Chapter 8

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I walked through the town I was left in during the dark of night, tears shedding down my face as I walked down the main road. It felt like hours, as I walked there, not knowing where to go, nor caring where I went. As I walked, I saw several black cars, military cars that I instantly recognized, as I quickly dove for cover in the shadows as they drove past me, before I walked out. That was my father's company. Where my Uncle was the main leader of MECH, my father led that group called Sector Seven. I panicked as I saw them rushing so fast that I took off running down the road after them. Finding several other cars, the autobots exactly driving up behind me at full speed. I turned and quickly jumped out of the way, worried they would hit me, due to how upset they were with me, but instead they just passed me. Leaving me there like I didn't even exist. I looked down the road and saw them continue to run down the road, before in the very far distance, I saw a bridge that they all went under and disappeared from view.

I had to stop them, they were running straight for trouble, I couldn't sit there no matter how much I was angry with myself and no matter how much they were angry with me. I took off running down the road, before I saw a stranded bike and quickly hopped onto it, pedaling as fast as I could and as hard as my body would allow me down the road, approaching the bridge, but the second I got close, I saw several military cars along with a helicopter ahead, taking flight as the cars drove away, but as I stopped there on the road, I looked up to see the helicopter carrying the one thing that broke me even more.

"BEEE!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!" I yelled as I jumped off the bike and ran in the direction the helicopter took off. "NO!!!!!! NOT BEEEE!!!!!!!! TAKE ME, NOT THEM!" I yelled at the sky, as the helicopter disappeared from sight, making me cry out and collapse on the ground right there. I wanted to punch something. That copter could be going anywhere, and there was no way, nor any sort of means I had to be able to chase after it. I was alone. The bots had abandoned me, and I doubted the cons would help me either seeing as they seemed to have changed.

I sat there with tears running down my face as I looked up at the sky hoping that this was just a dream, that they didn't take Bee, but no matter what, I knew that it was the truth.

Feeling the ground shake around me, I quickly jerked around to find the other four bots walking toward me, Optimus and Ratchet had unreadable expressions as well as Ironhide. While Jazz instantly crouched down near me and held his hand out towards me.

"I thought you guys hate me. I know I do. I hate myself for how dumb and useless I am. I tried so hard to protect the first thing I cared about and I failed." I cried as I looked at Jazz, before I looked away at the ground, crying in the process as I felt my tears fall and watched as they hit the ground around me.

"Protect us, how? How were you protecting us?" Ironhide demanded. Looking down at me with so much anger in his face that I thought he would kill me.

"I don't know how, but that night I left, my father and my uncle broke into my mind as I tried to sleep or maybe it was just a nightmare, but it felt so real. He told me that if I continued to remain where I was, with you guys that he was gonna kill anyone who tried to help or aid me. He was gonna destroy your teams, and that was the last thing I wanted. Terrified that you guys would get killed, I left. These several years I have been traveling state by state in any means. I had been looking for my father and my uncle. I told them that instead of them coming after me, I was gonna come after them and kill them, not just for the threat, but for all the pain and lies that they had given me.

"No matter how close I ever got to killing him, no matter if I had a knife or even a gun, he always managed to disappear and leave me in the dust. Whereas when I went back to coming up with plans, I couldn't just come up with anything, instead I was on the run myself, because anytime I saw a cybertronian I recognized, I knew that he would be watching, as soon as I saw any one of you, con or bot, I was running for my life to make sure that he didn't recognize me in the same area as you. I didn't want him to kill any one of you guys, yet here I am watching as my very own father, managed to grab hold of Bumblebee, all because Bumblebee wouldn't let me leave and keep running." I cried as I stood up and faced Ironhide. "So you see, I am a failure. In the end, everything I did, all the pain, the tears, no matter how hard I tried to stop them, or protect you guys, I still failed in the end. Bumblebee is gone! I have no way of finding and tracking him down, because I am on my own. I have used every means I had to survive my horrible family. And even then, I still have no idea where either one of them is located. So yes, I hate myself, just as much as you guys hate me. I mean you have all reason to hate me. Meanwhile, when I tried to stop my father and uncle, Bee tells me that Megatron is now killing you guys, breaking the very peace treaty that you had made in my living room. One of the cons, who I only know by name wanted to kill me, because he thought I was hiding with the autobots and had chosen you guys over the cons, when I was never even choosing sides. And in the process, Bee still gets injured and loses his own voice." I yelled, as I looked at Ironhide while pointing my finger at him. "Now, before you guys decide to yell at me some more and tell me just how bad I hurt you, I know. I already know, because I was hurting the whole 5 years as well." I grabbed the bike next to me and looked at the four of them. "I know you will never forgive me, I'm not worth the forgiveness, but I am gonna go try and figure out some way to find my father, because deep down, I can't stand losing Bee."

I got on the bike and was about to leave them, but instead, Jazz scooped me up off the bike and held me against his own chest. I didn't know what to expect or what to think, as he held me snug against his chest, but slowly I reached out and hugged him back as I felt myself break into full blown sobs. It hurt so much that I sat there with my face buried into him as he held me close. I didn't know what the others were thinking about me, but I truly released all the tears I could before I eventually felt myself start to calm down and felt myself run out of tears as I laid there in his grip.

As soon as I finished, Jazz pulled me away from his chest and looked down at me in his hand. "I forgive you." Jazz spoke as he looked at me. I didn't know if I should be happy or not as I sat there in shock at what he said to me.

"Wha?" I muttered as I didn't know if I was truly hearing him. I felt like I was hallucinating as he said those words. "How? How can you? After everything? You're joking, just to make me feel bad. Why would you forgive me?"

"I said, "I forgive you," because I do. I don't know about the others, but I understand. You're not a monster. You're a warrior." Jazz spoke as he looked at me. I sat there looking down at his servo, my mouth open, but there were no words that I could even think of to say. I didn't know what to say.

I felt someone grab me out of Jazz's hand, before I looked to find Ironhide holding me in his hand. I didn't know what to think, but before I knew it, he even ended up holding me against his chest, leaving me sitting there in shock as I sat there. "I forgive you." Ironhide mumbled as he held me against him. I slowly hugged him back, as I sat there feeling so many emotions and so many questions run through me. I felt so lost in what was going on, that as Ironhide released his hold, he held me out in front of him. I turned around slowly to find Ratchet holding his hand out toward me, waiting for me to climb into it. I tried to read the emotion on his face, but no matter what, I couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Slowly, I stepped across Ironhide's palm and stepped into Ratchet's hand in front of me, expecting there to be some sort of trick, or catch, but the second I had managed to step into his hand, Ratchet immediately raised me up to his face and kissed me on to top of my head. Afterwards he held me close against his chest like the other two had. "I am grateful that you're safe and well. You scared the crap out of me when you disappeared." Ratchet spoke. "I swear if you decide to disappear like that again, or if I even catch you trying to run again, I will weld you to me."

"I'm sorry, Ratchet. I did miss you guys, but I think you and Bee were the ones I missed the most." I spoke as I looked up at him. "As much as we want a reunion though, I truly think we should go after Bee. I'm worried about him."

"You will ride with me. It will not be up for discussion. As for our planning, I believe our top priority right now is to locate the Allspark." Optimus spoke, reminding her that he was actually there with them. Before anybody could say anything, Optimus immediately transformed into his alt mode in front of me, Ratchet set me down as well before the other three of them also transformed in front of me. I didn't know what to feel in the moment, other than terrified, but as soon as Optimus opened his passenger door for me, I very much was hesitant about climbing into his cabin, but I did so anyway as I used his door to help pull me inside, before I sat down on the seat, where the door instantly shut and the seatbelt snaked around me. 

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