Author's Note

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I'm very sorry for the slow updates everyone. It's hard to focus with school in the way. I will be making alterations to the story on a google docs and then I'll copy and paste the new version of that chapter. I will be doing the same for the Hellsing fan fiction Alucard x OC story as well. The fourth chapter for this story is taking a little longer than I expected because of the truth or dare game. I'm working on it still.

I will be trying to finish these stories up so I can make more for you guys to enjoy. I have some idea's written down in a notebook of mine. I will be making a story of the History of the war that is mentioned in the in my second story, plus more about the Stargazers and Nightfalls too(but in a seperate story). Again sorry for the slow updates of these stories.

Long Waited Love(Shay Obsidian X Oc) (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now