Chapter 3:A Game Gone Wrong?

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During dinner, Katherine had noticed some bandages on her daughter's face. She looked over at Carlos, who also noticed the sudden change of her appearance.  "Twilight, honey. May I ask what happened at school?" Katherine questioned in a concerned tone. Twilight stopped eating for a moment, holding her fork in her hand as she looked at her mother and father. Twilight held her breath as she stared at her food. Shay looked at his friend with a worried face. He looked at her parents as he placed his fork on the plate. "If I may, can I speak for her? She probably doesn't want to talk about it." Shay replied in question. Katherine looked at her husband before they both nodded at the boy. Shay took a deep breath as he placed his fork down on his plate, looking at Twi, then back at her parents. 

"During lunch today, someone tripped Twi with their foot, causing her to fall on the floor and lose her lunch. They bullied her and made fun of her for being who she is. I fought them off a bit, Twi then joined in after a little bit. But she was badly injured afterwards and, in the end, she's alright. I don't think we have to worry about them again." Shay explained. Katherine looked worried as she faced her husband. "Twilight, you know better than to fight back against someone who's more experienced than you." Carlos exclaimed in a shout. Twilight clenched her fists and grunted under her breath. "Dad, I can take care of myself!" Twilight got up from her chair and ran to her bedroom in a tempered like state. Shay watched her leave in anger, feeling like he shouldn't have said anything. "Don't worry Shay, she's like this all the time. Twi gets it from her father." Katherine spoke softly. Carlos's expression changed from anger to confusion. "Hey, I'm not like that at all!" He protested. Shay laughed at the grown-up's little squall as he sat there watching.

After dinner, Twilight called Yuto and Lulu over so they could get the sleepover started.  She sat there with her legs crossed, sighing after placing her phone down. Footsteps could be heard in the hallway, as Twi broke her train of thought. Shay walked into the bedroom with that sort of thinking look on his face.  "What's wrong Shay? You normally don't have that look on your face." Shay stopped by the window before looking over at Twi, then back outside the window. "Twilight, was there something you weren't telling me or the others?" Twilight sat there thinking to herself. She wasn't going to even tell her friends about her powers. Then, she thought of her parents telling Shay the truth about them. A big sigh broke the silence between them. Shay walked over to Twilight's bed, climbed up onto it, and sat next to his friend. "I don't want to say anything just yet. I want to wait until the other's get here." Twilight spoke. Shay nodded and laid down on the pillows. His face went into full shock, making Twilight look confused. "What in the world?! These pillows are so soft! Where did you get these?!" Shay exclaimed. Twilight started to laugh at him.

 The moment was interrupted however, Yuto, Moonlight, and Lulu came through the door. Twilight continued to laugh at Shay, but only a small bit. "Did we interrupt something?" Yuto said in a confused tone. Shay shot up from the pillows and looked over at Yuto. "Yuto, these pillows are super soft, and I need to know where Twilight got these. We need them for my room ASAP!" Twilight laughed once more, holding her stomach as she did. Yuto looked confused and went to see what Shay was talking about. "Oh my gosh! You're right! Twilight, where did you get these pillows?!" Yuto shouted. The rest of the girls started to laugh at the confusion that the boys were having. An hour passed and the group all gathered in a circle on the wooden floor. Twi had suggested that they played a game of truth or dare. It wasn't as bad for the few minutes leading into the start of the game. But the tables turned very quickly as it was now Shay's turn. "Ok Twi. Truth or dare?" He asked, looking more serious than he normally did. "Of course, I'm going with the truth." Twilight replied. Shay closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Shay then opened his eyes, looking at Twilight in the eyes. "What did your parents mean by elemental powers?" Yuto and Lulu looked shocked as Shay asked his question. Moonlight looked worried as she gazed over at Twi.

Twilight sighed and folded her hands together. "I was going to explain this at some point, but I didn't know when." Twilight paused as she looked at her necklace. "We Nightfall's are a part of a long history of having supernatural powers. Powers that not even the normal human being can understand." Twilight continued. "For 5,000 years, our family has been given the powers to control the elements of this world. Fire, water, wind, earth, and ice. It has been like this for 5 millennia." Twilight looked up from her necklace and looked at her friends. "Over time, we've started to connect with different species on this planet as well. Moonlight and I are part of the spiritual chain that connects us to the wolves." Yuto raised a hand as Twilight paused. "So, is that why I saw you change from a wolf to a human being a year ago?" Yuto asked. Twilight nodded in response as she rose from the floor, walked to the bookshelf, walked back, then finally sat back down on the floor again while she opened the book. "There's been stories about one member in our family that surpassed the limit of powers that were gifted." Twilight explained as she flipped to the page. "In the years 1934-1936, it has been rumored that one of our ancestors fought a great evil after watching her best friend sadly pas away. She was able to control 8 elemental powers, the first ever in the family. After she had died, it was then said that every 20 years, one member of the Nightfall family would control the 8 elements. Though after some time, it had skipped a generation and was then passed down to me." Yuto, Lulu, and Shay were jaw dropped as Twilight finished telling her story. Lulu's eyes started to glimmer with happiness and excitement. "Our friend has supernatural powers?! That's so awesome!" Yuto looked over at Shay, seeing that he was amazed that Twi knew that much history about her family's past. 

Shay shook his head to get out of his thoughts when Yuto started to speak. Shay looked over at his sister. They both knew that Yuto had something planned because of the smirk on his face. Twilight looked over at Moonlight as she closed the book and pushed it over to her. In Twi's mind, whatever this dare was that Yuto had planned, she was going to tackle Yuto with all her strength if it made her feel embarrassed. "Alright Shay. Truth or dare?" Shay responded with dare as he saw Yuto paused, thinking of a way to phrase the response. "I dare kiss Twilight on the cheek." Everyone was in complete shock and then started to laugh. "Why would you dare him to do that?!" Twilight said in embarrassment. "Why do you guys torture me?" Lulu hugged Twilight to make her feel better.  "What are you thinking man?! I would...I mean...I can't..." Shay said, stuttering with a bit of a light pink showing on his cheeks. He just kept looking at his feet, staying silent. This wouldn't be too bad. Right? "It's just a quick kiss brother." Lulu said. "It's not going to be that bad." Lulu said. "It's not going to be that bad." Shay repeated to himself.

Shay sighed and quickly did the dare. Twilight sat there frozen, while the others started to laugh a little more. "That didn't last as long as I thought it was going to, but oh well." Yuto said, then shrugged. Twilight looked over at Yuto, lunging herself forward as he screamed in shock. Lulu and Moonlight started to laugh, as Shay just sighed. The little fight went on for a good hour, until Katherine came in and stopped it. She got everyone to calm down, settled in bed, and had them off to sleep as tomorrow was another day of school.

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