Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I wake up, opening my eyes and seeing that sunlight was streaming through the vines that covered the cave enterance. I sit up rubbing the last of the sleep out of my eyes. I take out my silver pocket mirror, checking my reflection in it. Aside from some dirt on my face and my hair a bit messy, everything looks perfect.

I pull on my messenger bag and exit the cave. Bill and will both lay on the ground fast asleep. The fire they built is still burning. I throw another handful of branches onto it to keep the fire going. It's chilly this morning, they can use all the heat they can get.

A sigh escapes me as I think about what I heard them talking about last night. I didn't mean to overhear, I just couldn't sleep and ended up hearing everything. It makes me feel really bad about the way I reacted to him rescuing me yesterday. I didn't mean to act like that, whole situation is very complicated.

But I do want to make it up to the both of them.

I walk into the forest surrounding us, recognizing a few berries and picking them, putting them in my bag. I come to a small river and use the cold water to wash my face, fixing my hair before pulling my hat back on.

I continue walking, collecting more berries and edible plants, even finding some abandoned eggs on the ground that were still in perfect shape. I put them in my messenger bag, making sure that nothing would crush them. I really don't want to have to wash egg yolk out of my bag. I look up at the sunlight, a smile spreading across my face. It has been so long since I've felt actual sunlight or wind on my face.

My hand brushes against the trees and different plants that I pass by. I love the forest. It's so peaceful and calm. Coming here makes me feel like nothing could ever go wrong. That everything is going to turn out just perfect for me.

"Good morning birds
Good morning trees
Ohh what a lovely day
The sun's so big it hurts my eyes
But really that's ok

A brand new day
With things to do
So many plans to make
I've had six cups of coffee
So I'm really wide awake

I've always been a morning person
A morning boy

A small bluejay lands on my finger before flying off. I look down as a baby deer walks over to me. I kneel down petting it, laughing slightly as it licks my cheek.

"Good morning dear
Say have you heard today's
My wedding day
I haven't met my husband yet
But I'm hopeful anyway

I'll wear a suit
We'll have a ball
And dance forevermore
He'll take me in his massive arms and spin me 'round the floor

I've always been a morning person
A morning boy

Two more deer come up and the baby runs off to join its parents, all three running further into the forest. I stand up as someone with a flute runs past me, chasing after some rats. He gives up the chase and glumly sits on a rock. I'm going to assume that this is the Pied Piper that I've heard so much about.

I walk over to him and he looks up at me.

"Good morning, Pied Piper."

"What's so good about it? I can't get these damn rats to follow me anywhere!"

"Hmm.....Well I think that in order for them to listen to you they need to respect you first. And you need to change your tune a bit to something happier maybe."

I take his flute and back away as he tries to grab it away from me. "Hey! Give me my flute back!"

"Just hold on one minute and I'll show you the right tune to play for the rats. Although some caution, I might be a bit rusty."

I put the flutes to my lips and start playing a much happier tune, glad that I don't miss a single beat or mess up a single note during the whole tune.

All of the rats that the Pied Piper had been chasing come back, running in circles around me. I finish the tune before tossing the flute back to the Pied Piper. He plays it, continuing the tune that I had been playing. He walks off, the rats following him. I wave them all bye, glad that I had been able to help them after all. Helping people has always made me really really happy.

"A brand new start, a palate cleanse
As fresh as lime sorbet
Last night I was a monster
But this morning
This morning
This morning I'm ok
This morning I'm ok"

I make my way back to the cave and fire, both Bill and Will both passed out asleep still. I take out the eggs and crack them open, cooking them on a clean looking rock.

Once the eggs are cooked, I transfer them on two leaves the sizes of small plates just as Bill and Will both wake up. Bill looks at me, confusion written all over his face.

"What is all of this?"

"It's breakfast. Haven't you ever seen breakfast before?"

"Well I mean, yeah, of course I have. Just not seen anyone cook it for me in....a long time."

"I felt bad about yesterday and think that we both got off on the wrong foot. I wasn't grateful for you rescuing me and I am very sorry for the way I reacted after trying to take off your eyepatch."

"It's whatever. I can understand the reaction. Not everyone wishes to be rescued by a demon."

"Even so, you are the only one who has ever managed to get past the dragon."

"How many people tried to rescue you?"

"A lot. They all....well, I'm sure you both saw the skeletons on your way in. They all had the bright idea to try and slay the dragon then rescue me. It never worked out. What I am trying to say with all of this rambling, is I am more grateful and thankful then you could ever know. So, are we good?"

He smiles slightly as he takes his breakfast from me. "Don't worry about it, Pinetree."

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