Chapter 6

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(Bill pov)

Will leads the way as me and Dipper walk side by side. I glance at him noticing that he keeps opening and closing a small pocket mirror.

"I didn't take you as one to care about vanity."

"What?" He looks up at me before looking at the mirror again. "Oh this. It isn't like that. It was just a gift from my sister before I was sent to the tower."

"I didn't realize that you had a sister."

"Guessing that Gideon didn't tell you that? I had been in that tower so long I doubt many people outside of my family even remember anything about me or my sister. But yes I do have one. A twin sister at that."

"And as a goodbye gift, she gave you a mirror?"

"Yes. She is very into fashion and cherished this thing more than anything else in the world. It was a gift to her from our mother. When I was sent to the tower, she gifted it to me. So when I was free, I could give it back to her."

"Are you going to do that?"

"Of course I am. Just got to wait for things with Gideon to settle down first before I make my way back to her. My original kingdom is very far so it will take a long time to get there. Anyway, enough about me. Tell me more about Lord Gideon."

"I only really met the guy for like 10 minutes. I don't know much about him."

"Well at least you met him. You know more than I do already."

" of his stature are in short supply."

I laugh at my own joke and Will laughs as well before he turns to us as he keeps walking backwards.

"It's best not to think little of him."

This just makes both of us laugh more, Dipper just looking even more confused.

"I don't get it. What is so funny?"

"Trust me, it's better if you see it for yourself, Pinetree."

"I think that you both are just jealous that you can never measure up to be as good of a ruler as Lord Gideon."

"Yeah, well I shall let you do all of the measuring once you meet him."

Will and I share one last good laugh as Dipper just rolls his eyes.

"None of your immature jokes about him matter anyway. Starting today, I get to live a life of freedom. After all those long and torturous years locked away, I am finally free again." He walks ahead of us, a pep in his step.

I just scoff slightly. "Yeah, whatever you say."

He suddenly stops and I have to stop from running into him. He turns to me, a look of irritation crossing his face.

"You scoffed."


"I mentioned a torturous life in the tower, and you scoffed like you thought it was some stupid joke."

"Did I?"

"Yeah. You did."

"I'm just saying, maybe we have different definitions of what torturous means."

"You can not be serious. You really want to try and compare your life to mine right now?"

"I just don't see how torturous a life in a cushy tower can be is all."

"Cushy? Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"Don't take it so personal."

"I had nothing in that tower
Fighting boredom by the hour.
Prince lonely
Walking circles
I had only...

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