Chapter 10

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"Gentlemen, the President has ordered Sector Seven be terminated, and the remains of the dead aliens disposed of. The Laurentian Abyss is seven miles below sea level, deepest place on our planet. The massive pressure and depth, coupled with subfreezing temperatures would crush and entomb them, leaving no evidence."

"With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward, a new world to call home. A new family, new friends, and most of all, a daughter to call my own. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage. And though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to any surviving autobots taking refuge. We are here. We are waiting."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Standing on a hill, we all gathered as we watched the sunset, while I sat on Optimus's shoulder, now that we were waiting for all the bots to come back and rejoin our group. Ratchet managed to help repair Bumblebee's legs, along with bandaging my ankle, and the government was forced to accept that the autobots had practically adopted me into their family, and refused to let me out of their sight. Even the president agreed, seeing as I was the first one that they had met.

Looking down, I saw Bumblebee in his alt mode with Sam and now the girl I knew to be Mikaela.

Thinking about everything that had happened, I stood up on Optimus's shoulder as I looked out into the distance, feeling my thoughts travel, I looked out into the distance wishing deeply to be reunited with everyone. I wished the bots were never scattered, and that the cons were still at peace with the bots.

I also felt bad for Megatron, that I had tricked him to allow Sam to help end the war, but deep down, part of me was missing him. The over protective, but also caring war lord.

"Sorsha!" Someone yelled, startling me to find all of the bots and even the two kids looking at me, while I was sitting in Optimus's servo.

"Calm down! You're safe." Ironhide spoke as he looked at me, but I just merely shook my head side to side and looked away as I wiped the tears off my face. "I'm fine." I hissed as I avoided looking at them, but instead Ratchet scooped me up and started to scan me, startling me a little bit before sighing, as there was nothing I could do to get him to stop.

"She's perfectly healthy, other than a little bit of a raised blood pressure, signifying she is stressed rather than ill." He said while looking at the other bots.

"Sister...why are you...crying?" Bumblebee asked as he stood nearby and looked at me.

"I'm fine, Bee. Just remembering some memories that made me sad." I replied, not wanting to go into detail as far as what all was going on in my mind at the moment.

"What kind of memory?" Mikaela asked below us, getting my attention as I looked down at her.

"I don't think you two would understand, even if I told you." I replied as I looked down at them. "I was thinking about when you guys first showed up at my home. Back when your two factions were at peace with one another."

" mean the autobots and the cons used to get along?" Sam cried, as he looked up at them.

"Yes, Sam. We once were all at peace together on Cybertron before the world, but when we showed up in your world, we had made a peace treaty in Sorsha's home, allowing us to forget about the war for the moment." Ratchet replied, looking down at the two kids.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for the treaty being broken, it was gonna break eventually." Optimus spoke as he looked down at me.

"But I do feel bad. I cared about both of your teams, autobot and decepticon. You and Megatron were both like overprotective fathers. I miss some of the others, even if I never got to know everyone's names. I truly miss the night you all showed up, and sat there eating supper with us. Everyone was getting along, and we were happy, no matter how brief it was."

"Sorsha, we will find a way. We will stop the war and we will regain the peace that we once had." Optimus spoke up as I sat in Ratchet's servo.

"What about the others? I am sure they will be mad at me for running away, just as you were. What happens now?"

"I am sure some may be upset about you leaving, but it will be up to you to find a way to regain our trust. I understand the reasoning in why you left, but there was surely a better way to deal with your father than dealing with it on your own." Optimus replied, looking down at me.

I looked at him, before looking away at the distance we had on the hill. "Wait, Bee, how did you escape my father in Sector Seven?"

"What do you mean your father? He owned Sector Seven?" Sam asked, looking up at me.

"During the time I was on my own, I had managed to learn that both my Uncle and my Father owned their own secret military factions. My father is the owner of Sector Seven, while my Uncle owns another military faction called MECH, though I have had no knowledge of their locations. Every time I thought I was getting close to tracking them down, I would end up having my own rear on the run. It's been consistent, one of us finds the other and injures them till they either are left for dead, or they manage to escape. I have managed to injure their soldiers, but I haven't killed them, leaving me still outnumbered drastically. I don't know what is going to happen now with Sector Seven now being revealed."

"About that..." A voice spoke up, as they looked to see Lennox approaching them. "Sector Seven is officially being shut down."

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him.

"The president has ordered for Sector Seven to be terminated along with us having all the remains of the fallen to be disposed of. In order to keep aliens in our world secret from the public."

"Disposed of where and how?"

"They are sending them into the ocean where they will be dropped into a deep trench to be forgotten." Lennox explained.

"They can't do that, these are sentient beings we are talking about. Yes they caused war, but they still deserve to be respected."

"It isn't our choice Sorsha, we have to respect their wishes." Optimus spoke, looking at me.

"It feels wrong, I don't know why, but it does." I explained. "You guys deserve to be respected and treated correctly. I'm afraid what my father is gonna do now that everything he had worked on is now gone. If he will have different plans up his sleeves or if he will be furious and decide to hunt us down as revenge."

"If he does, we will be together to face him. No more running off." Optimus replied sternly. "If there will be any revenge, vengeance will be mine. I will make them pay for hurting you."

"Why must it be yours?" I asked, looking up at him confused. Instead of a response, I saw his facial expression change negatively. Looking at him said it all, as I quickly looked away, scared, nervous. His optics were glowering, almost like two demons were staring me down, making it prove just how serious he was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Can you shed any light on the recent, so-called alien activity in the area?" The newscaster spoke.

"Do you know what? I think that...if there was some sort of a...alien infestation.." Judy spoke softly.

"Yeah.." Ron nodded, quietly. "They,.. The government would be the first to let you know."

"The government would let us know."

"I mean this is America."

"Yeah. You know, that's how we know we live in a free land, because there's no secrets. They'd say 'Hey, duck and cover.'" Judy finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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