Chapter Ten

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      ANGEL HUFFS AND WALKS BACK UNSIDE WHERE THE STACY FAMILY, MINUS GEORGE, ARE ALL GATHERED AROUND THE TELEVISION WATCHING THE NEWS. As Angel was watching, she could see a shot of a humongous scaly creature pushing through all the cars and terrorising the people on the Manhattan Bridge. It resembled a large lizard but then it's piercing roar would make it look like a modern day miniaturised dinosaur.

"Oh my..." Helen gasped with a hand to her chest and Gwen put a reassuring hand on her mother's shoulder and continued to watch the news.

Angel could then see a glimpse of a red and blue suit appear on screen and she tensed slightly. It was hard watching her boyfriend on screen fighting that monster when he could get really hurt.

"I think it's best if I take Brady home. I just want Dad to know that we're safe." Angel speaks up and Helen nods as she gathers her son and Angel gathers up her brother's stuff and gestures for him to follow her.

"Sorry, bud. We just need to be safe." Angel says and then she casts a look to Gwen who glances her over before waving goodbye. Angel tilts her head and blows a kiss to her and Gwen smiles and catches it.

Brady and Angel leave the apartment and they head for the subway station so they could get home quickly.

For the first part of the journey, Brady is radio silent. He absently looks out the window and around the empty rain before sighing.

"What's up?" Angel asks her little brother.

"What do you mean?" Brady asks.

"How are you? I haven't actually asked in a while. How are you dealing with Dad being gone a lot?" She asks and Brady shrugs his shoulders.

"It kinda sucks, I guess. I see Simon with his Mom and Dad and they have a great, happy life but then I come home and remember that Mom is dead and Dad is never there. I can never count on him." He says and Angel sighs.

"I know. I'm sorry I can't say more but honestly that's just how life is. We're lucky that Dad has a well-paying job to keep us fed, watered and sheltered. Some people don't have that and we need to count our blessings as they come." She says and Brady nods glumly.

Angel felt terrible that there was nothing more that she could do to ease her brother's pain. She knew it weighed on him every day that he couldn't be around his dad, or have a relationship with him because he was so absent. Angel wished she could try and fill that hole, but, she knew it was impossible. Her mother always seemed to know what to do, however, Angel could never fill her shoes.

They get off at their stop and walk the five minutes it takes to get from the subway station to their house and Angel unlocks the door for them. Brady runs upstairs to his room and Angel makes her way to the kitchen where she turns on the news and makes herself a cup of coffee.

There's a man on the screen talking about Spider-Man and how he saved his son.

"Whatever the police are saying about this guy is wrong. He's a hero. He saved my son, my only son and asks for nothing in return. God bless Spider-Man." The man says and then the news cuts to a different segment and Angel smiles softly at the fond words this man had to say.

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