Chapter 4:Heartland City and Memories

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Months and months started flying by at Crystal Power Academy. Classes had come and went; the days flew by like the wind. Twilight had started to learn what Duel Monsters were with the help of her friends. Yuto, Shay, and Lulu started to teach her how to also XYZ summon. Twilight studied about what XYZ summoning was with the extra time she had in her classes. Eventually, she was placed into the dueling class with her friends. To everyone else, it was boring. To Twilight, it was the most interesting class she had all year.

It was Friday April 17th, 1987, and it was also the last few minutes of school for the day. Twilight was putting her books in her locker while her best friend Moonlight waited beside her. "So," Moonlight said, trying to start a conversation. "When are the others going to get here?" The girl finally asked. Twilight sighed as she kept her eyes on her locker, grabbing some books from her and placing them on the shelves inside the locker. "I don't know. You have to remember; they have an extra history class. We have a free period, so things are going to seem longer than earlier during the day." Moonlight nodded in agreement and looked through her history book. "What grade do you think you got on the history test?" Moonlight asked Twi. Twilight sighed then groaned. "Don't get me started on that Moonlight. I'm good at math, not history." Twilight replied in an annoyed tone. Moonlight giggled at her friend's response. She looked up from her history for a quick second to give Twilight a small pat on her shoulder before looking back down at her history book once more.

A few more minutes passed, and Yuto came by with the others to meet up with the girls at the lockers just as the bell rang to leave for the day. "You're a little more late than usual." Moonlight spoke as she read through her book. "Shay wasn't leaving the classroom until he finished the test." Lulu said with slight annoyance. Twilight gave out a tiny giggle towards the statement that was made. "That's not funny Twily!" Shay said as his face turned red. "It is a little bit, Shay. I mean, I've seen people go slower for taking a history test." Twilight stated as she continued to laugh. Yuto made a shocked expression and started slightly yelling at Twi for making the statement towards him. Shay started to slightly blush as Twilight continued to make the point towards Yuto. 'Damn, why does she have to be so damn cute?'  Shay thought to himself. Shay was so lost in his world that Lulu's voice broke his train of thought. "I know what we can do for the weekend. If it's alright with our teacher, we can bring them to our duels back home.  We've known them for a while now, so it's only fair if we bring them to Heartland City." Yuto gave a big smile of excitement and hugged Twilight in his arms. Moonlight and Katey started jumping up and down as they cheered in excitement. "That's an amazing idea. They'll love our city! Twilight can also get more practice with her XYZ summoning while they're there!" Twilight looked at Yuto with worry in her eyes. She didn't know what they're city even looked like, nor did she know what they're laws were.

Shay was both with and against the idea as he crossed his arms with a small angry expression. "I don't think that's a good idea. What if something goes wrong? She's never been to Heartland before. I'm pretty sure that she won't be safe there." Shay stated. He looked over to see Twilight giving off a small uncomfortable feeling from the expression on her face. "Oh, come on brother. At least let her see our city just this once. If it doesn't work out, I promise nothing is going to happen to her." Lulu pleaded. Shay sighed and finally agreed. Lulu and Yuto jumped with joy. Twilight and Moonlight smiled at each other and giggled at the excitement. During the night hours, Twilight was looking out her window. "Everything okay, darling?" Katherine said, as she opened Twilight's bedroom door. Twilight quickly looked over at her mother before lowering her head a bit. "I'm just worried about tomorrow mom. I know I should be excited to see my friend's home city. But I'm a little worried about the people there. Besides, I don't even know how we'll get there."

Katherine thought about it and gave a small smile. "I might have an idea. But I'll show you tomorrow." Twilight was curious about what her mother meant. But she didn't bother to ask as sleep took over her as she laid down on her bed.

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