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      I AM in my office doing my work with shiv regarding a fashion show which is going to be held in 2 months as we have less time and we have to select the best dresses.
      "Om we are working from 2 days continuously and i think we should  head home because we are finished almost and see our team they are tired and they are with us from 2 days . i think we have to give them rest so that from Monday they can work with fresh mind and new ideas . " said shiv. " yea , shiv think you are correct because seeing from their faces i can understand . shiv you have to come with me today because mom is asking to see you because she misses you .. she also said that if you come she will cook your favorite chapati and dal  for you . so ??? are you?" i asked him . As you see me and shiv are neighbors and from childhood and we practically grow together. sometime i go to his home and he come to my home so we are really close to each other.

parvathi pov:

   ( hi  its me author it is the conversation between parvathi and her husband shanker . p means parvathi and s means shanker )

p: evandi !! nenu metho oka mata chepali ani anukuntuna . can i say that or are you busy. 

(hubby !! i want to say something . can i say ?)

s: chepu paru... why asking i know yo want to say something because today at kitchen i say you zooning out and thinking about something.(tell paru)

p: adhi nina laxmi ni kalisa meeku telusu kada na bestfriend .... 

(that yesterday i meet laxmi my bestfriend you know right...)

s: yea , i also meet venkatesh yesterday . so what do want to say ?

p: nothing andhi !! just that yesterday i meet laxmi daughter and i liked her instanly she is so sweet , cute , she is kind , respect elders and she has manner i like her very much and i was think if we ask them her hand for our son om . 

s: paru... you know right i trust you and i know if you like somebody then i know that they have something good in them and i know nobody knows what's best for omkar than you .... even i come after you so if you feel that she is best match for our son then i will support you . 

p : then you have youhave ask om kar to come for meeting his bride tomorrow ok .it's final even the relation is final or not i just wanted om to visit the meeting tomorrow because i have a feeling this will be the last bride anf final bride for him because i have av feeling that this marriage will happen.

s: ok , i will say to him and i make him to come tomorrow ok ? and i hope so that this would work 

p:ok.then i will call and inform them.


om pov:

we reached home and we both shouted at the sametime " mom we are home ". "hey i am in kitchen cooking is all most over go and fresh up and call dad also he is in study room" she said. we left and after fresh up we came down. "hi , dad how are you? " i ask him. " i am good om" dad replied. 

        we are eating and relishing the taste of chapati and hot hot dal . " om are you free tomorrow " dad asked me. " yes , paa i am free tomorrow .. why asking paa?" i asked him then he replied " actually , yesterday we want an wedding you know right arthav and priyanka ; so your mom meet her bestfriend and her family and your mom liked the girl ;so, wanted you to come and meet her no force but just try ok." dad said in a tone like soft but finality in it and i will respect what my dad says so" ok dad i will come tomorrow to see her but you guys should not force me ok?" i said. 

     " kanna we will force you but please come for ok" mom asked me". i said o9k and left from there. when i a was sitting alone in  my room only one decision i took that is but i don't want my parents to suffer more for my marriage.

dhivi pov:

         today morning when i woke up and did my routine went down my mom and dad are talking about something and when they saw me they smiled and said " nani , yesterday you met with parvathi aunty right so how do feel about her?" she aked me."  mom i like her mom she is sweet and kind and good human mom . by the way why did you ask mom?". then she said sit first .i sat in front of them and they said something which shook me " nani parvathi and her family are coming today to meet you because she and her husband called us and said they want your hand in marriage to their son ." 

                no words left from my mouth because usually every aunty how has a son and unmarried if they talk to me they will just talk and leave me and if my parents ask for their son in marriage they would give weird reasons and backout even sometimes they even say the problem to my parents face that bride is fat and we can make our son to marrie her sorry like that. but today is the first time i got a call from groom's side and that too they wanted my hand in marriage for their son!!!!!! . i was shocked would be understatement. 

     i don't know would i am going to get married or not but i don't want my parents to suffer more for my marriage.


dal and chapati would look like this 

dal and chapati would look like this 

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