September 28th

I had woken up the morning feeling lightheaded, I didn't get too much sleep last night. so I had gone back to sleep spent the entire day sleeping in the dark cave I'm supposed to call a bedroom, It was around 3 o' clock when I recalled my plans I had with Harry in an hour. I quickly rushed around to find an outfit I had yet to pick out. What do you where for just a friendly outing but you don't want to look super casual. Luckily in 15 minutes time of going my closet, clothes strewn about the bedroom, I finally found something to wear. I threw on a cream colored knit turtleneck and threw on a caramel brown corduroy overall button-up dress along with my wool socks and my favorite black loafers. I pulled out my roll of a clean white ribbon with yellow trim from my crafts bin and my fabric scissors cutting a little less than a meter off before I took the piece of ribbon, tying my hair up into a ponytail letting the excess ribbon hang ever so gracefully.I then began to apply some light makeup, all I really needed was some mascara, blush, and lip balm. This was just a friendly outing so I didn't feel there was any need to doll myself up too much.

4 o' clock rolled around as I gave myself one last look in the mirror. I feel feeling quite nervous. I heard the sound of a car horn honk twice coming from out front. That must be Harry. I peaked out the window of the living room to see him getting out of his car. I walked out of the house shutting the door behind me to greet him.

Harry stood there in a clean grey collared polo and khaki pants, leaned up against his pale blue Benz with his hand pushed down into his pants pocket and holding a white rose in his hand."Hello Dove.." He smiled. "Hello Harry.." I smiled back. "This is for you." He smiled. "It's beautiful, thank you." I replied before he opened the passenger side door of the car like a gentleman. I nodded as I stepped into the car sitting on the vinyl seat before he closed the door. He then walked over to the driver's side of the car getting in.

We drove a familiar route, I found it a bit unusual before I realized it was the route I usually take to get to work. It wasn't much of a surprise when I saw that Harry had pulled into mostly empty car park of the diner I was working part shifts for. "Oh." I spoke. "Oh?" He repeated, questionably. "No, I didn't mean it in a bad way. This is where I work." I spoke. "Ohh! Would you want to go somewhere else?" He asked. "No, no. It's okay. I actually prefer the food here anyway." I smiled. Harry pulled into a spot and we got out. He was a gentlemen opening my door for me. I thanked him and closed the door behind me.

As we were walking in, a small wave of dizziness hit me. Crap not this again.. I paused for a moment, Harry noticed. "Are you alright love?" He asked concerned. I took a deep breath trying to shake it before catching up next to him again. "Yes, I'm good!" I replied before Harry held the door to the diner open for me. We approached the hostess booth.

"Hi Dovey!" I was greeted with a big hug by my favorite hostess and waitress, Bernadette—Birdie. She was an older woman in her mid-60s, she styled her hair in a swift bob with the ends flip. She always smelled of ginger snaps and cinnamon and also wore bifocals. "Hi Bee!" I exclaimed. "I thought you worked tomorrow sweetheart?" She asked. "I do! I'm just here with a friend." I introduced her to Harry. "Nice to meet you, Birdie." He smiled shaking her hand. "What a gentlemen." Birdie replied. "Follow me!" She grabbed two menu booklets taking us to the cushy booth in the far corner. We had both order our beverages. I asked for a coke, he ordered a cup of dark roast and for our meals we both ordered fish and chips, well I just had chips.

Harry and I were eating when I felt another migraine coming on, this one feeling a little worse than before. Birdie just happened to be walking by, "Hey mumma, I'm sorry but when you get a chance, could you grab me an ice water please?" I asked. "Migraine dear?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll have that for you right away baby." She spoke before walking away. "Everything alright?" Harry asked me. "Yea, I'm just having a migraine day." I explained. "What's a migraine day?" He asked. "Oh it's just a day like this one randomly where I get random migraines out of no where. But it's nothing, usually I just drink some ice water and I'm fine." I said before pinching the bridge of my nose. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for this migraine to pass.. "Would you like for me to take you home then?" He asked. "No, god no. Please, I'm okay. Really." I replied. Birdie brought me my water. We each thanked her for our food and began a conversation. It was a kind of quiet meal minus the sounds of others in the diner talking. I was the type of person who didn't particularly like going out or eating out in public, my social anxiety topping all of the other disorders I had, had an affect on it.

Harry had kindly offered to pay the bill, I was just expecting him to take me home afterward but we continued to drive. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I wanna show you something." He replied.

We drove a couple miles out of town where there was nothing around but plain fields and empty barns. We pulled up to his hill where there was a tree that stood at the top. "Here we are." He turned off the car. I was a little anxious as he opened his door coming around to open mine. "You're not planning to kill me out here, are you?" He chuckled, "No,  no. C'mon." He said sticking out his hand. I took it as he pulled me out to middle of this field. "Ok. Now, stand right here." He said placing me on the brownish spot of grass. "Close your eyes and breathe." He said. "Is something supposed to happen?" He asked. "Yea, just wait for it. It's coming." I did as I was told, closed my eyes as stood at the top of the hill and just breathed. I heard the wind began to slightly pick up before I heard it blow onto my face and through my hair, it felt like it passing through my entire body. I gasped and giggled as it felt relief and calmness. I sighed as I opened my eyes. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded. "That felt good. Free almost." I said. "This is the spot I usually go when I just want to be alone or just need a quiet place to write." He spoke. "You write?" I asked. "Yes, songs actually. I've written a few, released a few.." He spoke. "I wanna hear one!" I told him. He pulled his phone from his coat pocket. "This was the first song I ever wrote." I stood next to him as he played this beautiful ballad that I seemed familiar, until I realized. "Woah, wait! This is you?! Sign Of The Times?" I was in a bit of shock. "Yea." He replied shyly. "I have this song in my playlists. I had never put a voice or name with a face!" I squealed. He laughed. "I'm sorry, this is just so cool!" I admitted, I couldn't believe it. I was out with a singer, none other than Harry Styles. I only knew about a quarter of his songs. He just stood there and chuckled. "Glad to know that the girl I'm out with likes my music." "Like would probably be a bit of an understatement." I giggled, I honestly couldn't stop blushing. This made me a bit more nervous. "Would you say you're starstruck right now?" He asked. "Absolutely!" I said. He chuckled again.

An hour passed, we were still out in that field, lying in the grass, talking, getting to know each other a bit. "So, what's something you like to do for fun?" He asked. "Well, I enjoying learning about the stars, sometimes sing, sometimes dance. But I'm mostly interested in seeing the stars. Something I've always wanted to do is just look through a telescope and look up at the stars. Maybe see a constellation like Ursa Major and Ursa Minor." I told him. "What about you?" I asked. "Well, I like writing music, I also enjoy touring. I have a show in a month if you'd like to come.." He said. "Really?" I asked. "Of course! I could get a pass for you and you can join me backstage, I'll introduce you to my band and my team." He explained. "Wow, that would be amazing!" I said looking over at him. I smiled at him as he smiled back at me.

We talked for what felt like hours until the sky grew darker and darker and clouds filled the sky. The back of my hand grazed his before I felt him begin to intertwine his fingers with mine. "You have such tiny hands." He said. I laughed. "I know they're quite small, aren't they?" I asked rhetorically. He looked at his watch that read, 9:00. "I should get you home." He said sitting up. "Nooo!" I whined sitting up. He laughed. "I was having fun." I spoke. "I was too.." He smiled, he looked at me for a moment moving one of the curls that framed my face behind my ear. I felt him place his hand on my cheek before he leaned in and kissed me. My first kiss. I pulled away as I felt a sense of shock and dizziness but the good kind. "Wow.." I spoke. "Everything alright?" He asked. "For my first kiss, that was more than alright." I smiled. He hummed before standing up, he helped me off the ground before we walked to the car for him to take me home.

Harry pulled up to the front of my parents' house. "I'd let you walk me up but knowing my parents, they'll ask questions." I said. "It's okay." He replied. "I had a good time tonight, thank you Harry.." I said. "Me too, anytime." He smiled as I opened the door to get out of the car grabbing my rose before closing the door.

"Goodnight Harry.."
"Goodnight darling.."

It made my skin tingle and my heart skip a beat. I couldn't help but blush.

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