October 5th

It was the next morning, I woke up laying in the same position as last night, I was pressed against Harry's chest. I was warm and so comfortable. I didn't want to move from this spot. I felt Harry stir awake from under me. "Are you awake.." He spoke, his voice all raspy. "Yes." I hummed smiling. I lifted my head facing him. He looked down at me. "Morning beautiful.." He smiled. "Morning.." I replied. "You sleep alright?" He asked running his fingers through my scalp. I closed my eyes humming as I rested my head back onto his chest. "Mhm, comfortably." I spoke. "Good, maybe you can stay the night more often.." He said, I just smiled blushing slightly. "Any plans for the day?" I asked him. "Nothing today. You?" He asked. "It's my day off, usually I lay in bed all day. What time is it?" He looked over to the bedside table at the alarm clock. "Almost 9..would you like to stay for breakfast? I can make pancakes." He asked. I was a little hesitant, still a bit self-conscious about eating in front of him. But I was quite hungry. "Sure." I replied sitting up. "M-m, just a couple more minutes.." He said pulling me back into his arms, I giggled as I laid back into his arms.

After about 10 minutes of laying there, Harry finally decided to get up to walk into the kitchen. I followed him as I sat at the island while he pulled out the ingredients, a pan, a spatula and turned on the stove. He made the pancake batter before pouring it on the pan. "You're quite the chef aren't you?" I asked. "Well, I did work in a bakery when I was about 16." He said. "Ohh, so not that far off." I said. "Nope. Just the basics." He replied.

Harry made quite the stack of pancakes, I only grabbed one. "You know you can have more if you want." He suggested. "It's okay, I'm not that hungry." I spoke. "What? Do you think I'm gonna call you a pig?" He joked. I was quiet as I looked down as I slowly stuck my fork into another piece avoiding eye contact. "Oh darling, I'm sorry.." He said. "It's okay, really." I spoke shrugging it off. I grew up where I used to eat a lot and not only did my parents but my brothers kind of made it hard for me to eat in front of others. It made me feel very self-conscious and insecure. He reached his hand over to mine. "Hey," I looked up at him. "you have nothing to worry about with me.." He said, it gave me some sort of comfort. I gave a small smile and I nodded in response before I continued to eat. He added another pancake to my plate. I looked up at him as he had a smile on his face. "What?" I asked. "You've got a little something.." He picked up the napkin as I could feel the stickiness of syrup being wiped from my dimple, I giggled. "Thanks.." I replied.

After we had breakfast, Harry offered to take me home. I didn't want to go home but I wasn't the one who would overstay my welcome.

Harry dropped me off and walked me to my front doorstep. "You didn't have to walk me to the door." I said. "I wanted to." He said smirking. "Well, thank you..for letting stay the night and for breakfast.." I thanked him. "Mhm. You're welcome to come over any time.." He spoke brushing my hair behind my hair, his hands held my cheeks. I looked up at him as he smiled down at me. "I will see you.." He spoke, I nodded as he leaned in to kiss me. I smiled kissing him before he pulled away. I felt my lips practically swell. "Bye.." He spoke. "Bye.." I replied.

I stood at my doorstep watching him walk away, he got into his car giving me a small wave goodbye. I couldn't help but smile thinking about him as he drove down to the end of the road.

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