    February 1st

This morning I woke up a little early to ride my bike to the grocers before heading over to Harry's and surprise him with a little birthday breakfast in bed. I still had the key to his flat from before I quietly walked in carrying the ingredients I needed. I quietly pulled out the pans, plates, bowls, and I turned on the stove as I softly hummed the melodic tune of Landslide by Fleetwood Mac while I made him a cup of coffee, a stack of pancakes, two hash brown patties, and two eggs cooked sunny side up.

I finished up breakfast cleaning up the pans, bowls, and everything else that I used before setting up the breakfast tray trying to make it look presentable before I carefully carried the tray down the hallway and into his room.

I quietly walked into the bedroom to see Harry was still asleep, he looked so peaceful. I rested the tray onto his night table before I gently sat down onto the bed next to him. I brushed my fingers gently through his hair before he woke up. He yawned as he slowly stretched before opening his eyes. "Well, good morning, sleepy head." I giggled. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. Happy Birthday, baby.." I lifted the tray from the night table before placing it over his lap. "Oh, darling. You made pancakes!" He smiled. "For two!" I chirped. I picked up the two forks I had on the tray before handing him one and we ate. He'd feed me a bite as I'd do the same for him. "These are delicious, darling!" He gushed. "I'm glad you liked them. I just looked up a recipe online. That was my first time making them actually." I said proudly. "Well, I guess that makes you a natural talent." He smiled. "Oh stop." I blushed.

After we finished breakfast I set the tray back onto the night table. "What's that?" He noticed the gift bag I had set on his dresser. "It's your birthday present." I told him. "Can I open it now?" He asked. "No, you may not. You'll have to wait until tonight." I said getting up from the bed. "What's going on tonight?" He asked me.
"We are meeting with your friends and your sister at Antonelli's for your birthday dinner." I said. He looked a little surprised. "What? You thought I was kidding when I said we were doing something for your birthday? I told you I wasn't gonna let you get away with doing something just for me." I giggled. "You're sneaky." He said before he grabbed my waist pulling me into bed. He began to kiss me and kiss my neck as I felt his hand tug on the waistband of my stretch pants. "No! Harry!" I giggled. "Can I least get one birthday present?" He begged. "Was breakfast in bed not good enough?" I asked. "Of course it was good, but I'm still hungry." He whined, I giggled. "Cheeky one, you are.."


"I think I'm having the best birthday ever." Harry breathed as he laid next to me, I let out a breathy giggle. "Don't worry, I'll clean up the mess I made." He smirked as he got out of bed walking towards the bathroom for a dampened cloth. "C'mere, let me clean you up.." He said, I sat up as scooted myself to the edge of the bed. I felt the cloth come in contact with my skin as I flinched away. "Sensitive?" He asked. "Mhm.." I nodded.  "Sorry, darling.." He apologized.

I got dressed back into my knickers and stretch pants before Harry spoke, "So what's the plan for today?" He asked. "We can do anything you want, baby. It's your day.." I said. "Anything, huh? You might as well take your pants off again, darling." He smirked. "You know that's not what I meant." I chuckled as I playfully slapped his chest. "I'm kidding, but maybe I could get more of you tonight?" He asked. I softly smiled and nodded.

Sarah and I had messaged back and forth throughout the day discussing a few last minute details for Harry's birthday dinner. Sarah had booked reservations, at a restaurant just a couple blocks down the road, Antonelli's.

Harry was getting ready to get in the shower before dinner when I snuck into the bathroom with one of my gifts for him. I stood behind him on my tippy toes as I covered his eyes. "What are you doing?" He chuckled. "I've got a little surprise for you, but you've gotta keep your eyes closed." I told him. "Okay, they're closed." He said before I removed my hands and pulled out a small box from my jumper's pouch placing it on the bathroom counter. "Alright, open your eyes." He looked down at the box on the countertop. "What's this?" He asked as he picked up the box facing me. "Open it!" I said eagerly. He had untied the small silver ribbon from the box before lifting the lid. Harry then carefully unfolded the tissue paper that covered the present. He looked down at the ring that I had picked out for him from the antiques shop outside town a few weeks ago. I noticed it back in December when Birdie and I were trying to find some new decor for the diner, we were also both trying to get in some Christmas shopping but the ring was £200. It was a vintage, gold-banded cocktail ring with his birthstone in it—Amethyst. It was a gorgeous statement ring. Among Harry's collection of rings most of them were very bold, elegant, and unique. It reminded me of him. Of course the ring wasn't cheap with the salary I was making on top of having to pay my parents rent and groceries on top of wanting to try and put money aside to save up for a flat of my own. But I couldn't stop thinking about it so I started saving up my tips and my paychecks from the diner to be able to afford the ring. It was going to be a just because gift but now knowing it was his birthday it was the perfect time to give it to him. "Happy Birthday.." I spoke. I smirk grew across his lips before he looked up at me. "Darling, is this from that antiques shop in Wrexham?" He asked. "It is, how'd you know?" I asked. "I went out there to look for some new rings before I left and I saw it in the rings tray. I almost bought it. I went out there to buy it yesterday but it was gone." He told me, "Well, now you have it." I smiled. "You didn't have to, it was a £200 ring.." He said. "I wanted to. It's your birthday present." I told him. "Dove.." He said. "No, don't. You're gonna make me feel bad." I told him. "Okay, okay." He said. "So, you like it?" I asked. "I love it. Thank you, baby." He smiled. "You're welcome." I grinned. "I'll wear it tonight." He said, I smiled as I watched him switch out his pearl ring with the one I bought him. "Fits perfectly." He smiled before he wrapped his arms around my waist as I brought my arms around his neck. "You're amazing, you know that right?" He asked. "I don't know." I shrugged. "Well, you are. Okay?" He brushed his nose against mine before he kissed me.

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