Chapter 2:Am I Holding Back?

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A few days had gone by since their first encounter. Twilight was getting to know Shay and his sister Lulu very well. Lulu was more of a calm, gentle, and kind type of girl and always there with a smile to make others happy. Shay however was more on the protective side. He shows more of that 'I don't really care' look to his encounter. But he's a loving brother that takes care of his sister. Twilight couldn't help but relate home to her own brother, Andrew. He cared a lot for Twilight and would do anything to make sure she was happy and safe. Shay did the same thing with Lulu. He did a lot for her, he would do anything for her, and to keep her safe and happy.

Lunch time came around for the school day. In the cafeteria, Twilight was on her way to the table with her food. Couple of the kids scoffed as she walked by, but she didn't mind it. Twi was known for being the freakshow of the school, all because of her powers. As she was walking down the walkway, a kid from the older grade, put his leg in front of her and tripped her. Twilight let out a scream as she fell to the ground. Everyone looked to see a fight start to start. Moonlight silently growled, as she witnessed the student forcefully making her friend fall onto the floor. Everyone started to whisper, and even started laughing at the situation. "Why are they just laughing?! That's not even funny!" Yuto shouted in annoyance. Moonlight slammed her hand on the table, getting up from her seat, and screamed at him for doing something so cruel. "How could you do this to a child!" The girl shouted. The other boy looked over at Moonlight without a word. His friends picked up Twilight and held her in their grip. Twilight started to cry and whimper as the pain grew. "Leave her alone!" Moonlight shouted once more. The students looked at her like she was being stupid, wondering why she was shouting at him. Twilight watched as her face showed sadness, pain, and anger. "You shouldn't talk back, you freak! You shouldn't mess with someone who's taller than you. You wanna try to fight me, huh?" The older boy shouted.

Even though Twilight was scared out of her mind, she teleported away just to make the group of boys confused. The older one looked up and saw Twilight falling down from the ceiling with a sword. She was able to knock him down, but then his friends started to attack her. Shay watched as she was trying to fight back, despite her tiny size. Don't you even dare. Shay this isn't you and Kite fighting this time. We don't know what these people are capable of." Lulu spoke. Say growled under his breath. He couldn't stay behind everyone else and went over to Twilight. Yuto sighed and looked over at Shay. "For once Shay, listen to your sister. This could end badly for you and the rest of our group. Just sit still and-"Before Yuto could finish, Shay sprung from his seat, running towards the older boy. Twilight watched as Shay ran at full speed, punching the kid hard in the face. He punched the kid just hard enough that his nose was bleeding. "Don't you know you shouldn't mess with someone who's smaller than you?! She's just a kid!" The guy got up and started coughing. Shay wasn't gonna pity him. He hurt a friend of his, and that's not ok. The two others backed away and just stared at him and Twilight. They were scared of them; they didn't want to end up like their friend. Shay walked over to Twilight, seeing that she was starting to pass out. He quickly picked her up and hugged her as he started walking to the nurse's office. "You're ok now. You're safe, and you won't be harmed anymore. Though, leave the fights to the older kids next time." Shay spoke softly. Yuto, Lulu, and Moonlight followed him as everyone stared at them. Teachers started coming into the cafeteria and asking the students what had happened.

After what had happened at lunch, the day went by a bit slower because Shay didn't know if Twi was ok or not. They had him and the others go to class and that he would check in before the school day ended. He tried messaging Twi, but she wouldn't answer. "Now if you look here, our problem went from..." The teacher went on and on with the lesson. Shay yawned, wanting this day to be over so he could go see Twilight. Once the class had finally ended, Shay quickly grabbed his things, running down the hallway, and went to the nurse's office. When he got there, the nurse just sighed, taking him to the back where Twi was staying. As he looked at her, she was sitting there, hugging her knees and just crying to herself. Shay quickly ran to her, giving her a tight hug. Twilight couldn't even speak and felt like such a fool. She knew he was worried about her, but Twilight was more worried about him, getting detention or probably getting suspended from school. Even worse, she realized that she used her powers in front of him and his sister. Of course, Yuto knew already, but she never told Shay or Lulu about her powers. "S-Shay I- '' She tried speaking, but she couldn't. Twilight was too scared to say anything, thinking that she might lose him as a friend. It didn't help that she was hungry as well. Shay looked his friend dead in the eye, and then spoke. "Don't you dare even apologize about what you did. Those powers of yours? They're amazing!" Shay gave her a big hug after he had spoken. Twilight didn't know how to react to his words. All she could do was hugging him back and crying.

20 minutes had gone by, and the after-school activities had finished for the day. Twi laid down holding my stomach. It started to feel like she was going to throw up since she had nothing to eat. The nurse was packing up her belongings and was about to call her parents about what had happened. It felt like an eternity when Shay came back with food for the both of them. She smiled at him and sat up slowly before Twilight started to eat her food. After they had finished eating, Shay helped her off the bed. "I'll be taking her home, ma'am. I'll also tell her parents what happened today." The nurse nodded in a kind gesture to Shay as a thank you to him. The two kids walked out of the nurse's office, down the hallway, and out the doors of the school. He continued to walk her home as promised and just in case Twi got picked on again. Twilight was thankful to have him around. He was there for her, and he cared for her just like they were practically family. As the sky grew darker, they passed a shop with some cards in it. Twilight stopped to try and get a closer look. While she was looking, Shay followed behind and had that smirk. Knowing there was little time left before it got dark. "So, you're into dueling?" He asked. Twi was confused. The only dueling she knew was with swords from the ancient times. "What do you mean dueling?" Shay pointed to a tv in the window showing a duel between 2 people with the cards from the window. "Duel Monsters is the name of the game. If you want, me and the others can teach you." Twilight was jumping with joy and immediately agreed. She wanted to make every moment count and be a duelist who was well known for their strategies.

Shay watched her smile and happily smiled back as she rambled about the game. He felt like his heart was pounding more and more. Knowing that his feelings for Twi, grow every second that he was with her. It made him want to ask her the question. But they were too young to even date, and he was pretty sure her parents would kill him if we did. He walked her into the shop and went to look for cards. 1 hour passed, Shay was able to get Twi home before sunset and a good starter deck for the Duel Monsters game. Her parents offered to let him stay for dinner, while also offering if he could stay for the night, since it was late. Twilight started to ask her parents if she could have a sleepover with her friends. Even though it was a Tuesday night, she wanted to have some fun with the group. They agreed to it while also letting her know about an upcoming test in their family's camp in the woods. Shay felt confused, sitting down on the sofa while he waited for them to finish their conversation in the other room. As they continued to talk Shay smiled and felt lost in his thoughts. 'Being here in Domino, felt like being at home in Heartland. There were plenty of people, there were kids laughing and cheering, pets running around and having fun. It makes me feel more connected to home then I realized.' Shay started to think about what is going to be in store for tonight. Knowing Twi, she has some tricks up her sleeve, just to make the night interesting. She has the habit of pranking people. She gets it from her father.

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