Chapter 1:The First Meeting That Started It All

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"Good morning and welcome to the Domino City Morning Radio! Today's date is Tuesday September 16th, 1986. Today's weather is forecasting bright sunny skies today with the 81 degrees for our high today. Tonight's low will be 65 degrees." The radio man spoke aloud. Twilight groaned as she covered her face with a pillow. She hit the button on her alarm to make it stop talking. Twilight was about to turn over to her side, when her mother started calling her to come downstairs to eat some breakfast. Groaning once more, she threw the blankets off of her and rose from the pillow, sitting up straight while stretching afterwards. She rose from her bed, walking to her vanity and sat down to brush her hair. As she continued to do so, she looked at the image of her and Yuto. Twilight thought about the moment of her meeting Yuto for the very first time. From what she could recall, Twi was in the forest, exploring more of the strange woods while in her wolf form. When she got back from exploring, she saw a boy that had spotted her. Yuto was a kind and gentle young boy from Twi's perspective at least.

Yuto's hair contained a mix of black with purple bangs in the front and his eyes were a light grey type of color. It was odd to see someone's appearance like that nowadays in Domino City. Twilight thought it was some sort of disco age or something at first. "Twilight honey, you're going to be late for school if you don't come down here to eat breakfast in the next 2 minutes!" Her mother shouted from downstairs. Twilight looked at the time and dropped her brush on her vanity, putting on her blue and white school uniform, and running downstairs for breakfast. Twilight turned the corner from the stairwell to see her mother packing her lunch for the school day. "Sorry mom but I really don't have time for a whole breakfast. I just need enough money to buy myself breakfast on the way there." Twilight said, panting. Her mother sighed as she walked over to her child, fixing her hair and giving her lunch and her bottle of water. "Very well, just be careful." Her mother spoke calmly. Twilight nodded as she took the small dollar bills from her mother's hand before she grabbed her bag, rushing out the door.

Twilight ran and ran down the street until she made it to a crosswalk. She knew better than to run across the street, so she slowed her pace until she got to the other side. As she started running again, she saw one of her favorite cafes to go to almost every day. She walked up to the door but couldn't reach it. "Need some help, young one?" A stranger asked kindly. Twilight looked up to see one of her friends from her father's workplace. "Yes, I do, Mr. Fox. Could you please help me with the door?" Twilight asked politely. Mr. Fox smiled at her, following a nod as he opened the door wide enough for the both of them to enter. "What brings you here? I know you love this place a lot, but you normally don't come here by yourself." Mr. Fox questioned. Twilight nodded in response to his question. "It's true, yes. But I'm running late to school, and I need something for breakfast since I didn't have time for some at home." Twilight spoke. Mr. Fox nodded once more at the small girl as they came to the counter. "Oh, I'm sorry, little one. But We don't let kids order by themselves." The cashier stated. Twilight started to look sad and tried to speak for herself. "Ma'am it's just a small breakfast, I have the money too." The cashier shook her head. "I'm sorry, but rules are rules." She stated. Twilight held the money tightly in her hands as she started to whimper a bit. "I'll pay for whatever she wants ma'am." Mr. Fox replied. Twilight looked up as the tears slowly ran down her face. "Are you sure, Mr. Fox? I can just wait until I get to school." Twilight spoke in her shaky tone of voice. Mr. Fox kneeled down to her level and smiled at the girl. "I can't let you starve, my dear. Besides, this is my payment for your father helping me with my project deadline at work." He stated. Twilight smiled and gave him a big hug.

After a few minutes Twilight and Mr. Fox sat down at the table with their breakfast. They ate quite the decent meal for 7am in the morning. "Mr. Fox, do you think you can give me a ride to school too? I'll be extremely late if I keep running down the street." Twilight spoke, breaking the silence between them. "Why of course, my dear. We don't need creeps on you now do we?" Mr. Fox replied. Twilight laughed and nodded at the question. After they had finished their breakfast Twilight climbed into the backseat of Mr. Fox's car, and they drove off to Crystal Power Academy. Once they arrived, Mr. Fox pressed a button in his console that made the backdoor open for Twilight. "There you go, kiddo. If you see your friend Moonlight, tell her I said hi." He stated. Twilight nodded in response and quickly climbed out of the car, closing the door, and running inside to meet with her friends.

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