me one last small wave.

"Goodbye, Demon."

I force myself to turn away as they leave out of sight. Spotting something in the grass I pick it up, seeing it's his pocket mirror. I shove it into my pocket without another thought. Will comes up to me grabbing my arm before I pull away.

"Bill, you have to go after him."

"No I fucking don't. He got what he wanted. It's done. Get the fuck over it."

"Look, I talked to him last night and-"

"Yeah, you too are really buddy buddy. You are nothing but a fucking traitor."

"Bill it isn't what you think."

"If you like him so much then go fucking follow him around for once and leave me the fuck alone."

"B-But I want to go with you, Bill....."

"I'm gonna build me a wall, I'll make it ten feet high.
See ya later pal, bye bye.
No one gettin' in so don't you even try.
A ten foot wall."

"Bill if you would just please listen-"

"I'm gonna build me a wall, I'm gonna disappear.
What's the matter pal,
Am I not bein' clear?
Can't you take a hint,
Am I getting through at all?
Just get outta here."

My hand glows blue as I thrust it at him. He is flung back, hitting a tree and crumpling to the ground painfully. I don't spare him a second glance as I make my way through the forest back towards my home.

"I was told the world would despise me.
So I should have known, I should have guessed.
I thought these two might be different.
Well now I know, they're just like all the rest.

I'm gonna be what they want, I'm gonna be what they say.
Hey world, I'll do it your way!
You're looking for a monster, it's your lucky day.
I'll be what you want."

I stop as I come to the field of blue roses. I pick one up, my heart burning with rage and hurt.

"What a fool to think he might love me.
I opened my heart and let him walk through.
he wanted prince charming, I wanted my home back,
How lucky both our wishes came true."

I crush the rose in my hand. Blue flames spark in my hand, tossing it into the field. I watch as the other flowers catch on fire. My hand glows blue as I raise it up, watching the flames rise in front of me as a wall of fire.

"Gonna build me a wall, a perfect place to hide.
Hey world, stay on your side.
The best way to conquer they say is to divide.
Gonna build a wall.
Gonna be what they say.
Gonna hide in my heart.
Gonna build a wall..."

I slam my hand to the ground, watching as the flames not only burn the flowers but catch fire to the trees, the grass and everything else. Burning everything in sight.

I walk away, swatting away the braches hanging in my way.

I get back home, all those fucking creatures still hanging around. They all look at me as I approach.

"Had a talk with Gideon. He says all of you are to scram to some other dump. Either way you are all to get the fuck off of my property."

"But, you were supposed to help us get our freedom from him." A wooden puppet says, all the creatures around him muttering in agreement.

"No, I wasn't. I said that I was going to get you fuckers the hell off of my property. I never said anything about getting you assholes any kind of freedom." They all start arguing and yelling in protest. I angrily throw a ball of blue flames at the ground, it getting all of their attention. "Listen the fuck up. I don't give a rat's ass about any of you. You are all to get the fuck out of here before I turn you all inside out one by one! Now go!"

They all pack up their shit, leaving my land as fast as they can. I step around the mess that they all left as I head inside, slamming the door behind me.

I rip off my eye patch throwing it across the room. My fucking parents were right about me. Why did I ever let myself think differently.

I lay on the couch, looking up at the ceiling before I put an arm over my eyes trying to make the past few days go away.

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