Chapter 1

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It was the morning, Thomas was puffing down the track he was off to collect his coaches. He was smiling at the bright blue sky. The sun wise shining and he was glad to be out and on the tracks. he puffed along, passing multiple engines as he went. 

he heard a louder sound near him. the sound of a diesel. he looked over to the track next to him. Diesel was roaring by. he looked panicked. He only glanced at Thomas before he continued on fast in front of him. "Diesel! wait where are you going?" Thomas asked puffing after him. "
uh I can't stop to talk right now Thomas! I'm busy" He called back. He didn't sound angry but worried. "you sound worried! what's upsetting you!" Thomas chased after him. Diesel sped up, he had something on his mind. "Diesel wait!" Thomas called out ahead of him. Diesel sighed slowing down. Thomas puffed up next to him. "what is the matter?" Thomas asked. Diesel looked worried. "Something isn't right" Diesel said glancing at Thomas. "what? what happened?" Thomas asked. "It's about Diesel 10" Diesel answered. Thomas looked less worried about Diesel when he mentioned him. "what did he do this time? did he set the Dieselworks on fire again?" Thomas asked. "No....It's not something he did, it's where he has gone" Diesel said. "what do you mean by that?" Thomas asked. Diesel looked at him, wondering if he should continue telling Thomas what is wrong. 

"well you see, a few weeks ago, every night Diesel 10 had started leaving late at night, he never said where he was going but said that he would return back the later or the next day. None of us cared at first until we started noticing him being gone for longer periods of time and random scratches and bruises would appear on him, we started asking questions but he never answered until one day he spoke up and said that he had been meeting up with someone, he never said who is was because he said he wasn't allowed to say, he seemed loyal enough to whoever this was, he always went out there. when we learned about that though we all thought it was kind of odd we continued on without worrying because he always would come back, well he has been gone since yesterday after noon and has not come back! I've looked everywhere for him! anywhere I'd expect him to be he wasn't there!" Diesel exclaimed. 

Thomas was rather taken aback by this. "Diesel 10 is missing?" Thomas questioned. he never saw the clawed diesel often, the last time they saw one another they had to work together to fix something for everyone. that had been a few months ago. So he never questioned the appearance of Diesel 10.  Thinking about Diesel 10 now and what Henry said yesterday, he realized he had never heard Diesel 10's horn before, now he was wondering if maybe he and Percy were on to something. "yes he is gone and none of us diesels know what to do, we have been looking for him everywhere" Diesel said. Diesel wasn't that expressive with his emotions but Thomas could see the look of worry he had.

 "Henry mentioned something about a train that lived in the woods that you can not trust yesterday, I wonder if he is that engine?" he questioned "no! This isn't about him doing anything wrong, like I said he was meeting up with another engine every night the same one and he always came back later, like he would of been back by this morning but he's been gone!, I don't know why I even told you anything anyways!" Diesel snapped at him. Thomas was surprised by this reaction from Diesel. Diesel never got this upset over things. "I thought being a diesel was all about being bad? why do you even care? "Thomas asked rudely. Diesel stopped and glared at him. "We weren't meant to be bad, remember you all set those stereotypes towards diesels yourselves, we were made to improve and speed things up, after I first came to the island as the first diesel on my trial, remember I was not here to threaten or harm any of you, but you didn't trust me and were rude so I did the same back, we diesels do what we do because you do the same to us" Diesel explained to him. "Diesel 10 is a different story, one I'm not telling you" Diesel said. 

Thomas never really thought about it that way, he never thought of the diesels as good besides the few he knew were like Rusty, Mavis, and a few others.  "now one last thing, why do we diesels act the way we do is because we are proud of what we are, you steamies are proud to be what you are and so are we, we also aren't very good with dealing with specific emotions,  now one thing you need to learn Thomas is that regardless with how we may all act we diesels can be rather loyal, sure sometimes the others get annoying but in the end we support one another at least, Diesel 10, despite his old ways, was like our leader, without him there is less balance and control. Now I must go, I need to find him, and I'm pretty sure you have some coaches to collect" Diesel said before oiling off. 

Thomas was still surprised by the way Diesel spoke. It was different than what he was use to, he had no filter in what he was saying, had spoke honestly and was serious about it. he shook off the thought about it. "shit! I'm late!" Thomas said before puffing away fast.

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