Chapter 5: 6 Years Later

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Screams, yelling, fighting, swords clashing could be heard all round as patrols from each side had started fighting for the territory. Bodies falling to the ground as blood spilled, people ran away from the fight, and some had even stayed to defend their land. Everyone was keeping an eye out for a soldier in particular. "They said a girl with a mix of dark and light brown hair, 2 different colored eyes, and a yellow streak in her hair is fighting in this battle. She's known as the most skilled warriors of the Nightfall's." One of the rookies said. He was wearing a dark red and blue uniform, signaling that he was a newly appointed soldier of the Stargazer's.

"Awww that's such a nice comment to say about me. Sadly, you won't be around to say more." A female voice spoke behind them. The soldiers froze in place as they realized who it was. Then, before they could even realize it, they both dropped to the ground as their lifeless bodies laid on the soft green grass that was now stained with the dark red color of their blood. "Stargazers like you deserve no mercy upon battle." She spoke angrily at their lifeless bodies. Twilight moved her long dark and light brown hair out of her face. "Pathetic mortals. You didn't even know what you were getting yourselves into." She stated as she walked away. The patrol leader called for a retreat on the Stargazer side. The Nightfall soldier yelled and cheered as the Stargazers fled the battlefield. "Nice work Twilight, your father will be proud to hear this report." A male with dark black hair, around her father's age, spoke to her as she walked up to him. "Thank Uncle. Though, I think father will be proud to hear that you fought like a true warrior." Twilight commented. His red eyes beamed with happiness towards his niece as the Nightfall patrol started to walk back to the camp of their people.

Everyone heard the news about the patrol fighting off the Stargazer soldiers. As they entered the front doors, everyone lined up in the streets, clapped their hands together, cheering, and congratulating on their victory. "Amazing work you guys!" Someone shouted. "Congratulations on your victory!" Another one shouted. Twilight kept on waving and smiling at her people as she was being led to her father's office towards the center of the camp. "She's going to make a great leader someday. I just know it!" A woman shouted aloud. The dark-haired male looked back to see his niece smiling and waving at the crowd as they walked by. He couldn't help but to chuckle a bit, catching Twilight's attention. "What's wrong uncle?" The girl asked. "Oh nothing. You just remind me of your father when he came back from his first fight as the new leader of this place." The male responded. Twilight rolled her eyes and laughed. "You guys are always comparing me to him." Twilight stated as they got into the heart of the camp. It was less busy since everyone was at the front of the camp walls. Twilight ran up beside her uncle as they continued to walk. "I'm my own person ya know." She added to her statement from before. The male chuckled slightly. "I know. I know. But you do resemble both your mother and father, if anything." He replied. "Your father said you might even be a better leader then he couldn't be." He then added. "No way." Twilight responded laughing. "Father is the best leader in history. He knows pretty much everything and anything about this place." Twilight said as they entered the building. "I could never be better than him." She added.

They approached the doors of the general's office after a few more minutes of walking. The senior soldiers bowed to the pair before they opened the door, letting them inside. "Twilight, Simon. I see you made back alive." The general said as he looked out the window. "Yes, father. We fought off the Stargazer patrol as you requested. I will send out more experienced soldiers for patrols before this happens again." Twilight announced proudly. Her father nodded and turned around, facing the pair. "It's good to see that my family is willing to stay alive through this hard...hard time." Twilight's father responded in a statement. Twilight smiled softly at him, ran up to him, giving him a hug. "Father, I wouldn't let them even try to kill me. I will fight with everything I have." Twilight replied as her father wrapped his arms around her. "That's good to hear Twi." Simon responded. "Now you guys have a lot to talk about. I'll be with Amelia to help with the apprentices. The general nodded and dismissed Simon from the office. As Simon left, Twilight's father led Twilight over to the window that he was previously looking out of. "Twilight, tell me what you see." Twilight blinked twice and looked out the window. "I see a window blocking my view of the outside world where I can see our people being happy and safe?" twilight said jokingly. Her father laughed and shook his head. "Haha, no that's not it." He replied. "I see a great army, great citizens of our family name, our kingdom." He corrected. "Kingdom? You never said anything about a kingdom." Twilight quickly stated.

"I never mentioned it because it wasn't the right time." Her father said, defending his statement. "Before you and your siblings were born, we used to live in a land called Ruintera. We ruled there until the year 1980." He told. "That's the year I was born." Twilight commented. Her father nodded and looked at the tree line that was just outside the walls of the camp. "Yes. But during the first couple weeks after your birth, we got told that the Stargazers were going to attack the kingdom because they found out that our eldest daughter had the 8 elements after 40 years. So, we packed the few things that we could carry and fled to Domino City, where we would be after Flame's evil cruelty." Her father spoke. "And look where that brought us." Twilight commented in a sassy tone of voice. She watched her father chuckle a bit before he sat back down at his desk. "Yes, and look what that brought us." He repeated. "But the good thing is that the people of Domino City don't even know what is happening outside of their city limits." Calros pointed out. "If they found out about us, they would try to kill us and use our powers for experiments." He told. "But the people think that our powers are special effects during events." Twilight stated. Carlos nodded and smiled at his daughter as she came around to the front of his desk. "And that's the best thing for them right now." Carlos pointed out. They talked for a bit longer before they both started heading home for the night.

As they got home, they were greeted by the rest of the family at the dinner table. Twilight and her father placed their things by the back door and walked over to the dining table to eat with their family. Everyone was joking around, having fun, and enjoying the food. After dinner was done, Twilight went up for a quick shower before heading to bed. Twilight walked into her room to her pet fox Azula sleeping in her pup bed. Twilight smiled before sitting in bed, laying down, and throwing the blankets over her before sleep took over.

"Twilight? Twilight. Twilight!" A young male called out to her. Twilight eyes shot open to see a boy with green and red layered hair stood over her. "Ugh...just a dream." Twilight muttered. The boy sat back down in the chair next to Twilight's bedside. Twilight rose from the pillow, threw the blankets off of her, and got up out of bed. "Are you ok? You've been off for the past few days." The teen boy asked. "Yes. Yuya. I'm alright. Just feeling home sick..." Twilight said trailing off as she walked over to her vanity. She grabbed her brush and started brushing her hair as she remembered what her ex-boyfriend had done to her. "Remind me again how you got here?" Yuya looked over at a young female that was also around his age. "Luna, be nice!" Yuya exclaimed. Twilight chuckled a bit and looked at the two teenagers through the reflection of the mirror. "It's fine Yuya. But to remind you. I was battling for my family's honor in a territorial fight." Twilight first spoke. "I was fighting with someone named Lightning Stargazer as the rest of my soldiers fought for our family. Unexpectedly, Lightning pulled a spell on me to where it then brought me here to Paradise City. That's when I met you two and you both took me in." Luna nodded and wrote it down in her notebook. "I still can't believe you had to be treated like that by such a jerk." Yuya stated, crossing his arms in anger. "I know, Yuya. But I'm over him and there is nothing more between me and him. He can fight me all he wants. I don't have feelings for him anymore and that's that." Twilight reassured him.

"Children, you're going to be late for classes at your Duel School." Yuya's mom called from the kitchen. "Coming mom!" Yuya shouted. Twilight packed up her things as Yuya and Luna left the room. But just outside her window, down by the central part of the city, someone was on a mission that would soon make an encounter that evening.

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