     November 1st
I woke up from my amazing night before to feeling disgusting. My nose was crusty and my throat felt like I had swallowed razor blades and my breathing, I sounded like that one toy, Wheezie. That penguin from Toy Story that was missing it's squeaker, which came along with a nasty cough. I then heard my phone begin to ring loudly. I slowly sat up, I groaned as my body felt achey as I was sweaty. I reached for my phone which was set on my night table and saw Harry's contact name had appeared on my screen. I clicked the green button to answer. "Hello.." My voice was so hoarse, I tried to clear my throat. "Did I wake you?" Harry's raspy voice spoke. "No, but I did just wake up though. I'm feeling a little under the weather." I began to cough harshly. "You're sick too?" He asked. "I think so.." I sighed. "I'm sorry, darling." He spoke. "You know..I could really use a cuddle right now." I told him. "Would you like me to come over?" He asked. "Could you?" I replied. "I'll be on my way." He spoke, I lightly smiled. I was grateful that my parents were out of town for the week, spending time at a couples resort for their 30th anniversary.

I waited 15 minutes before Harry had knocked at the front door, I weakly carried myself out of bed and down the hall to answer the door. When I opened it, I saw him standing there with a red nose as he carried one of those to-go drink trays, he took one look at me and gave me the look of sympathy. "Oh darling, you look all washed-out." He spoke. "I know..I feel horrible." I whined as a tear fell down my cheek. "I'm sorry.." He wiped my tear away as pressed his lips to my forehead. "Mm..you feel quite warm." He brought the back of his hand to my forehead, I groaned pulling his hand away. "I'm fine, Harry.." I said before I broke into another coughing fit. "No, you're not. You're burning up. Do you have a thermometer?" He asked, I sighed. "There's one in the loo." I replied. "Lead the way." Harry followed me to the washroom down the hall across from my bedroom. I opened the top drawer and grabbed it handing it to him. He set down the drink carrier onto the countertop. "Open." He spoke, I opened my mouth as he placed it under my tongue. He had me sit on top of the closed toilet lid as we waited for the thermometer to beep. When it did, Harry pulled it from my mouth as he read the temperature. "38.5" He sighed. "You need to lie down." I groaned as I stood up. "C'mon, love.." He said picking up the drink tray before pushing me out the bathroom as he followed me into my bedroom. I got into bed as he sat on the edge. He carried a plastic bag from the chemists. He had brought waters and some snacks, as well as a few remedies. Cough drops, vapor rub, and tissues. He had it all. "Wow, you really know how to prepare for a sick day." I chuckled. "Love, I've been traveling and singing for 12 years, sick with everything. You learn a lot over the years and know how to prepare yourself for these kinds of things. Here, I brought you a little something to help soothe your throat." Harry handed me the tall, warm paper cup. I could smell the familiar scents of lemon and citrus under my nose. "You got me a Medicine Ball?" I asked. No, not an actually medicine workout ball. It is Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea, Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea, hot water, steamed lemonade, and just a hint of honey. "I always called it a Sniffle Buster, but yes. How'd you know?" He asked. "I could smell the citrus and herbal tea." I spoke. "You have a good sense of smell. At least we know you still can." He chuckled as he picked up his cup bringing it to his lips. "Thank you." I said before take a sip, I could taste a hint of peppermint as my throat felt soothed by the warm tea. "Is that peppermint?" I asked. "Mhm. I asked for a pump of peppermint syrup for extra flavor. I hope you don't mind it." He asked. "Not at all, it actually tastes better with the peppermint." I took another sip. "Now, do you have a pair of socks?" He asked. "What for?" "The vapor rub." He spoke. "The vapor rub?" I was confused. "Yea, you rub it on your feet and you put socks on, it's supposed to help with the cough." He pulled my feet onto his lap as he opened the vapor rub and rubbed it onto the souls of my feet. My legs squirmed as my feet became sensitive to the touch. He chuckled, "So, you're ticklish. Noted." He spoke, I giggled. He saw the pair of bunched up socks on the floor as he put the pair of socks onto my feet. I scrunched my nose, as he chuckled. "That feels so weird." I said. "It does at first, but you get used to it." He spoke. "Is your drink alright?" He asked. "Mhm, it's actually soothing my throat." I nodded. "Good. You'll feel better in no time, darling.." He smiled, I lightly smiled back. "You have a nice room by the way." "Thanks." I replied. "Now about that cuddle.." I smirked, he chuckled as crawled into bed next to me. I moved over before I laid on top of his chest. He wrapped his arms around me as he hummed soft tunes as I felt him softly scratching my back. It was soothing, I didn't realized it'd make me fall asleep until it did.

It was maybe 45 minutes later that I felt my arm being nudged. "Darling?" Harry spoke. "Mm.." I mumbled. "I'm sorry to wake you, but you're pressing against my bladder and I need a wee.." He chuckled as I got off of him. "I'm sorry.." I said, "It's okay." He spoke as he kissed the top of my head before rushing to the loo.

He came back, I turned to lie on my back. "It's your turn for a cuddle." I told him as he smiled and crawled onto my bed resting his head on my chest. I brought my hand up running my fingers through his hair. "That feels nice, darling.." He hummed. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. "A little. But what about you? I didn't ask how you were feeling. I'm sorry sweetheart.." I spoke as I continued to brush my fingers through his hair. "It's okay, peanut..don't worry about it. I'm alright." He spoke, I lightly giggled as I blushed. He gave me my own nickname. "Well, the next time you get sick, I'll take care of you." I told him. "Oh will you now?" He asked. "With you as my caretaker, I've learned a bit.." I smiled. I noticed something falling at the window from the corner of my eye before I turned my head. It had begun to snow. I lightly gasped, "Harry look! It's snowing!" I chimed, Harry lifted his head from my chest as he looked over at the window. I wiggled my way out from under him before I got up to run out of my bedroom to go put on my coat and boots. "C'mon, Harry!" I cheered. "Darling, where are you going?" He asked. "Out in the snow! C'mon!" I chirped as I put on my boots by the doormat before quickly throwing on my overcoat. I went to open the door as I heard Harry's footsteps coming down the hallway. "Dove, wait a minute!" I paused. "Please, Harry? I wanna go outside, I love snow!" I begged, he chuckled before grabbing his coat. "Alright, alright. But you're putting on my scarf." He said pulling his red, knit scarf from the coatrack and putting it on me. He then put on his shoes and coat before I ran outside like a little kid. I stood on the pavements of the walkway with my arms out looking up at the sky as the snow fell. I took in that moment, remembering my life as a child and the first snow fall of the season each year. How I'd make snow angels, have snow ball fights with the neighbors, and make my own snowman before my brothers and their friends would knock it down. I sighed as I let my arms fall to my sides. "Are you alright, Dove?" Harry asked, I turned to face him. "Mhm." I nodded as I smiled softly. He smiled back at me before he walked up to me, his face now an inch from mine. He brought his fingers up underneath my chin as he slightly brought my chin up to meet my lips with his as he kissed my lips. I closed my eyes as I felt his hands on my cheeks as he continued to kiss me underneath the snowfall. He pulled his lips away from mine, the taste of him stayed on my lips. The taste of honey and peppermint, I softly sucked on my bottom lip tasting it. I smiled at him as he smiled back at me softly pinching at my cheek. I giggled as I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his around me resting his chin on the top of my head as we stood looking at small flurries as fell from the sky sticking to the grass.

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