chapter 7

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(MY MY IT HAS BEEN AGES... I AM SO SORRY I ABANDONED THIS STORY, I didn't mean to be so distracted from it but hey, I got too chapters done so maybe that will make up for it. I hope it does, I am going to try and post more. I am sorry for how long it took me. I was out of my TTTE fixation for a while and was focused on other things, but the fixation came back and so! I will try to be active again, also warning for this one potential horror warning and slightly possible graphic  descriptions of blood.

Thomas continued on the track, he didn't realise it but he was heading closer to the forest that he found Hiro in.  I've been at fault the whole time haven't I.... I wish I could take that all back. Thomas continued to puff on down the track getting closer to the woods.  "Maybe if I find one of the other engines or maybe even Diesel 10... I can fix everything, maybe Diesel won't be angry and sad anymore.... And maybe Percy will forgive me. I just need to go  and find him.... But where could he be... Spencer disappeared in the woods... there was torn green cloth there... like Oliver.. green like Oliver! Yes... could it be that they really just keep disappearing in the woods?" He asked himself out loud. " Of course! That would make the most sense! I should search further... and maybe if... Hiro isn't mad at me for leaving him so abrupt and rudely...he can help me search for them too. After all two engines are better than one" he said out loud. That suddenly made him think back to Percy. He really wanted to fix things with him. He shook his thoughts out of his funnel and sped up to the woods. He found the entrance again and turned into his human form. It would be easier to get through this way. Thomas quietly crept along the path. Careful to not make a noise. He saw more torn clothing. He heard leaves shaking up ahead. He quickly walked a bit faster up ahead. He took a deep breath ready to defend himself from whatever if he had to. He saw a dark figure walk out onto the path. He squinted up ahead. It was hard to see, especially now that it was dark. Glowing yellow eyes flashed towards him. He froze. Golden eyes... just like the ones from his dream... is this it? Is this the engine ..  No Lady had glowing yellow eyes and the other engines were red. He walked a bit closer, swallowing down his fear and approaching closer. As he did, he did start to see slight glances of red from the eyes. " Oh Hello again Thomas" the figure said. The figure suddenly moved and quickly walked up to Thomas. " I didn't think I'd see you again, especially after I told you how dangerous it is out here, I wouldn't want you to...disappear " Hiro said. "Hiro...." Thomas took a moment to process what he said. " Oh,, Oh right, I'm sorry I left supi rudely, I got a little panicked and also needed to collect those mail cars..." Thomas apologised. Hiro's smile widened. " It is alright, you just need to be careful out here," He said. He stepped closer to Thomas. Thomas noticed something felt off about Hiro. His clothes also looked a bit different. " So have you agreed to our little deal?" Hiro suddenly asked. "What deal?" Thomas was caught off guard. " oh, right you left before I could tell you my offer. Yesterday you said you wanted to find your friends, and I told you, that I could rearrange some... help to find them, I was going to offer to help... on one small very small condition" He said. " ...I... help? Well, yea I could use the help to find them. I really messed things up today, and I'm hoping to make up for it by finding one of the missing engines. I think if I found Diesel 10 especially...  Diesel would be happy again.. Everyone would have hoped that more engines could be found" Thomas said. Hiro was silent. " Well since you accepted my offer, you must follow me down these old train tracks, after all, who knows how far those engines could be!" Hiro said, grabbing Thomas hand tightly and dragging him along. Thomas was surprised and wanted to protest but the larger steam engine was much too strong to break away from. He kept noticing Hiro's sudden glances. " You know Thomas, that outfit looks wonderful... hm, say what's the number on your shirt for?" Hiro seemed to randomly ask. " oh uh,, thanks? And I have the number one because I'm Sir Topham hatt's number 1 engine" Thomas Said. " is that so? So very prideful you are" Hiro suddenly turned facing him staring deep into his eyes. Thomas's eyes widened at a sudden realisation. "Hiro... your eyes, they are.. different" Thomas noticed. They were not the same lavender colour they had been. They were now red and yellow. Thomas glanced behind him, he noticed now how far he was. He no longer could see the exit. He looked back at Hiro who smiled at him. " Thank you for noticing! Aren't they so very pretty?" He asked. Thomas looked confused. "What...?" He took a few steps back from Hiro. Something was off now. He no longer seemed like the friendly, innocent, gentle looking engine. He looked scary and intimidating and smiled as if he was aware of that. Thomas suddenly stepped on something hard. He nearly fell over from it. He looked down and saw... a claw? He looked very confused. Until he realised it looked familiar...He looked forward to Hiro. His now yellow eyes... with red glowing Irises.. those eyes did not belong to him. Hiro suddenly laughed to himself. "I'm afraid... these were all I could use of him" Hiro said. Thomas's eyes widened. He immediately ran into the woods running as fast as he could not looking back, branches and bushes dragged and slapped him but he didn't stop running. He heard a loud whistle behind him. "Oh Thomas! Come back here my friend! No need to run away!" He heard Hiro call behind him. Thomas ran for his life. It was him! He took them... he killed Spencer, and Oliver... and.... His heart started to race even harder at a thought. Suddenly he broke into a forest opening. A centred out ring of trees. There was a tree in the centre and at the base of the tree sat an engine tied against it. Thomas gasped covering his mouth. "Holy shit".. he whispered, muffled by his hands. In Front of him was Diesel 10. His eyes were gone and the sockets that remained bled out slowly. Thomas walked closer to him. He kneeled down in front of him. he slowly reached his hand towards him, thinking he was dead. Suddenly Diesel 10 moved. Thomas backed up frightened. Diesel 10 sat up more. " aren't Hiro... but you are alive.. wait I recognize that scent.. Thomas? That can't be you, can it?" Diesel 10 asked. "Diesel 10.. It.. I..yes it's me." Thomas answered. They both suddenly heard footsteps approaching. " Quick hide before he sees you and stay quiet" Diesel 10 said sternly. Thomas did as he was told , though not a very clever spot. He hid directly behind the tree as he stood no chance running out into the bushes and being caught. He sat down and covered his mouth trying to be as quiet as possible. " Hm... Oh Diesel, do you know if a little blue tank engine has passed by here by chance" Hiro asked, walking towards Diesel. "how would I know, You took my eyes how the hell am I supposed to know if someone passes by?" Diesel 10 snapped at him. "Such a temper. You can still hear though, so footsteps shouldn't be too hard to listen to without being distracted by vision" Hiro said. " You're the only one I've heard around here.. any Steamie that's been near you is dead '' Diesel 10 said with a hissy tone. " Hm... I really am sorry I had to do this to you. But after how you've tried to sneak away and that little fit you had over that golden engine.. I just can't trust that you won't say anything.. and especially not trust you with a potentially threatening claw" Hiro said, lifting Diesel's chin up to face him. " Whatever, you did me a favour by getting rid of Pinchy. Now I don't have to have a stupid reminder of my past, however I will never forgive you for what you did to her" Diesel 10 growled. Hiro laughed, "how could it be any different than what you tried once? '' Hiro remarked. " Don't you DARE bring that into this. I know what I tried, and it was terrible of me, I know I was a bad diesel. I won't ever be able to forgive myself for trying to hurt her. What I can't understand is why you've turned out to be awful. You're a wolf pretending to be a sheep. You look innocent and kind, but you are blood thirsty. Look before I met you, I was TRYING to redeem myself of my past. To be a better engine, I even tried liking Steamies. That's why I thought you were my friend. Then you go around tricking other Steamies and using me as your puppet. Your lucky no one cares about me enough to do some real damage. The diesels wouldn't- Hun, if you keep talking I may have to remove something else from you. That mouth of yours could leave you in big trouble.. and I don't know I want to get rid of you just yet. Though I can't use anything of you to fit me. You being a diesel, it wouldn't work with me like the other engines could. Except for your gorgeous eyes of course" Hiro held his hand against 10's throat threateningly and yet somehow kept that kind sounding tone. Suddenly Hiro heard a noise in the trees nearby that sounded like a stick breaking. " Hm... he's still out there.. well no one else could get away from me.. he won't be any different" Hiro said darkly before turning and dashing into the woods. There was silence. However it was soon interrupted and Diesel 10 heard a sound of snapping. Suddenly his arms felt loose. He shifted a bit more. " Here, you are free!" Thomas whispered quickly. " you're still here?" Diesel 10 asked. " Why? You should just save yourself. Your Sir Topham hatt's number 1 engine" Diesel 10 questioned in a monotone vocie. " It doesn't matter what I am, you need to be saved, I can't just leave you here with him. The diesels are worried about you, everyone is... come on" Thomas said quickly. "Really?" 10 asked. " yes! you know what happened to the other engines?" Thomas asked. " Oliver... he was torn open, Spencer is dead, two engines were here I have no idea if they survived...and....he got to... Lady" Diesel 10 was hesitant, there was a sad tone to him. "What!? That can't be! I saw her.... In my dream... no she can't be dead, we're all still here, the magic doesn't feel gone..." Thomas said shocked. "She must of reached out to you in your dream... with what ever life she had left... as for the magic, I think it.. transformed over to me... I tried to save her,  he had a hold of her.... Gold bursted... and she fell limp... i was too late too saver, but I tried to attack him, Pinchy grabbed a hold of him but I realise now that was my biggest mistake because he grabbed a hold of my claw, pulled pinchy off his shoulder, spun and slammed me into a tree, tore my claw out and ripped my eyes out before saying those threatening words of his..... I can't believe .... I failed...after everything..... Thomas you should leave me here, I'll hold you back" Diesel 10 said defeated. " no... I can't leave you, not after everything, especially since you are still alive.... , I can't leave you here with him. We need you back, Diesel.." Thomas said. "Look, I know you and I have our differences, we always have, you used to be terrible, but I know you've changed, and despite everything, if there is one thing I will never do, is leave another engine to die" Thomas reassured him. Diesel 10 said nothing and stayed silent but he tried reaching forward for Thomas to accept his help. Thomas reached his hand towards his and grabbed it gently. 10 held on, not tight or harsh. His hand was surprisingly soft. Diesel 10 stood up and Thomas led the way, Thomas was determined to bring him back alive.

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