Chapter 6:The XYZ Dragon Duelist

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The guardians did their daily patrol around the city. They wanted to find a way home, but also make sure that none of their enemies from their world followed them to Paradise City. Phoenix stopped to see a mysterious young boy hiding in a dark alleyway. He looked to be a teenage boy with black and purple hair toned hair. He also wore a dull green formal shirt and dark blue tie, as well as a black cape-like garment with ripped sleeves and edges plus dark blue pants and black boot-like shoes. He also wore a choker and wristbands, although his bands are a matching set—black with silver studs. He also wore goggles on his head but goggles, though his were more of a sharper shape and a more military style than Yuya's goggles. Phoenix shook her head and kept on patrolling. The mysterious boy didn't see the guardian at all during the whole five minutes that she observed him. He was trying to figure out something as he held an LD badge in his hand.

All the way back at You Show Duel School, all the kids were cleaning up before class. "Ah, refreshing." Yuya spoke. Twilight was just brushing her hair as she waited for everyone to finish. Trying to ignore everything, Sora broke her train of thought. "Sometimes I really wonder about you, Fredrick." He said confusingly. As Twilight finished brushing her hair, she started to braid it. "Ah Yuya, you think maybe we can head off now? I mean how long does it take to freshen up?" Twilight asked the boy. "A while longer." Yuya responded. "We've been here an hour!" Twilight shouted. Zuzu and Katey started to laugh, as Twilight got a bit annoyed with him. "I know it, Twilight. But the smell of success doesn't come off easily." Yuya replied, smiling. "You got that right. Cause this, is really starting to stink." Twilight stated before she walked out of the bathroom as she finished braiding her hair. After everyone finished, they started heading off to class for the day.

------TIME SKIP------

After a long day in class, Twilight stood against the wall looking at her phone, as she sighed. "I could really go for ice cream right now." Twi said. All the boys started to get excited about the ice cream idea, so Twilight took Allie and Zuzu to the ice cream place to get ice cream. It took them a while to get the ice cream and head home. "Do me a favor guys. The next time I have a craving for ice cream, remind me not to share it with everyone." Twilight sighed. Ally smiled and looked at her. "I'm more worried about sharing Fredrick's favorite flavor. Seriously, praline and currywurst?" Ally stated. Midnight laughed at the situation in which Twilight look behind her and growled under her breath. The girls stopped as they heard voices above them. Twilight saw that it was two of Sylvio's friends from the last time Yuya made contact with them. Twilight growled lowly under her breath once more as started to follow them, with Allie and Zuzu close behind. They eventually made it to the harbor, after a good while.

Midnight looked over at RedwolfGlitch as they followed everyone to the harbor. As they came around the corner of a warehouse, Midnight examined the situation from the beginning and their current moment. "Redwolf, I think this is a set up." Midnight finally spoke. "Why do you say that, Midnight?" The demon asked. "I thought about it. And I think this is a trap for Sylvio to lure Twilight from her friends, just so he can have her tell him where Yuya is." Midnight stated. Redwolf shrugged her shoulders as she agreed. "Wait, where's Twi?" Redwolf asked. When they looked down, they both saw Twilight standing in front of the warehouse, with Zuzu close behind. Curious to know what the girl was planning, they followed her in case of any trouble. The mysterious boy looked down with a shocked and wide eye look. "What are you doing here?" He muttered to himself. Inside the warehouse, Sylvio was about to eat his pie when Twi swung the warehouse door open. "Chew on this!" She yelled. Midnight was still new to this whole world and started to laugh when Twilight almost made Sylvio choke on his food. Redwolf sat on the metal bars above them, laughing continuously as it continued. "I heard what you were planning!" Twilight stated, as she walked further into the warehouse. "This whole thing about how you're looking to get some payback on Yuya. We'll, I'm not going to let you." Twilight stated once more. Sylvio coughed and felt a bit annoyed. "Can you at least let me eat my pie?" He said in a raspy tone. "Seriously Sylvio? You call that eating?" Zuzu asked. "Maybe you should try getting some in your mouth." Zuzu commented. "She has a point." One of the boy's replied. Twilight started to sigh as Sylvio made a dramatic way to throw a napkin after he cleaned his mouth. 'Man, this guy must be rich if he makes something THAT dramatic.'  Twilight thought to herself as she crossed her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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